Scam artist CCRevolution says Xtrabytes will be #1 blockchain within hours of launch


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Sup dutchfag. They've been building a code agnostic 51% attack proof quantum resistant eco-friendly blockchain from scratch and capable of 10k TPS.

Go fuck yourself you piece of shit liar.


>muh vitamin salesman
still using that one, huh?

aside from the fact that XFUEL runs on PoSign, that they've managed to get two HP veterans to quit their comfy 6-figure jobs to act as their CEO and COO (inb4 your muh printer salesmen bullshit), that they just finished submitting 4 patents to the lawyer's office with 4 more to come, and that they've been growing during this entire bear market...

you're the same faggot who said they were a scam last year when they were just getting started. you're the same fag who said they would never register as a business. the same one who got banned for using 20 reddit alts. the same one who spammed the same threatening message on the discord for an hour straight about putting an assassination on CCR (how's that going btw?)

seriously, go fuck yourself you sad, desperate motherfucker

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patents extended time and time again
no node has earned anything yet
no code
printer salesmen touted as executives
cult like community
ccr verified vitamin/homeopathy salesman
two hp printer gurus are just ccr friends in real life
delisted from numerous exchanges

what in the world are you ranting about?

>quit 6-figure jobs to become millionaire scammers
HP literally the company who invented printer ink scam

do you actually believe it is hard to make a patent ?
look how many patents IBM makes a year, people who literally have no idea how computers work make patents

>same faggot
it's just you who is still the same faggot

you're a joke

hey look, now the faggot is posting from VPN

there was never once a patent deadline.

there are frequent github commits

he actually used "muh printer salesmen" when he knows damn well that the CEO was the former national accounts manager for HP Canada and the COO their commercial graphics divisional manager. both have programming/engineering backgrounds and are a great fit for leading the company.

>delisted from C-CEX and Yobit
oh no. we're fucked now, huh? they have been working quietly and under the radar. their plan is not to start pushing to get into bigger exchanges until mainnet, which you also know damn well.

dont you have anything else to live for in life? why are you so obsessed with hating XBY? why did you put death threats on the guy you laugh off as muh vitamin salesman?

your lies will only become more and more irrelevant.

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absolute cancer. you're losing the battle.

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hahahha this trash is still going? imagine the dog shit tier of investors and pajeets that are true believers of this

holy shit delisted from yobit? that is almost the worst exchange on earth I never thought they actually delisted anything, i always feel yobit is a crypto graveyard where the same crew rolls out tons of yobit only coins and crashes them as fast as possible to drain any suckers funds. Does anyone real actually still use yobit to trade?

no amount of VPNs you use will make you any less obvious. you've gone on long enough here. it's time you get called out for who you really are.

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Go fuckk yourself idiot

yobit wouldn't update their wallets, so xby personally delisted themselves from the exchange for being too unreliable

XTRABYTES is a genuine project

stopped reading at ilikeponies

>stopped reading at the point where i saw one of the 20 accounts that i made to spread the same exact lies because im a sad goatfucker

XBY was one of the first alts I ever looked into when I was getting into crypto. I realized it was a scam within about 10 minutes of research.

Damn, I feel bad for all the little FUD fuckers that hate their lives because they sold XTRABYTES for 10 sats last year because they thought 10x winnings were enough. How did you feel earlier this year when XBY reached 5000 sats? Hahahah. It must hurt seeing that XTRABYTES is on the path to success and you will never be able to buy it for 10 sats again. Poor fuckers :D

sage goes in all fields bro, go see a shrink

Nice pajeet formation

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no way of refuting the points ive made so you resort to more childish insults? ok, if you insist..

elaborate. it's still up 4x from where it was last year. the same cannot be said for the vast majority of cryptocurrencies..

The whole market looks like the chart you posted. Duhhhhhh.

>sage goes in all fields
>one fiels says "goes in all fields"

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try to put it in all fields and tell me what happened

Not sure but from what I remember XBY looked kinda shady. I'd be carefull touching this coin as it does have a scam history.

Lets wait till open source tech. Till then arguing is pointless.

lol, a bunch of anons are trying to make user see the light about how much of a fucking scam this shit is and he just keeps believing, what a fucking retard.


dude, why don't you buy some verge too.

BEST PRIVACYCOIN!!!! you'll fit in with their retarded communitiy.

I remember a year ago when I was looking into XBY. there was no technical whitepaper on the site. just a bunch of text, no technicals. nice promises.

I went to look for a technical whitepaper for all their nice promises.

they said they were working on the technical whitepaper and will release it soon.

I didnt invest because the whole site smelled like scam.

fast forward to today.

the site is completely renewed. the old nice promises whitepaper has been removed, no technical whitepaper to be found, no more whitepaper at all now.

i can't believe how people fall for this.

The borzalom got scammed, takes over the sam project and scams a bunch of others.

thats all this is.

I held xby during the bull run but ended up selling to go all in on LINK.

The way I see it, it can go two ways.
1. XBY is a scam, is too good to be true, never comes to fruition, etc etc.
2. XBY fulfills all the promises and becomes even bigger than ETH overnight.

Option 2 seems very fucking unlikely considering they have no whitepaper, no code, and are doing things that getting patents (no other crypto project does this - why are they? seems odd) blah blah.

That being said, it's only 2 cents now. So you could amass a decent stack with just a few dollars. If it did become the #1 blockchain overnight it would be the #2 coin in front of ethereum lol. Let's say XBY reaches the marketcap of Ethereum. That would make 1 XBY = $5. So the risk is pretty high but the reward is also very high. I wouldn't put more than a hundred dollars in, personally, and that hundred dollars would be better put in LINK anyway.

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>I wouldn't put more than a hundred dollars in,
the reasons scams are still being built is because of this.

"Oh can't hurt to throw in a few hundred dollars in this probable scam. if it moons i make it big!"

if only a few hundred idiots do this then the scam will have paid off.

No real anons shill in threads like this.
Anyone dumb enough to actually buy this shit wouldn't be able to type.

Good point, although just because scams are built on this logic doesn't mean that the logic of my reasoning is bad.

hmm yeah I just dont want any new Jow Forumsnessmen getting suckered into this.

Once you come here long enough you can spot the shill threads but. yeah.