How come the US and Canada are so much more interesting than the rest of the Americas combined?

How come the US and Canada are so much more interesting than the rest of the Americas combined?

Culturally, historically, economically, etc. people are more drawn to the US and Canada than the rest of the America’s

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They're more developed. The rest of the Americas are basically former exploitation colonies (including British ones like Guyana and Belize) still developing. And the exception is the USA. I don't think foreigners are more drawn to Canada than Mexico.

Literally who?

Lol people don't give a fuck to Canada, just usa.

White people live there / thread

>North American history
Economic prosperity ≠ interesting history/culture

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People find US history more interesting than Latin America

We are one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world (half of tourists are probably mexicans that come from the usa but whatever lol)

The US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand were all colonies and they became successful

culturally? what fucking culture? rock "music"? rap "music"?
USA is a factory of shit since always. USSR and North Korea are fully right by not allowing their people to be exposed to suchutter garbage.

Not really. If you like ancient history Mexico is way better


Why do you think you know English? American culture is default culture for the world

Ancient unorganized tribal formations aren’t interesting to most people

Most Europeans find the US more interesting

I find it boring, but I was talking more about Canada. What have they really done besides not being a shithole and fighting in the UK's wars?

Mind you, I'm not implying my island's history is any more interesting, but it also makes for a great example proving my point. We have one of the most prosperous economy in the Americas (despite the crisis) and still have the most competitive economy in Latin America, that doesn't make our island's history very interesting, does it? Much less the culture, we have largely abandoned our own traditional culture and are basically cultureless compared to other Latin American countries.

I find it hard to believe anyone would find the history of say

Mexico or Peru

More interesting than the US.

Ummm what are some popular destinations on the usa history related?
I think places like Teotihuacán could be more popular, or places like Tulúm that are in a 30 minute drive from Cancún more interesting

Well, there are people who think that. Some of us have more respect for a extending history that predates the columbian era and is one of the few nations in the Americas that isn't largely artificial. You don't have to like the modern countries to reach that conclusion, just like with Iran and most of the middle eastern countries.

Economy attracts people, people bring culture, culture attracts interest

don't come.

>Ummm what are some popular destinations on the usa history related?

All of Washington DC

Mexico and Peru are colonial creations too.

>One of the few nations in the Americas that isn't *largely* artificial.
Sure, I'll grant you that most of Mexico is an colonial creation and most of the modern territory encompass territories that were never under aztec's hold, but they still uphold their native heritage, it's more of a case of the government and the citizens in Mexico City going "WE" over the aztec heritage and branding the entire country as such, it also helps that the capital of the Viceroyalty and the most advanced native civilization in the modern territory could be used as a symbolic representation over the resistance against the Spanish conquest.

The peruvians, on the other hand, mostly encompass territories that truly were under control in the Incan Empire and are actually mostly of Amerindian descent, still practicing and upholding a lot of their tradition that still even seems sorta alien to most of us latinos to this day. Sure, the nation is called "Peru", the colonial name given by the spanish, but that was largely given by the criollos elite who gave the nation independence and were trying to emulate western nations not long after.

Canada is one of the top immigration destinations. No one gives a shit about Mexico

the state of burger education

you can say that about almost any countrys capital cities

White people live here as well, you dumb turk.

US what?

>cities (NYC, LA, Chicago, Miami, Boston, San Francisco,etc)
>people (multi ethnic country where you can find everything)
>global influence
>music (birthplace of rock, blues, rap, hip hop)
>famous people from all fields
>artists from all over world migrate there
>cinema (Hollywood)
>best universities
>most technologically advanced country in the world

How can Latin America compete against that? Of course people are more interested in American culture.


These are not colonies oriented towards the exploitation of land, specially the USA.

>American culture is default culture for the world
Don't you think you're going a little too far?

Well, seeing that the USA was a rapidly developing society since its colonial era, and that it sucessively became a global power, a superpower and then the sole superpower in the world, it's natural your history will draw more attention than Mexico or Peru.

Isn't it weird that those are literally the only 4 ex-colonies that became better than the European mother country?

Maybe Singapore and the UAE can be included. I dunno.

At least you came close

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I wish we could give California to Latin America.

>American culture is default culture for the world
no wonder people hate us so much

now that is be a cuck

No, we don't want utter garbage like that.
California should sink into the bottom of the Pacific.