Best friend is asian

>best friend is asian
>he's always been the shy and introverted type
>no gf but not really incel
>play vidya together
>pure comfy
> recently he's been showing me extremely pro-China propaganda videos
>will literally show me videos and reddit posts on how bad and evil "the west" is
>mfw we were watching a couple "sexpats" as he calls them in China, when one of them assaulted a chinese girl and he got mad and sperged out racist terms about white people

He apologised and i didn't let it bother me because we're besties but man... any ideas on how to de-radicalize him?

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Other urls found in this thread:

You're not white, you're swarthy

Your friend sounds based and redpilled.

He feels insecure towards white people and this is his way of coping

>> recently he's been showing me extremely pro-China propaganda videos

Attached: based Xi.gif (352x240, 458K)

show him this video

He's gay for you OP and he's repressing it. You need to help him release the gay,it's for his own good.

he is based
youre the one needs deradicalizing

Let him fuck you in ass so he can have sex.


no but seriously, why don't you take him out and get him a nice swedoid gf?

No. He's based and you're white trash

Based, direct him to Finland


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You're friend sounds based and you sound like a cum eating cuck

Time to molest and rape him user.

Fuck off westoid scum. Hong Kong will burn.

>being this underage

tell him to go back to r/MongoloidCJ

He based

go to a bar and hook him up,he NEEDS to get laid

you know what you must do

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he sounds based as fuck

I have a friend that went hard into conspiracy theories and is pro stalin, I just avoid conversations about politics with him. not sure if anything I say or do could persuade him

To further explain he's 24 and i'm 22. We live in a 90% swedish area. Not poorfags,

>any ideas on how to de-radicalize him?
have sex, unironically. It actually work.

is he vietnamese? why is an asian guy living in Sweden in the first place?

Asian people immigrate to everywhere you know...

There's no reason not to be pro-china tho.

>Someone says something about Asians
>Canadian flag shows up

>extremely pro-china
Choose one

parents could be restaurant owners

He is fully chinese, both parents.

just let him have sex,it has %80 chance of fixing him

slowly fuck his ass in his sleep. just never let him know. fuck ch*nk btw

he is based
you are a cringe wh*Toid

I don't know what OP's friend is like but it might be easier said than done

Attached: Asian guy in Sweden.jpg (891x2379, 219K)

>le chink diaspora meme
I've never met an ABC (or even a legit mainland immigrant) that supports mainland China. Stop spreading sinophobia just so you can "win" more arguments on Reddit.

he needs to have sex unironically

then he should inject HRT to turn him gay and fuck him

Hello r/asianmasculinity

Why do virgin freaks love nationalism so much?

not everyone is a chinese
take your meds schizo

the 2nd picture looks meh, but other than that he should have no problem getting pussy no matter which country

>using terms like ABC and expecting everyone to know what that means
You're not fooling me :^)

Show him your dick. When he sees that yours is just as tiny as his he will feel a lot better.

Where I live in NY we've got a huge Chinese diaspora. They set up this mural supporting the HK protests, and it gets repeatedly defaced by masses of pro-PRC pictures and messages.
The PRC has basically brainwashed vast portions of the diaspora community. The only media they consume is state-controlled Chinese media. They barely assimilate so the only people they talk to are PRC-supporting Chinese. It's a real phenomenon. No need to pretend like they're not red drones.

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lmao what does a saudi subhuman even know about this ?

Make him into a girl.

Is chinese propaganda as ridiculous as the US?
I don't think it is possible to top the "1 million people in camps" lie.

It's probably students from the mainland. They tend to be very nationalist. I used to tutor them.

Lmao this post reminds me of a mate who is going to Sweden next year and found out that there are non-swedes there.

>how to de-radicalize him?
re-education camps, easy peasy

I doubt many of the elites with 4 wives are blowing themselves up in our cunts.

Have sex

what the hell are you talking about ?

This is why I prefer to hangout with taiwanese people, they tend to have more common sense

>PRC magically brainwashes people in a country it doesn't control.
>24/7 exposure to the biased and frankly patronising bullshit of American media isn't brainwashing.
Americas own one sided media narratives are what's causing the radical reactions. You have no one but yourselves to blame.

We are the source of freedom in the world so we get to say what is and is not acceptable. If you don't like it leave. Fucking leftoid.

At least in American media they will criticise their own government. Chinese media will never ever do the same.

>Should we bomb iran now or later?
Oh wow what a diverse array of opinions our media provides us with.

every radical grows out of radicalism. if he doesn't, he might have political rabies

Ehhh yeah, you end up with those, sure. They certainly aren't allowed to protest.
But it's not only them. Walk into any restaurant in Chinatown and what do you see on the TV? Xinhua. Every time. Because it's all the older generation who came over and never assimilated. It's understandable, but their opinions have calcified, and they're just drones at this point.

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Your average Jow Forums user is 25 and makes six figures annually. I don't think they are growing out of it.

>Your average Jow Forums user is 25 and makes six figures annually
Ah yes, sounds believable

once a bugman chink is brainwashed, there's no going back.

>six figures

Except fucking fox news ran segments where they said they shouldn't bomb Iran. So nice non-argument kiddo.

>Muh China
The last time Reddit was this hyped up over shit they framed some random dude for the Boston bombing. Can't wait to see what happens with all this Hong Kong hysteria.

US media, even the media directly put out by the USG like VOA, is never as directly and forthrightly uncritical and supportive of the government and its policies as you see in Chinese state-controlled media. The most rabid elements of US media are politically partisan and will always turn on an administration they don't agree with. The difference in treatment between the last admin and this one being a good example.

It's not even sane to seriously compare the two. But it would be clever if you were trying, in bad faith, to shoot for a charge of relativism.

Chineses abroad have no problem saying the party has problems and should improve.
But when a westerner tells them "one party state bad, civil war now", surprise, they don't approve.

have you tried discussing his turn towards "getting mad at shit on the internet and letting it control your life"? also you should accept that the west does a lot of "evil" but that china also does, and ask him if he's not just playing race teams

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the US is just much better than the chinese at manipulation and propaganda, which is why the chinese is run by the party while the US is run by the deep state

t. chink

tell him about all the things chinks do, like genociding uyghurs, tiananmen square, that dog festival, etc. If he doesn't give a shit, then he's a lost cause, tell him to fuck off to china to see how it lives under commie totalitarian state.

Nationalism does that just look at pol

Most of that is just general chink culture tho.

You're the one that should be de-radicalized, now praise Xi and accept your fate

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>tell him about an event that happened 30 years ago
>telm him about a genocide that doesn't even have actual evidence
>inb4 muh concentration camps
>tell him about a festival that 90% of the population doesn't participate in
>tell him to fuck off to china to see how it lives under commie totalitarian state.
I think the average Chinese lives a better life than the average russian

Can't dude, being a political radical feels too good.
t. former Jow Forumsack

>diaspora nationalist
every time....

the chinese person might be happier or more content with life, but i think russians have it much better.
Also the "deep state" is such an elegant solution to a nonexistant problem.

You need to go to r/hongkong dude.


>>tell him about an event that happened 30 years ago
it's not about how it happened, it's about how officials are still butthurt about it and can't admit they've been wrong

>>telm him about a genocide that doesn't even have actual evidence
>countless vitnesses and victims
>hurr durr no actual evidence durrr

>>tell him about a festival that 90% of the population doesn't participate in
again, it's about neither officials nor other people doing anything about it

>I think the average Chinese lives a better life than the average russian
Yeah no, russia is a shithole, but at least you won't dissapear if you shittalk the govenment, you'll just get a jail centence if you're REALLY unlucky and our internet is more or less free, tho the government is trying hard to make it similliar to chineses but they're way to pants on head retarded to do that. Like the time they tried to block telegram and it still works after what, a year and a half after that bill, and the guy, that pushed that bill, when was asked about telegram, just said

Imagine caring about Muslims.

We live in the us too dude. The 1% of the population we are now is only gonna go up. Gonna import my wife from the middle east and raise a lot of kids here, home in america

>not realising that they'd do the same kind of shit to anyone who has no one to protects them, no matter if it's a muslim or a buddhist

I don't know man if a bunch of armed students started attacking police officers they'll have to face death

>>countless vitnesses and victims
>>hurr durr no actual evidence durrr
Even though the Xianjiang region has been nothing but improving... also Xianjiang is a region known to have countless terrorist attacks

>again, it's about neither officials nor other people doing anything about it
What the fuck are they going to do about? Majority of people don't participate in it and they aren't harming people.

>Yeah no, russia is a shithole, but at least you won't dissapear
Do you think anyone who says "china bad" in China will disappear? Do you know how many people visit china each year and the population of China?

America should kill all Muslims

>What the fuck are they going to do about?
You get a jail centence in civilized countries for animal abuse because it's immoral as fuck and this is what literall serial killer do.

>Do you think anyone who says "china bad" in China will disappear?

they won't and we'll still be here

why would a mexican hate muslims, we don't even think about you guys.

Literally me but I don't have any friends to show my patriotic chinese videos to and I'm also only half asian

Become muslim and beat his ass.

>You get a jail centence in civilized countries for animal abuse because it's immoral as fuck and this is what literall serial killer do.
No you fucking don't
Most western countries don't have laws about eating pet animals.

Woah one person out of 1.4 billion and 100 million tourists!!

>they won't and we'll still be here
Never say never

Don't understand why.
muslim immigrants are like Indian immigrants and jews. We keep to ourselves when possible and do things within our own community. If our religious buildings didn't have minarets, no one would know we're here.

take him to ikea and leave him there while you escape out the sides.
chink would be so fascinated by the cheaper than chink shit of comparable quality that he will commit suicide by eating swedish meatballs until he overdoses on overexposure of blandom.