Admit it user, the only reason you hate macs is because you're a poorfag

admit it user, the only reason you hate macs is because you're a poorfag

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I hate macs because they’ve become glorified iPads with no possible way to upgrade or repair yourself.

I own a windows desktop PC I built myself and a macbook pro I bought and windows is better in every way. They make mac so simple for retard users that you lose out on functionality and can't use logic to find the thing you want. It works well enough for simple uses but I will never buy a mac again.

>no possible way to upgrade or repair yourself.
Macs are the most serviceable laptop on the market
>Too dumb to use the user interface
Yeah I'm sure it's the mac that's the problem, poorfag

> calls other people poorfags
> posts pic of an outdated poorfag Mac

I hate them because normies buy them. I hate them because there is no real argument for buying them. I hate them because they are really overpriced, YES, DESPITE THE GOOD HARDWARE THEY'RE STILL OVERPRICED. I hate them because the fact that "Mac OS" is supposed to be a "stable system" is just a retarded excuse - you people act as if Windows is constantly at the danger of imploding. Mac OS is made for retarded normies that don't even know what to do with a computer besides opening Office applications and checking their emails.

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no, I only use a librebooted thinkpad since it won't spy on me like apple or microsoft

And it's a fucking macbook air

I've never used one extensively. How do they not have a right mouse button??

>librebooted thinkpad
somebody has taste

>He doesn't know how to right click

my gpu alone cost $800. fuck off

Dude, I repair tech for a living and you cannot upgrade the ram for God’s sake, good luck replacing the LCD if it gets cracked.

What's the point of buying a mac? If you have 2k to buy a computer, I'd spend it on some gamming rig, not an overpriced fag seal that can't run anything.

typical poorfag response

The OS rankings go like this:

Linux/GNU distro > Mac > Windows.

anyone who doesn't agree is retarded.

>hate macs
Wait, people actually do this?
Imagine holding such a strong negative emotion towards something that you're not compelled to purchase and doens't affect you in any way whatsoever
hahahahaha fucking autists, kys every single one of you

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sure a gaming pc is needed, but if you need a portable laptop too (and are a dev) go mac

>mac better than windows

Right, the most restrictive OS in the fucking world is better than windows.

You don't value freedom, do you?

Want more storage space? Well FUCK YOU! You should have paid that extra $500 for +256GB of non-removable SSD.

>most restrictive OS
Brainlet detected. You have about as much freedom in mac OS as you do in Windows, slightly more actually because you have access to a proper *nix CLI toolset (none of that broken WSL emulated syscall crap on Windows 10)

>Linux/GNU distro > Mac
there isn't a desktop environment on earth that can hold a candle to Mac OS. Once you add a package manager it has the same functionality as a linux distro
>doesn't know how to use the UI
>blames the OS
lol bye dumb poorfag

>he thinks they're worth the premium price because of brand name

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nobody has said anything about branding yet poorfag

I'm buying new laptop this month and it definitely will not be Mac.

Macs are for retards to fool them into thinking that they are pro. That's how they make monies.

>calls everybody poor flag
>has MacBook Air

>claims to be a hardware technician
>doesn't know how to remove a solid state drive

you can not be a poorfag and still not want to buy overpriced extra $1000 for a Mac vs. a $200 Thinkpad that can boot Windows or Linux is silly...if $1000 really means nothing to you I would argue that you aren't just not a poorfag but are specifically a richfag

i can boot Windows and Linux on Mac fucking idiot

Take this shit back to Jow Forums you stupid pajeet

Same reason I wouldn't squander my money in a fucking lambo like a new rich hick even if I had 300 gorillions, with the difference that a lambo is actually cool while with computers you can get the same performance and even greater compatibility out of cheaper hardware.

>same performance and even greater compatibility
uh, no. wrong.

Why you lie on the internet user? Are you really that bored?

I have an iMac that i use as my everyday computer.
But i do need to use my windows laptop quite a lot for files and shit like that which is quite annoying but i deffo think iOS is better than windows

>Macs are the most serviceable laptop on the market
t.never been inside any laptop ever
watch this linus dick tips vidya to see just how retarded you are

my only issue with Mac is you have zero freedom and it cant play games. It's for brain dead women. If you really want Mac OS you can just make a custom PC and turn it into a hackentosh instead of forking out thousands for an iMac with shitty parts. Actual Mac products are something you buy for female relatives only.

Poorfags who never used mac/linux just repeat the same shit they read online. You can customize almost everything, the problem is that most of the PCmasterrace fags can't even edit a couple of lines in the editor.
Linux is a viable option for dev, but it is not as pretty and apps aren't as good looking as on mac. If you spend 10hrs/day coding, little things become very important.

If you use your laptop only to browse web and post on social then yeah, if you work on your laptop then mac is one of the best options out there.

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I used to be an edgy anti-Apple teen, but at 24, I admit that they're pretty good computers for the average user. Over 4 years, it has crashed on me maybe 5 times, and the battery is still going strong. The track pad is the greatest of all time. I plan on buying another one at some point.

Macbook master race checking in.

Can confirm, mac haters are just poor

I only bought one for business reasons and because I'm too lazy to learn Linux.

>if you work on your laptop then mac is one of the best options out there.

Not with the fragile ass cables and overheating problems. Macs are just for posers.

posting from my macbook pro, comfy thread

The best part about Apple is how they charge a premium for slave labor foxcon garbage and yet apple customers still get a feeling for moral superiority.

There seem to be a bunch of pro macfags itt so enlighten someone that occasionally has to use a mac for work. I'm not committed to looking up how to customize it since it's only incidentally but there are some annoying things that if they get resolved I might be pleasantly surprised.
You state everything is configurable, so: How do I get the return key to open a file rather than rename it in finder? How do I get the finder to sync where it's at in the tree, instead of just showing retarded shit at root level? How do I get a button to go up one folder in the finder? How do I make safari always show the actual URL instead of the easiest fucking way to get jebaited by phishing sites? Is there a way for an application to snap to the right side of the screen covering half of the entire screen like in windows when you move it all the way to the right?
Also, how the fuck can you live with yourself using that horrible keyboard voluntarily, even my shitty $5 keyboard from 10 years ago is more comfy.