How much money do you need to cure depression?

How much money do you need to cure depression?

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topkek senpai

enough to be able to not work, whatever that number is, but not too much to where you don't need to have to have any engagement with the outside world. and you have to want to not be depressed at the end of the day. that last one is the hardest.

around there

Not having to work a single day in your life might cure a bit of depression.

Take niacin and Vitamin C.

I would say that required to pay medicines and a capable doctor that will help your health.

120 dollars in freedomland

it's impossible sorry op

Enough to not work, buy a personal trainer, and buy a personal chef. Remove all excuses for not taking care of yourself.

Enough to stop working and manage to fuck at least 3 good hookers per week

However much it takes to find a purpose. That's the only thing that'll get you out of it.

Most depressed people I meet have absolutely no exercise routine and eat shitty food, and then they wonder why they need to go to Dr. Shekelstein for some Prozac. If you just exercise 10-15 minutes every morning before work you'd feel amazing the whole rest of the day.


i need a chinese woman to wash me too

inb4 >just eat healthy and go out bro lmao
kill yourselves you fucking retards

Ask Philip Seymour Hoffman & Heath Ledger

I've heard $75,000 annually.

In my case, 500 bucks.

I need about tree fiddy.

Hey user. I've been depressed all my life. I'm pretty sure I had childhood depression too even tho my parents did a great job, it was just me.

I'm 25 and I can finally say I'm cured without the use of pills or doctors. What I did is that I focused on fixing myself from within. I went through the spirituality (spirituality, not religion) route and lots of meditation.

Doing that I was able to fully get over me thinking I was born into the wrong body and on top of that I am no longer depressed.

My advice is to meditate everyday, don't stop. A time will come when you start craving the mediation time. (Kinda like when you force yourself to eat healthy. at first you hate it but after a while your body craves healthy food) after a while of daily meditation your body will start craving healthy food and exercise on its own which will make it easier for you to do it since you'll feel the need to.

basically meditate, eat healthy, exercise and keep your mind active (try to always learn something new) That's my advice. hope it helps you user.

Having the security of never having to work again if you don't want to would definitely help. Regular vacations where you screw foreign thots would also help. But this doesn't really satisfy your purpose in life. People gain personal satisfaction from setting a goal, putting effort into it, and achieving that goal. Because of this, everyone is going to be bored of stagnation after awhile. Part of the reason arts and sciences are popular among the rich is because they need something to do now that they technically don't have to do anything. In ancient society it was easier. Everyone in the community needed to pitch in just to survive. But in our current society, the middle-class have to work more than a serf, yet don't have the urgency or satisfaction people used to get. Women can usually spend time with family and play social games in order to entertain themselves. A man who never served in the army, has no friends, doesn't work, doesn't have a family, isn't devoted to religion or politics, and just sits around playing video games all day is going to be extremely depressed, even if he's a millionaire.

A change of mindset is in order. You must be able to be happy as the poorest of the poor or the richest of the rich. Money can make you happier. I'm not doing to deny that, despite the fact several people inevitably will. But what matters most of all is a change from the norm. You need to find things you care about. You need to change yourself to something greater. Stagnation is just an illusion for people who don't have good enough sight to see the decay.

Friends and a girlfriend are free.

1 prescription of painkillers a walk up a tall building

>haha just go outsite bro!
eat shit and die


It cost equal to gym membership. Also meditate.

this but unironically

>it's another NPC derives his whole identity from having meme depression and gets irrationally angry at proven fixes episode

were you a tranny or some shit?

Enough money to not be a slave.

My testosterone cypionate costs $10/month copay, it's covered by insurance

>go outside
>people everywhere, everyone keeps staring at me
>why do they keep staring at me?
>they must think I'm disgusting or ugly etc.
>hear laughter
>they must be laughing at me
>get even more depressed

Ashwagandha ksm-66

> Lowers cortisol
> Raises testosterone
> Helps muscle recovery

Take 300 mg in the morning 300 mg at night. Supplement the morning with light a light caffeine dose.

Many double blind studies have been shown to prove effectiveness, indians have been taking it for 1000s of years

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