Teach me how to get asian wife after college if i dont speak another language (except 1000 japanese words). please.i have no luck getting asian gitlfriend in college. i have 3 more years of this hell
i want an asian girl haven after all this crap
Teach me how to get asian wife after college if i dont speak another language (except 1000 japanese words). please.i have no luck getting asian gitlfriend in college. i have 3 more years of this hell
i want an asian girl haven after all this crap
You will never achieve your asian female fantasies. It's an illusion to keep you running on the treadmill. Now get back to work you have taxes to pay.
Try being a normal person and approaching them like any other girl
If they're not interested, do some introspection and find our what you need to fix about yourself
Be white and not too weird
No. i need specifics. What specifically should i do after i graduate college? shpuld i look for job first or fly to asia to find her?
>shpuld i look for job first or fly to asia to find her?
user try meeting girls, any girls, first. You need some confidence and experience talking first.
im too scared to talk to strangers. And i completely fsiled at making any friends at all. All i can do is approach lone girls cold, and im way to scare to try.
i only use tinder anymore now of days. i thought i could fly to asia, try to mke really good tinder profile and find wife that way
i want a japanese wife so bad
OK, serious answer. Get laid first, by anyone. Asianness is less of a big deal than you think but you need real life experience to learn that. We're all just meatbags.
i married a korean girl.
I was never interested in asian girls. but i graduated college during the recession so I couldn't find a job. I eventually became a model because it was a good way to travel while i sat out the recession.
Eventually I wound up in Korea doing catalog work and met my wife. I would defintely try to work in Asia if you can. Really easy to meet asian girls over there. But it's hard to get married becase you'll either have to stay there (which sucks for a lot of reason) or jump through all the hoops to get her over here while you live with her there.
You're best shot is unirionally the military.
I live in Japan. I've dated a few NE asians (Japanese, Korean, Chinese). Have had long term relationships with both Japanese and Chinese girls. Married to a half Korean half Chinese. Want some advice? Fine, I'll help you:
GTFO Jow Forums with this shit. Fucking Jow Forums is leaking again.
i cant get laid!
I have not gotten a single like on tinder for a week!
i dont k ow what to do!!!!!
if i have to join the military to get an asian wife, im unironically going to kill myself.
doesnt help i have a 1 inch jaw.
Sounds like you need to work on loving yourself before you go slam that Asian pus. Man you gotta be honest and ask yourself why am I too scared to approach people and make friends or talk to girls? If it comes from some insecurities than going to asia isnt going to help and you gotta try and work pass it or accept it so you arnt nervous. Once you got yourself straighten you'll have confidence and be able to slay as the girls will come to you.
You shut thr fuck up. I have 400 k LINKs and i started the dgb shilling campaign
Youre here to work for me, bitch
Just neck yourself
Unironically wrong desu. I have a Korean gf who calls me daddy, cooks/cleans/blowies on demand, etc. basically living a porno irl. Never marrying her but she’s fine with it. Weird thing is she kind of fell in my lap, didn’t try at all to get her even though I used to fantasize about the life I’m currently living. Weird shit desu. Inb4 the secret.
Yeah, you "own" us. In reality, you're a college-aged incel zoomer begging strangers on a finance board for tips on how to pick up an generic asian girl. Thanks for the laugh.
Go to any jungle gook nation, pick any girl you want.
Thai and phillipino chicks particularly have a thing for white guys and most of them speak English.
I'm not kidding about how easy this is either, you can be akward as fuck and they will still date you hoping for marriage .
Why dont you like white girls?
>why im scared
i feel embarassed letting everyone sround me know i like a girl and want to go on date. the fear of rejection is definetely huge. i especially dont want to ask out a non asian girl, and actually let a white pig girl feel like she has adavantage over me.
i also dont feel worthy. i have small chin, only 6 foot tall, and not muscular despite working out.
and im not good at drawing like i like to. but im really lonely. and wish i had girl to talk to now.
with guys. its the same. theyre all assholes who dont want to hear what i say. so why should i bother trying to male frienda woth someone, im not even sexually attracted to, so they cam brush me aside?
>used up by age 20
>pop culture obsessed
>social media obsessed
>glued to phone constantly
>expect to be treated like princesses even though theyre whores
>zero accountability
>permanent martyr complex
M8 you just described upwards to 75% of women in any developed nation.
but. when im 25m thai and philipino chicks will have too many white guys there. and then it will be too late. amd ill be kissless virgin with no girlfriend for life! ;_;
im 20
Agreed but white women are overwhelmingly the worst off desu.
I was on tinder for 9 months without getting a date, and I'm not even ugly. It's a hard thing to accomplish so don't give up yet.
News flash, you are ugly and uninteresting.
Only option is to improve yourself and go full delusional.
But #1, you need to work on and fix your incel attitudes because that will sabotage any hope at a relationship before it begins. Women don't prefer asshole chads even though it sometimes looks that way, they like self-confident people and chads are self-confident. Become that and then you'll succeed.
my gf is from taiwan, just treat them like any other girl
i cant get ANY girl to like me at all.i have no friends. i have fucking nothing. i do t know what to do.i want to kill myself im so lonely
Time to stop giving a fuck man. I know I can't tell you to simply stop stressing over it but you will be finding a way to cope with it unless you want to be stuck in your situation forever. If you want things to change you need to act now towards that change and not simply ponder it. Eating well, working hard, staying off the bottle these are all actions that can make you feel better about yourself. It's going to be tough but what kind of person are you if you shy away from a challenge. If you want to be a better artist practice. Now go get em
ok then you probably only want an asian gf because of a deep subconscious issue, i would say work on your confidence and your body etc work towards your peak performance and then you will be able to get a girlfriend. Personally i feel like physical activities are the best for you mind and body, i used to be like you, lonely depressed and a straight up sperg, but then i started skating again and now i am a legend with a cute gf. i recommend picking up a physical hobby such a skating, no seriously start skating, its really fun, great exercise and women love it (especially asian girls, thats how i met my gf)
Go to school in California and find you a fat Viet/Filipina waifu
Fair enough. That's why I gave up on trying to find a relationship and just fuck girls here and there, then bail when they start to annoy me.
>go to interpals
>make account
>make good pictures of yourself that highlight your qualities
>try not to look like retard or neckbeard creep
>make a simple bot that visits profiles (or search for it, there is one out there, or do it by hand)
>set filter to asian country of your choice
>lean back and wait til the hungry gooks saw that a handsome man like you visited their profile
>they will send you a message if they are interested
its like shooting fish in a barrel because autistic girls are signed up on that site
>He didn't get a Japanese wife.
Has she circumsized you yet?
I've met two girls from there in person. One from Russia, one from China. Brought the Chinese one shooting guns and camping.
Is it serious autismo? I barely used it. It'd explain certain things about them and me. Both have a large intellectual capacity.
Being white is pretty specific. Be rich?
What a disgusting beta.
Literally this
OP, I was a friendless autist, now I am married to a qt filipina I met via interpals
Interpals is great conversation practice too
Get over Asian wife thing it will destroy you. I’m married to a Chinese girl from wealthy family, good thing I’m set for life. Bad thing every fucking day has to be an event, always have to go somewhere and the likely purpose of going is not to enjoy but to take photos to show off to others how much you enjoyed it. You won’t be able to eat a restaurant untill photos are taken from 50 angles of every dish, she will jump on every new craze and you have to go along with her the 2 weeks that’s it’s popular on social media(Pokémon go, Gangnam style, putting tights on dogs, planking, crypto currency). You will have to buy a house in a shot neighbourhood 2 hours away from where you work because it is in a catchment for a highly ranked school(no kids yet), she will drive like shit, always make a big deal about the slightest sickness she gets.
Save worst for last asians women will argue with strangers over everything and will be offended and try endlessly to defend themselves even when they know they are wrong, they are non stop playing on the phone and will ignore everything around them but when it comes the small time they put the phone down they will demand your full attention, they can’t go anywhere by themselves so fucking dependant on you
Also travelling is murder it becomes just a rush around to take photos and recreate someone else ‘perfect holiday’ off social media no thinking for themselves or trying something that someone else hasn’t photographed or videoed yet. Spontaneous just wont happen everything has to be to a rigid plan and anger will occur even if something out of your control breaks those plans
Night out with the boys of course stay out all night but then after about 2 hours ‘where are you’ ‘I’m bored’ ‘I’m lonely’ ‘why you need to stay there’ ‘I’m scared’. You will then cut you night short to come home to her and have to sit near her while she plays with her phone or if you are lucky she might be asleep when you get home
Are you Croatian??
kek that guy wasn't me, who are you tho
>, they are non stop playing on the phone and will ignore everything around them but when it comes the small time they put the phone down they will demand your full attention, they can’t go anywhere by themselves so fucking dependant on you
>You won’t be able to eat a restaurant untill photos are taken from 50 angles of every dish
These two things are so true as I'm married to an asian woman. I find it cute though, I'll take these flaws if it means a clingy wife who basically would never cheat on you.
I'm stalking you for four months and just wanted to tell you that your genes are too weak for asian pussy
Can kind of confirm this. Friend has rich Chinese gf and he feels like he is constantly being compared to others. I git a kimchigf from a rich family and she'll let me spend nights out, but gets scared, etc. To be fair, two people did actually break in while I was away one time. Also, she's fairly good about not being on her phone constantly, but she wants a shit ton of attention
I have a Chinese gf and she is nothing like this.
Does not use social media, is fine with chilling at home for several days in a row, does not care about money at all. Is fine with long distance relationship for months etc
like i said, i didn't post that, you can check the ID, but it's funny how you thought i did
>long distance relationship
It’s messy to keep social media accounts when you are in multiple relationships. Hate to break it to you but she is doing the cock carousel, hope you ain’t send her money.
Kinda related, Asian girls are the easiest of any nationality forget the white girls are sluts shit you hear, Asian girls give it up to anyone if they can gain something out of it. When I was a single man the majority of my sex would be with partnered Asian women
It is not like that, but I understand the stereotype. She is actually born in and citizen of the same country as me in Europe. She never drinks and has never had any casual relationships/sex.
Btc is japanese coin and asian girls love it when you buy them a coffee with bitcoins in shibuya-like city centers
My chinese gf is not like this but her parents are. Of course she grew up here. Guess we will see how things turn out.
Just fucking go to China or Thailand and pick one up. As long as you're white and don't look like a hobo, you can get a beautiful wife whenever.
>you can get a beautiful wife whenever.
I love that this is what so many people believe.
In China at least, girls will bang you if they're a little slutty, but they will never be your real gf unless there's something wrong with you. Their family will never accept it unless she's already an outcast.
t. 老外
Sorry, I meant if there's something wrong with THEM
The only way to meet an Asian girl is to literally take a plane to her country and search for her there. Do not go down the online dating route. Too many scammers and whores only in it for the money. It’s super fucking easy to make friends in the Philippines and then she will introduce you to her friends and there you go you start there. They do not give a single fuck if you are socially inept. A lot of Filipinas are weird themselves in a good way so yeah.
t. American who traveled to the Philippines just to fuck some girls and ended up finding a cute nerdy Filipina at a mall.
Go to Taiwan or some other Asian country with less white tourists
You'll get so many matches on Tinder. They will speak English too
>Be white
>Exercise and get in shape
>Talk to every Asian girl you are attracted to
>Create opportunities for the ones you vibe with to hang out
>If it’s going well, get her alone and go for a kiss, then escalate things from there.
The Asian girls love big white gaijin cock. Take advantage of that. If you live somewhere with a lot of English speaking Asian girls (like Hawaii or most of the West Coast) it gets easier due to numbers. I’m not sure if you’re just a virgin, an autist, or incel scum, though. If it’s the former, knowing when to make moves will come with experience, so get the experience. If it’s the latter... sorry, but you can still hire escorts. If your university has a lot of Chinese exchange students, see if you can find one who wants the adventure of getting stuffed full of big white cock while she’s away from home.
Nigger I've lived in Guangzhou for 7 years, as long as you have the money to pay the father (this is common practice), the family will accept you. This price is lowered if the girl is of a lower breed, or has issues such as a previous divorce.
Sounds like a more extreme version of my GF. How'd you fall for this trap
Have a Chinese gf and most of this is true. Always wants to argue and defend herself when she knows she is wrong. They are all about saving face.
But the pussy game ridiculous
care to explain this practice?
the better the girl, the higher the price. no prenup, so this is kinda like paying for your wife's upbringing.
if she is divorced or more poor, price is cheaper. divorced is because she is used car, poor because poor.
you mean there are no prenups on the mainland I assume.
>i want an asian girl haven after all this crap
im insecure.
sounds like your fetishing women, and that will get you nowhere. Wha ta creep post, you want a gf? Don't do or feel like OP, this will only lead you to failure.
It's called desperation, what these losers do is they make a little list in their head and each girl they meet they judge if she's attractive enough to apply this list, then they go through and check off all the traits that she matches to their little list and then when they find her they go BALLS TO THE WALL for this girl, usually (100% of the time) creeping her the fuck out and driving her away. Women aren't your playthings user, they're people, could be your children's mother one day, but yet you don't see her more than anything but this little list you have in your head. Kill yourself.
If you want to be successful unlike user, focus on doing the absolute best you can in college, get the best job you can, then look for women.
just move to Vancouver.
No, don't go for American Asian women. They are spoiled. They ride white cock every day, you're not special to them. Go to Asia, you have literally 10x better chances
how is this related to the huge "bring yo cash" receptions where all the money go to the parents?
My Korean wife does vacations how you described. I'm used to going to one place and just chilling for a weekend. Not going place to place every 2hrs taking pictures or following the herd. If someone has been to Jeju Island in Korea you'll understand perfectly how the average east asian vacations.
I live in WA and my most favorite vacation spot is the pacific coast. It's cold enough in WA that the beach doesn't have many people, but the water is still warm enough to swim in. By the way I went to East coast beaches and asian beaches and wtf no one swims???
>(Pokémon go, Gangnam style, putting tights on dogs, planking, crypto currency)
Nice attempt, but you gave yourself away with this list. Enjoyable to read though. I'm sure it happened to someone somewhere.
How can i find an asian qt in fucking slovenia?
pays for their 'costs' of the wedding. even tho hubby pays for the WHOLE wedding.
I'm not saying what you are discussing is wrong, but my gf has explained this all to me as "they set up the reception and pay but then get all the money" but then have a wedding in north america.
move out matt
Hey guys, what does it mean when the girl you are on and off dating long distance from China (lives in the US) doesn't want anything about her posted to social media and is single at 30?
Says she doesn't want to have sex before marriage due to her conservative upbringing. Haven't even kissed. ;-;
Also, talks about all the terrible things that happena to her?
She was ok with me being a pizza delivery driver while she works a visa worker. Came from rich family, but her family is no longer rich.
Alternative options are that there's about 5,000 Chinese exchange students on campus.
>You're best shot is unirionally the military.
can vouch for this,y my friend was a corpman in the us navy and stationed in japan for 3 years and thats how he met his japanese wife, happily married now, hes 26 she 30
>You will have to buy a house in a shot neighbourhood 2 hours away from where you work because it is in a catchment for a highly ranked school(no kids yet)
i keked so hard
Pathetic. All of you who think this way should kill themselves.
The most disgusting thing is some 30+ year old sexpat boomer and some roastie from Asia. Disgusting.
>Glued to phone constantly
>pop culture obsessed
>social media obsessed
You at least have to ackknowledge these two things, like shit have you never heard about especially the first one being a HUGE problem in asia. J-Pop and K-Pop have their origin there too.
I mean I would also prefer a asian gf, but in general you shouldn't exclude women because of race, because at the individual person matter. It only matters if THIS specific person fits your criteria. So by increasing your pool or races that could be your potential gf, you would improve your chances of getting one with the perfect character.
Im white, weird as hell and good looking and asian girls are super flirty with me. Mexican girls too. White girls not really. Black girls of course but who cares.
>A lot of Filipinas are weird themselves in a good way so yeah.
Can you give an example?
I dated a really rich Chinese girl. She was pretty cool, but holy fuck her parents brainwashed the fuck out of her. It’s kinda sad to see someone come out of their shell and then in the end re-emerge and ultimately be sastisfactory so her parents blood pressure doesnt increase a percentage.
I’ve dated a lot of Asians. And you never want a clingy one. My buddy literally can’t go out unless she’s there. He wants to see a concert she doesn’t like them so he doesn’t go out. Tried telling him you need your own life. But he doesn’t get it. Rip to him. I’ve dated a clingy one where all she did was want to go out. No I don’t want to go to 3 different places with you in a day and eat out for every meal. Literally didn’t understand the word no. Dropped her fast. Also asian Americans are fucking crazy. They have some god complex that expects guys to treat them like princesses.
Also a lot of these girls don’t have standards, probably none of you either. But seriously if a girl doesn’t know what she wants she just likes if you have a good face and are white. You really need to screen them and figure out why they are with you. If you settle, you just threw your life away. Same with any girl. But Asians settle so much easier and it’s hard to tell. You’ll definitely need to test them. The trick isn’t getting an asian waifu it’s getting a quality one that you want to live with. I think I would go South American next time though, they’re on discount and holy fuck they are smoking hot. But I feel the amount of time I’ve invested into asian chicks I already for the most part know their culture. Would like to try Japanese meat though.
feminine penis
Reminds me of a dad's friend who had a hot wife from Peru.
He joked his secret was:
1. Go to the poorest country you can go to.
2. Go to the poorest village in that country.
3. Tell them "I'm American" and you can choose the cream of the crop.
I've noticed the rich Chinese students who eat out 3x ($15-30 each time) a day can afford to given their money. I couldn't afford that. Trying to escape poverty, not dig a deeper hole.
I’d like to add. White women have lives. They have friends, and go hang out with them. Asian women just want to play house and ignore other people so they become wrapped up in your life. If you have loyalty issues with white women then your probably clueless on how to read women. And not giving her what she needs emotionally or just not bettering yourself. Asian women will live in a continuous shitty relationship and do nothing about it. As long as they are married have a semi successful husband then their parents are happy.
Haha, ya sounds awesome.
And yeah the eating out thing is ridiculous. Also stay the fuck away from fobs. I mean the ones who literally look like fobs. Imperfect English is fine, but a lot of those Chinese rich kids that come off the boat are literally boring as fuck and don’t try to improve thrmselves. Literally knew a chinese guy who drove a r8 go to a bubble tea shop and just sit there all day everyday maybe play lol.He talked to us once and complained how he didn’t have enough money for the v10 model. This was in university when it’s like man I don’t even have a g in my bank accountant.
desu i want to see the coming wave of elliot rodgers, should be very entertaining
Yeah the one child policy has led to many a Chinese that can’t handle the word no, their whole life they have been centre of attention and always got their way, adjusting to the real world is tough. Also the reason why chinese girls like to marry beta guys
The rich FOB Chinese kids driving expensive sports cars is real.
There I live it's so common that the Chinese guys (mostly guys) who take care of their own cars complain about those that have never driven, yet have a super expensive and powerful car they either quickly crash or rapidly drive it into the ground.
Makes the Chinese guys who know what they are doing get mixed in and they don't like that.
Still, trying to work on Mandarin. Makes for better interactions with Chinese mainlanders.
Holy fuck look at all the losers ITT with their Asian gfs
If I meet anyone of you in person I'd punch you in the face for being such a loser faggot
Russian are better
Your .gif ain't .giffing? What did you do?
Asian women rarely go out with friends and if they have to they expect you to go with them. Your only time away from them is when they go to work.
So basically this pic is hella accurate.
Holy shit, white women fucking suck.
congrats, just triggered me.