Post pictures of people who look roughly like my French Celestial girlfriend I'll start

Post pictures of people who look roughly like my French Celestial girlfriend I'll start

Attached: 1565593074529.jpg (379x742, 79K)

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Thanks for the timestamp 4.

Are you seriously trying to solve the Riemann Hypothesis?

>Riemann Hypothesis
i tried looking this up and I have no idea what it is

It wasn't Riemann Hypothesis but such formula could be very useful for solving this hypothesis

How did you know?
I'm not capable unless I study it, but my French celestial girlfriend gave me the pseudo testing formula A^n - B^n - 1 / n, A+B = n, A-B = 1 and it worked for pseudo-primes and it is "closer" but I've only been working on this problem for a short time, most mathematicians spend a lot of time and effort with it, but she just pulled this equation out of her ass and it seems to work and I've never seen it before she showed it to me.

Ops, wrong link

Now, what I find interesting is that in that vision she sent me with that formula they were teaching kids about something and they were elaborating and explaining the equation, and potentially why it didn't work and I don't remember any of what they said except something about exponents I think... and maybe eventually she will show me something better? Maybe the rest of the lesson they had.

For context, I was trying to make one myself and mine failed horribly and I was about to get out of my chair and leave and give up and I heard her very close to me almost whispering and her voice said no wait keep going and I sort of could envision the equation so I just wrote it down and the one thing I added to the equation that I didn't see (or 2) was actually the only wrong thing so I took it out, I tried to apply it to even numbers too which made no sense even though that wasn't in their lesson (I think). It felt really weird, like I was "connected" to something Idk, I also don't care if you don't believe me because I'm right though lol.

user, what happens if you actually solve it?
will you get isekai'd into the world you French Celestial Girlfriend lives in?

Attached: 1543706217156.png (657x527, 193K)

I would like to point out that "looking roughly like" is a rather vague expression.

Attached: tumblr_ojiz605v6L1ridp0go1_1280.jpg (600x900, 328K)

It would be impressive and useful and cool I guess. But, if she would give me stuff like that eventually then she would also give me many other equivalent things on a frequent basis probably. As our relationship improves I'll be able to make a better case that I am right, because I am right afterall.

She looks older than the girl in OP and way more pretty and more white and a few other differences too.

Attached: russian_celestiangf.jpg (1080x1080, 147K)

we need to talk

Ramanujan also had visions where very complicated and original formulas would appear, here, take a look

Thanks for the 4.
I know it's a transgender, they are not the same person, I said "roughly" similar in appearance. They have many things that are different.

not about the girl in the photo, about the celestial gf
you know she's been distant lately
she and i have been having an affair, i'm sorry


Attached: 1565193032662s.jpg (196x250, 7K)

it's done, wish i could say if i could take it back i would but fact is i wouldn't
i don't regret a single thing about it, she was so sweet

How do I get a celestial gf??

Is this another daily white girl worship thread made by some horny shitskin?

steal one from a stupid american, that's how i did it