Literally getting refunded right now thanks based Talal

Literally getting refunded right now thanks based Talal

Attached: talalala.jpg (225x225, 5K)

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Its happening. Thank you based allllah o maktoum

We're Rollin'!
Praise based Talal

What's happening?

Literally getting literal with Yazan right now on skype AMA

The train is departing. It was only a matter of time. They're ahead of schedule, bullish recent ama, new listings shortly.

Literally getting 100$ eoy

Attached: 1520798792566.jpg (1200x937, 116K)

Describe chat and contents of said chat fellow Jibrelite.


>dead reddit
>missed deadlines
>lies and deceit
Enjoy this pajeet pump while it lasts, glad I sold the top in slight profit. Now I can move on.

Don't know about that, might wait a coupe of days before I buy more

isnt this getting a bit boring for you?

He is right though...still 60% below ICO, and most of the people bought at 0.40$ +

>the "i sold the top" poster is back

>i can finally move on
>still spams his "i sold the top guys really, believe me" shit and fuds constantly half a year later

All the regulations passed and sorted. Jcash released. Team saying they are way ahead of their q2 report predictions.Team sold all 30 mill of their eth right after ic, still have all the money.Multiple huge middle east partnerships.The big one, they have said now regulations are sorted they can list on the rest of the exchanges, coming anytime in q4.

HAH the infidels shall know their folly by din of the Great Talal and Glorious Yazan. Forever shall they be denied infinite (halal) riches and the loving embrace of the Prophet (peace be upon him), les they repent and repent soon.

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how is he right? the whole market went to shit in february, no matter what you bought you would be down 60%.
are you really dense or intentionally acting stupid to troll?

We're going on Forbes guys; you heard it here first

Glad I doubled my weak stack at 0.07$

you rang?

holy fuck i am freezing right now

Attached: 1503617123058.jpg (1920x1248, 405K)

Forbes will write an article about anything if they get paid.

Yazan has been quoted a few times in random crypto articles. I think they just like him.

I think they like his model good looks

Attached: 1.png (300x300, 123K)

Talal is more handsome, you faggot.

Talal is probably the most charismatic crypto frontman,, up there with charles hoskinson of cardano.

>Not including Sergey Nazarov

What kind of list is this?

Sergey is a fat sjw autist with 0 charisma.