Why are Mexicans born in America taller than the ones born in Mexico?

Why are Mexicans born in America taller than the ones born in Mexico?

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Superior nutrition.
Less Amerindian DNA

we eat good here, from what I hear in mexico millions starve every day

They are not, tho

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Doesn't say American born Mexicans

>move to usa as a young child
>start to get picky about my food
>now a lanklet in mexico but still a manlet in usa
it doesn't help that I live in one of the taller states

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If that's true then the ones in Mexico must be like 5'4
Every Mexican guy here is short as fuck

I just edited the Wikipedia page so that we're 10 feet tall

how tall are you mr. manlet beaner

>United States - Mexican Americans
It does

They usually keep their heads, that adds to the height

I'm 6'3

That figure lumps foreign born and American born together

OP is a homo obsessed with Mexicans. You can recognize his threads by the filenames he uses and the fact that he always asks stupid/troll questions about Mexicans that he doesn't actually care about.
He's one of the reasons why any threads related to Mexico are shit since he comes in and starts spamming pics of ugly Mexican guys he finds attractive (Why do people with race fetishes always like ugly people from said race?)
Don't talk to him further. It's useless to try to talk any topic of conversation with him.

for comparison everyone in my town of birth is about 5'7 while most people in the city I'm currently in are like 6'3 with beards and big hats, very intimidating

Here is the results of a non-wikipedia source which can be found here
please try not to cite wikipedia next time, manlet

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>ugly Mexican guys he finds attractive (Why do people with race fetishes always like ugly people from said race?)

You wish and you masturbate with that also if you are born in american then you are not mexican you stupid retard.

you are right I am american kys third world faggot, my children will not speak spanish and will be protestant

>my children
lol chicanos can't reproduce are like the mutants from fallout.

Lmfao bruh why y'all fighting you are the same race.

I was trying to piss him off, they always take the bait
third worlders like him just have low IQ

from my experience it is the opposite, l see no difference between chicanolards and local beans, both mostly shorter than me

This nigga has negroid admixture doesn't he

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all Mexicans do

you are terrible at banter this insult has no basis in truth

More former then latter as plains natives are known to be tall

They get to fuck white girls

Not starve but they eat tortillas, rice and beans, soup with a chicken wing or an egg sometimes while growing up. Also Mexican women stop breastfeeding babies as soon as possible

>superior nutrition
>different diet


> less Amerindian DNA
I didn't know being born a few miles north of the border would literally change you DNA?
You stupid mf.

He responds to every Mexican/Chicano height thread and says less Amerindian DNA = taller

god I wish I could kill that faggot

I'd like to argue against this because of the large amount of manlets central americans in my community who are first and second generation but I'm 6'2" half Panamanian and both my parents are short, but they say my grandfather on my mother's side was tall because he was half white. I cannot disprove the diet thing but I'm highly skeptical.

Indians here are short but they don't have access to real food. Even killing a chicken is too expensive to them

>half Panamanian *and half Mexican

>Mexicans born in America

Those are full Indios
Is a 60% Amerindian really going to be automatically shorter than a 45% Amerindian though?

Killing a chicken would be expensive for you as well, feeding it, taking care of it, spending time on those tasks, then there's the killing, boiling water to pluck it, having a good knife to deal with a propper chicken, with the cost of a naturally grown chicken you could buy a month of breasts from the supermarket

There is most definitely external factors that make people taller.
A good diet isn't going to make someone a whole foot taller than their father, but it helps, and generation by generation, their height increased.

This isn't a secret, it's been observed in basically every immigrant group to the US, and it's been observed worldwide now.

I remember, but couldn't find, an article talking about salvadoran immigrants to the US, being much taller than their parents or their salvadorian counterparts.

Diet, lifestyle, etc. Most definitely has an effect. You may have just been lucky.
I'm a central american, and my dad is 5' 8'' and my mom is 5' 6'' (which is kinda tall , considering the average in the US is 5' 4''). I'm like 5' 11'' (almost made it to 6' :( ).

Attached: 2014-06-30-111historicalmedianmaleheight.png (799x577, 89K)

Try not to cite some literally who blog that doesn't link to any source next time

Attached: heights_by_race_in_america.png (795x705, 119K)

Also, Many indigenous people's lack of height is due to the hardship of getting protein. This was particularly hard in the Americas where no farm animals were present.

These central manlets are manlets, but they are probably taller than their parents at least. If not, they maybe their diet at home is too traditional, and hasn't changed much. I don't know.

I sometimes ponder if spending a lot of time in juvenile detention during puberty affected my growth. Perhaps the high stress situations I got my self into all the time made me need more testosterone, thus perhaps making me taller.(Side note: I don't know shit about science I'm talking out of my ass.)

Or perhaps I already had the genetics for more T and that's what got me in the situations in the first place. Kind of a nature or nurture thing.

This fucking broscience post literally makes me wanna kms

>same race
Sorry i'm not a dog but chicanos are.

Isn't it fact that higher testosterone makes you taller?


Where did you learn that

It's almost always a combination of boths. Genetics do play a part. But nurture can have effects you, and further generation.

Being born to a mother that is in shape, and takes care of her health is going to make you healthier, and pass that onto you. It's been argued strongly that epigenetics can play a part in a part in future generations and their development.

So, it's a very complicated game of nature v. nurture. But people underestimate nurture a lot. Whites did not' become wealthy, and tall in one generation. It took them generations (of plundering the world), but they got it.

Some places like the low countries have enjoyed a, almost, constantly good standard of living since the 1600s. It's not hard to imagine why they are so tall, and have such a nice country.

Unrelated but zoomers are fucking huge. I'm 6'2 and considered pretty tall but I had to go back to my charter highschool to talk to sophomores and juniors and at least 6 of the boys were taller than me, holy shit

I swear to god I was watching a documentary on trannie children and they were talking about transition therapy and someone said something along the lines of testosterone affects growth hormones and it has an affect during puberty, so I assume growth hormones have to do with height?

no. Testosterone doesn't really have the effects that people think they have.

I remember reading a paper about how asians have more T on their bodies than black or whites when you account for body weight.

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Indians are from India, you, absolute retard. I fucking hate sharing a country with these subhumans that don't even know where India is.

I guess I'm just retarded then and trying to rationalize why I'm taller than my family and friends. It was probably just luck, like you said,

Estrogen is responsible for both initiating bone growth and ending bone growth. Girls usually grow taller than boys but then reach their final height around 14-16. Boys continue growing a few years more

Being a manlet in a forest or a mountain is an advantage due to the lower centre of gravity, manlets tend to have it easy when it comes to dragging heavy weights up and down, probably made them more effective providers since they could carry back what they hunt
t. mountaineer

Being short in a mountainous climate isn't an advantage.

American Indians were taller, so you might be on to something.

Say that to the incan empire, or just visit Bolivia and see it first hand
>American Indians

Plain Indians.
Oklahoma, Nebraska, etc.

>Plain Indians.
>Oklahoma, Nebraska, etc.
Do you have a large number of tall pajeets there? pics or didn't happen

>The average adult male Plains Indian stood 172.6 centimeters tall -- about 5 feet 8 inches. The next tallest people in the world at that time were Australian men, who averaged 172 centimeters. European American men of the time averaged 171 centimeters tall, and men living in European countries were typically several centimeters shorter.

that's because american indians hunted and ate protein way before anyone else in the world could

Plain Indians (North American Indians) also enjoyed a lot more sources of protein. Bison, Turkey, etc.

>hunted and ate protein way before anyone else in the world could
Hunting is new now? Hunting was invented in the 1800s?

Euroasians had large farm animals like cows, horses, way before the Natives. They even had access to dairy products, and other farm products that were high in protein like eggs.

Turkeys were domesticated here.

You right mb. But Bison do make a huge difference. Huge source of protein.

There is protein everywhere, fish and all seafood is protein basically

Not the same. The amount of effort is not the same. If you hunt one bison, your entire tribe eats for a few days maybe. And I mean, plates full of meat, not a half roasted serving of fish.

Fish doesn't have that much meat either, it a pretty lean meal. The same goes for most protein sources in mesoamerica. Very learn, not much meat, type of animals like turkey, fish, iguana, etc.

Less gravitation

Deer, what about it, or big lizards

Deer is much smaller than Bison. I'm not very sure about their habitat and what parts of the Americas had deer or not, but I'm assuming they weren't easy to catch in the middle of a tropical forest. They are also WAY more agile and fast than a bison.

>big lizards
like what? An iguana? you can't compare that to the meat you get from a bison.
Also, Crocodiles and Alligators lived in swamp areas, and not many people lived around swamps in those days, with no drainage technology to make the areas livable.

There just weren't any good options or alternatives to Bison. Which is one of the reasons why the plain indians basically collapsed once the Bison population collapsed due to anglo over-hunting.


I know you have good intentions but you need to travel a bit, deer was a stapple for mexicunts and crocolizards were abundant

I thought blacks are taller than whites? I know they are only 1 cm shorter here but the tallest people I've met have almost always been black.

Mexicans are poor, stupid and only eat carbs

I think it might just be. Just go to Nepal, the average male height is 160cm, but they have a better time living at their country which is in a ridiculously high altitude. Foreigners on the other hand, have complained about finding themselves out of energy and losing air quickly.

>travel a bit
Even if I were, the habitat and situation in modern latin america is nowhere near what pre-columbian people were living in.
So, I'm not sure it will teach me anything about pre-columbian diets.

Regardless, lack of protein sources in mesoamerica is hotly debated issue. Protein sources in the American Plains isn't.
So, regardless, there is an understanding that protein wasn't (imposible, but also not) easy to get in mesoamerica as opposed to the plains.

Ok you have a thing with mesoamerica, I know nothing about them, maybe make a thread and ask?

i'm just focusing on mesoamerica, because that's how the discussion started. Difference in height, between mesoamerican indians, and Plain indians. Difference in height, being at least partly a result of more protein sources for the plain indians.
Apart from the plains, with its source of Bison protein. Nowhere else in the Americas had any large game like the plains, and Lamas don't even get close. But I know people in the andean region ate them.

less gravity, mexico got btfo by asteroid that killed dinosaurs and gravity there is heavier
>t. knower

i thinks plains indians were bigger due to their nomadic lifestyle

Native Americans are super tall bro. Haven’t you seen King of the Hill?

only the nomadic ones are tall, the ones who had civilizations are all short

That’s what civilized agriculture does to a man.

im predominantly nahua from central mexico and the north mexican chichimeca amerindians who were considered savages by the more "civilized" aztec nahuas are way taller than us.

t. 5'5"

>Superior nutrition.
What is "american nutrition"?
Mexico has a better cuisine and food culture than america has.

less poverty means better nutrition, most mexicans cant afford quality food

Yeah, America is known for having such a nutritive cuisine.

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better than eating tortillas with beans because you cant afford meat

Mexican food and food that the average mexican eats everyday is miles apart

steroids in your meat

you probably maxed out your genetic height, stop being a retard

Those who are taller can easily pass the fench.