This is the most accurate race map

This is the most accurate race map

Attached: acurate race map.png (5235x2483, 278K)


Can't argue with science

[throat singing intensifies]


fuck anime

True. Aryan gang.

Attached: Swedish-Indian friendship.jpg (1080x1080, 89K)


Attached: 1567844524230.png (5235x2483, 280K)

It's another brainlet map where the retarded OP thinks WS and Mauritania are subsaharan

Attached: 5d96efd44a0e1e75ad5fdb0a7ef80bee.gif (500x375, 2.44M)


no i don't want to be white

based map.

This is what the Indus valley civilization looked like

Attached: 67560308_148185682946895_3402103537988897903_n.jpg (1080x1080, 262K)

Jomon genes make you white

Romania is a cuman colony, we should be asian

Is this guy 5’8 wtf I’m taller than Pewdiepie lmao

He had to do it to 'em

He is 6´3 without legs

Pewdiepie doesn't look Caucasoid before or after plastic surgery
and as they say, wide nose short hose

are u the rare proxy fag?

kek, he definitely hasn't had surgery. looks exactly the same as in 2013

Attached: 6421101_dfe5c41e013cbbea16a868555f261cace0ea31a9_1000x625.jpg (1000x625, 44K)

I like him. Because weeb.