How do I get a well-paying job without college? Hell...

How do I get a well-paying job without college? Hell, how do I get any job besides McDonald's (and this is assuming McDonald's would even hire me). I have a good assortment of skills imo but maybe it's not enough? Should I and can I teach myself something that's really guaranteed to bring in the big bucks?

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Fake it till you make it

Which country do you live in? If you have the grades go for officer training in the army. If not just join the armt and be interested. You'll start low and as yo advance you'll make more

US. No, I'm not going to join the army.

Fake it till you make it brah, you ever think your bosses are grossly incompetent? Thats what they did

You get a shitload of benefits though. Free food and and live on a military base for free. The rest of your salary you can just spend on crypto

Skills and knowledge aren't enough to land you a good job. Experience is what people want. Therefore you gotta start low and grow steadily.

Don't expect things to happen overnight. Some rich people inherited the riches, but that doesn't mean that they will be keeping those riches for long.

Slow and steady growth is what matters. Otherwise bubbles happen and stability is 0

If you have to ask on here then you most likely can’t. It’s definitely possible to make it without any education but it’s 5x harder for most people. If you want to get rich then you should go to college unless you have a plan (you clearly don’t).

And when I say college I’m talking about non-meme degrees, e.g. CS, finance, law, medicine, engineering, math etc.

>get rich

only pick one

Yea I am pretty sure you gonna bust your balls trying to pay the student debt you own after finishing.

not to mention you are getting an education to go work for someone. let say you do make 100k, which is not a lot depending on where you live. You will be on call 24/7. They will want to get every penny out of you

> being this retarded
I said a non-meme degree. If you’re smart (but not smart + creative enough to make it without a degree) then getting a good degree at a good university is the best first step to getting rich. The average salary for my degree at my university is 150k. In other words, if you’re smart then you’re more or less guaranteed to be making 200k+ after 5-10 years.

I don’t have any student debt myself, but this is a huge NEET cope. If you get a good education at a good university then student debt is a non-issue because of your expected salary.

this unironically worked for me

And if you think expecting to make 200k/year isn’t good then have a look at the % of people with no college degree who are making that kind of money (or even 100k).

>I have a good assortment of skills
no you don't

Question is are you up for the grind for those next 5-10 years.

If not then consider available job opportunities by actively searching and going to interviews.

hes going to grind with the chance of getting the job he wants. When he finds out what he did he's going to be doing som serious thinking. Been there done that

I don’t want to make this thread about me, but I’m already set up for a good job (internship atm) that I genuinely find very interesting. There are tons of job opportunities for me. Companies have booths set up at my university every Thursday trying to recruit students. Of course most people have to work hard to make 200k+, but most people without a college degree who are making that kind of money had to work even harder to get there. If you aren’t willing to work hard then there’s a very low chance that you’ll ever get rich (but of course there are exceptions).

those are the only degrees you can get rich in by wagekeking, they aren't memes

Ouch, this one resonated with me. I make 100k but I'm on call for one week out of every month. I dropped out of college and never had student loans though so it's not as bad.

Is it a good idea to go get a second degree in CS after law if I like coding in java

Guys how do I get rich without doing any work?

If you have skills, make something impressive with those skills to show what you can do. Then show that to prospective employers and let them ask you questions about how and why you did the things you did in making it. If you can’t do this, you need to keep learning and get an education, user.

What skills do you have? I just posted above about making something to show off your skills to employers—instead of angling for a job, start your own fucking business and work for yourself so you give yourself the opportunity. What can do you right now, user? What can you teach yourself to do from videos, websites, and books for little or no money? Start there. Then make a couple of demos of whatever it is you can do, market yourself based on that for cheap at first to build a portfolio and reputation up, then raise your rates as you get better and more established. In time, if you are working with code or something artistic, you can secretly hire pajeets to do a ton of the work for cheap while you “supervise” and pocket huge profits.

Recruiter-san pls go...

I'm a train driver

Clearing 6 thousand pounds every 4 weeks doing overtime.

Getting licenses to drive big vehicles is a good way to make money,

How do I do this user? Seems comfy as fuck

If you're from the UK go on rail forums. or something like that then find a company near you who are hiring trainees. The careers forum always has the new jobs up.

There's psychometric tests you need to get through but you don't need to be academic. You just need to have what it takes. Hardest part is getting the job.

I love the job. I used to be a welder getting burnt and fucked up all the time. Now I sit in my air con box looking at the scenery. I'm driving as we speak and getting 500 quid for 4 hours worth of driving.

Air Force > Army

Air Force treats you like a human relative to the Army.

31 and half wished I joined the AF at 18. The military works well if one needs direction in life. Score high enough in the ASVAB and you can get trained with a skill set that transfers to the civilian side of things.

Active combat though in the Army, yeah, nah. Too many friendsand family of mine got messed up by Afghanistan and Iraq.

My biggest complaint about the military is no weed. I ain't trying to get drunk. I just want to toke a bit after work.

Sounds great I'm gonna have to see how to do it state side