Brazilian independence day

Today Brazil celebrates the day of its independence. It was declared on September 7, 1822.

Attached: Flag of Brazil.png (662x463, 10K)

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Nothing to celebrate, the country was way better when we were just a colony.
I hope the Portuguese will return some day and Lisbon will be the New Rome.

>being the new Roman empire
Lmao. They are a bunch of cowards, when Napoleon invaded Portugal, the royal family escaped to Brazil and the imperial capitol was transfered to Rio de Janeiro.

>tfw no one cares about us

Almost 200 years of independence and what have you achieved in that time?

The plane
Being bigger than you
Being your successful neighbor
Not having a shit economy

Attached: Fuck off Argie.png (436x198, 52K)

says the bitch boy that its about to get on a crisis baka desu

Same logic applies to you, hermano.

feliz aniversário

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We miss you

I don't really care about your country either but i will bump your thread because I am nice

No one gives a shit about Brazil. No one fucking cares


Enjoy it. Soon, we'll annex you.

Hello Alberto Barbosa. How is life in Porto?
No, we don't. But I don't hate portugueses.

Attached: Independência ou morte.jpg (727x363, 43K)

I care ;)

Don't say that my african brother :(

I will annex Macron's wife.

Why would you do that

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Fifth largest country in the world
Thirteenth largest country in history
Ninth largest world economy
Fifth most populated country in the world
Fourth largest GDP per capita in South America
São Paulo alone is more populated than Argentina
São Paulo alone has a GDP per capita of U$24,000
First country in South America to industrialize
Annexed land from nearly all neighboring countries
Owns 60% of the Amazon rainforest
Global leader on the production of antivenoms
Half of South America's largest cities
Foremost regional power in South America
Many foreign experts appoint Brazil as a rising great power

There's nothing to celebrate, this country was dead the day they throw him out.

Attached: Dom Pedro II Emperor of Brazil.jpg (334x450, 27K)

now don't be defeatist the night is darkest before dawn don't ask what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country if you wanna a better contry you got to work for it

>Many foreign experts appoint Brazil as a rising great power

Attached: laughing girls.jpg (600x536, 81K)

>niggerest country in the world
>trannies that have the biggest dicks in the world

>Many foreign experts appoint Brazil as a rising great power
Holy fucking shit

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Never met a Brazilian who wasn’t a complete and utter homosexual

Good job user, I laaughed pretty hard.

el chicANo

>Half of South America's largest cities

Many of them in the list of the most violent cities in the world. Africa is safer.
Unplanned favela dumpholes, Wow, such an achievement!

>Threw out Pedro II , who was beyond based
>Stopped the Racial Whitening

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Just ignore him, you are just failing for the bait when you give him attention, just act like a reasonable person and ignore retarded american baits.

>Big good
Baboon brain

>you are just failing for the bait
Do you know in what board you are rn? user...

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The racial whitening continues in the 1st Republic. Getúlio Vargas stopped that and started the propaganda of samba and race mixing.

Based Getúlia dabbing on Wh*Tes

>t. paulista que comemora revolução de 32

Site bugado de merda, a imagem não carregou direito.
>não celebrando a cultura do seu Estado
>achando que o Brasil possui uma identidade nacional

Shoo, SP/southfag

Já foi assaltado em um arrastão hoje?

Stay mad

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>celebrating a war you lost
thanks god I'm not retarded (paulista)

quem liga? o país é uma bosta, acorda

>celebrating a war you lost
Like a true Italo-paulista

Why do Brazilians hate southerners so much?

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They're like Americans obsessed with races and are our designated region "full" of separatists

Americans are the trash of the world who love to talk about how they are better than everyone and every country, saying who is and who isn't white
Southerners are the americans of Brazil

basicly this

Attached: brazilian hdi.png (516x594, 25K)

Spotted the SP/Southfag

Then just send in the military and pacify them loool

we did that, they lost and now they a holiday where they celebrate a pathetic loss

We did it when they chimped out before and we will do it again if they ever dare to chimp out again

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