Instead of building places that ALREADY EXIST in Europe why doesn't China build comfy traditional Chinese style towns?

Instead of building places that ALREADY EXIST in Europe why doesn't China build comfy traditional Chinese style towns?

Attached: chinaeuropefi.jpg (1000x500, 139K)

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it's in the chinamans nature to copy and steal

More variation probably helps its real estate market.

probably do. Those aren't in headlines because it doesn't get clicks.

its sad because they have real comfy potential

Attached: 00114320ca550c6d9c1906.jpg (450x337, 32K)

They're anticipating what happened in Palmyra and Bagdad.

They want to recreate as much possible history of the world in China for the inevitable nuking of the world by China
So at least some history will be preserved in Xi Jinping gardner

So Xi is Noah and Chia is the Ark?

This is more spooky than it seems
The new humans in the future will all come from the Chinese

star trek and mars movies are inaccurate because they would be all chinese with a brown/mutt underclass

Kek that made me laugh irl

i can say the exact same thing about amerilarp

its almost like america doesnt have a culture or history.
Fuck chinks too though europa über alles

Attached: o-56652173-570.jpg (570x380, 72K)

>Us of america, a literal european outpost .... carries european culture
Who would've thought such thing ughh

What the fuck is this list? The London Bridge is a bridge literally moved brick by brick from England to Havasu, how is that more of a "replica" than the entire city of Solvang?

>Us of america, a literal african outpost ... carries african culture

who would've thought such a thing ughh

Attached: NVLVEluxor_2938.jpg (280x210, 11K)

how spineless can you be


this is comparable to a theme park. those are actual cities that people live and work in in china



same shit dude, it's a themed residential development. people love themed shit for some awkward reason. you do themed hotels, they do theme residential developments. don't pretend your shit don't stink as bad as theirs.

They’re nature reserves for the remaining few whites after Europe falls to the brown hordes