Fill up your bags it's going to moon in november

Fill up your bags it's going to moon in november

Attached: DemocraticDonkey.png (640x624, 132K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Republican POTUS
>Republican SCOTUS
>Republican Senate
Dems might flip the house, but that's about it.

Texas is unironically gonna flip and officially becoming a purple state, Florida high chance of flipping.

I doubt that. Many of my Hispanic friends are very conservative. Don't assume demographics are always favorable for dems.

You mean Florida has a high chance of flipping red, right? Nelson is gone, even democratic pollsters recognise this...tho Gillum will likely win governor despite being investigated by the FBI.

I don't, Cruz is so unlikable while O'rourke is very charismatic and is only trailing behind by 1-2 points.
Also most Hispanics aren't conservatives most of them don't even vote at all. Texas has the second lowest voter turn out.

dems have turned into a violent cult who can't think straight nor hold the same opinion for more than 3 seconds. they've lost a considerable amount of their voting base. trump has the largest support among blacks that a republican has had in 50 years+. normies are #walkingaway left and right.

on top of that, they are facing an inner-party schism between the old neocon dems and the young socialist dems. a good number of bernie supporters voted for trump out of spite.

they are in serious trouble. the desperation shows itself more and more over time.

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Have you ever been to Texas? Cruz is quite popular, even among Hispanics. He is half Hispanic and speaks Spanish fluently.

I do like him especially his plans for a multi state medicare.

And all this info from pol right?
86% of blacks view trump unfavourably, tr ump is at an all time low at the polls and red strongholds are turning blue.
The corporate dems have given up and are currently campaigning on Bernie ideas for free healthcare and education.

What does any of this have to do with Jow Forums?
Sounds like you're the one who needs to go to Jow Forums

He speaks broken Spanish rubio even made fun of him and their are numerous sources within the republican party saying how many of them hate him.
Also don't expect trump-republicans to go and vote for ted for most of them theie loyalties are only with donald

40% approval rating, along the same lines of Obama's and occasionally higher

You're certainly right about the Dems pandering to the same poor people they snubbed last election. Is it going well?

We can speculate all we'd like. We will only see the true reality of these matters in November. You thought you were invisible last time. Then you were beaten and you've refused to accept your shortcomings..

Yes no use speculating, we'll see what happens November 6.
I'll be here friend on that day to gloat in your face.
Make sure not to cry to much when the blue wave hits.

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>I'll be here friend on that day to gloat in your face.
Where have I heard this before.

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House and senate will flip see ya in 2 months.

House could very well, but Senate is likely to stay Republican or 50/50 with Pence tie breaker.

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Hispanics are retarded savages for the most part

and Kek has blessed my post, thank you oh holy one

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>t. the group that's done nothing but throw a 20-months-and-counting tantrum because they were rejected at the polls
progressive doctrine is so sacred to you lot that you simply cannot accept the fact that you lost. it is everyone else's fault and you didn't double-down on the things that made you lose enough, right?

you've learned nothing. stay smug, stay mad.

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Democracy is for faggots like you. I can't wait till we have Emperors again

we need someone like based Marcus Aurelius, the philosopher Emperor

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Look how invested this creep is in this broken system America is an Empire that needs an Emperor

This is how you felt in 16 heh? I am enjoying the underdog position, all you did was the dems more left.
Can't wait to see the meltdown in November from pol.

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>he thinks the left is the underdog when they've subverted nearly every post and institution
you're the party of nambla, the church of satan, corporate synergy, smug academics, and sociopathic lapdog journalists who want to change the world by lying to people.

what does the left even stand for at this point? they're not anti-corporate anymore. they're not anti-war. they're not pro-civil liberties, but they do want to confiscate firearms from the citizenry while flooding their country with illegals and they dont like trump.. what more is there to it?

Beto hasn't given a compelling reason why a Red state should vote for his far-left policies.

Trump will come out in support of Cruz. Most who will put Abbott back in the governor chair will pull the lever for Cruz.

>no primary candidate
>no clear leadership
>endless shitposting on twitter
>running against their own party in some cases

Look im not even republican and i know a loser when i see one. Need to get their shit together.

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