>Not more than 50% of portfolio
>Thinks he's going to make it
Why does user enjoy abject poverty, biz?
>Not more than 50% of portfolio
>Thinks he's going to make it
Why does user enjoy abject poverty, biz?
this was more than 50% of my portfolio before the dump. now its just another shitcoin
>Stop loss
>HODL until recovery
You don't seem like a Pajeet so I'm a bit concerned that you weren't aware of these options.
OP is literally dumber than a box of rocks.
Synth from Skycoin has already scammed his following once when he sold off his entire bags and faked it being stolen. Following this scam a second time is just sad. You deserve the outcome.
Show us some proof that Synth orchestrated the big dump. Why is the team still working so hard on the project if your story is true?
>Why is the team still working so hard on the project if your story is true?
If you're not aware, Synth hires Chinese programmers to further develop Skycoin's projects. He probably pays them scraps, and the upside is idiots such as yourself see it as a signal that the project is healthy.
He wants SKY to go back up so he can dump a second time.
Spend some time on the SKY Telegram and you'll see this is for what it really is, a shitcoin ran by a megalo scammer.
Still no proof provided, post or exit quietly FUD
If you spent any time on the Skycoin Telegram, you'd know the history back in June/July of Synth being "kidnapped" by disgruntled employees and them cashing out over 70 million in SKY coins. Google it.
I was on the Telegram at this time. They wouldn't tell anyone it was happening, and said the price was falling solely because of the "Binance trading volume competition" that was ongoing. Even if you believe their BS story, they lied to their following so more people wouldn't dump. They don't care about you - they think of you as a fool, and they're right.
t.me/Skycoin/312767 - Synth laughing about his kidnapping experience
t.me/Skycoin/321651 - Synth telling the channel there will be a second dump from one of the scammers
t.me/Skycoin/313417 - Skycoin admin Sudo mocking people that lost money from the heist
There are a lot more snippets. Go to the channel and go through the audio history from that time period.
>using the same project to scam twice
>rather than just coming up with something new
You haven't put much thought in to this, have you? Anyone looking to pull another exit scam would simply start fresh. Makes zero sense to try to run the same scam twice while spending hundreds of hours and ridiculous amounts of funds to design and produce hardware.
I'm a bit disappointed in you little buddy.
The sky moniker is pretty catchy, isn't it? I'm a fan of kyscoin personally.
>Hires Chinese programmers so he can pay them scraps
>Goes on interviews and conferences on the other side of the world for 2 days then going home
>In talks with people from Club of Rome which in turn are in talks with the EU
>Has Jane Zhang Hong (angel investor, early investor in Alibaba etc) creating a project on Skycoins platform
>Patrick Dai, founder of Qtum embracing the Skycoinproject
>Talked to the Representative of the
Hamburg State Parliament
>Is pushing out hardware which almost no other blockchain project is doing
>Has mobile and desktop wallet
Must be Skyscam
This very thread is proof they don't need to start a new project, brainlet.
Every few months there are new gullible brainlets who don't know Skycoin's history and think "oh this must be a gem because it's so low and is actively developed!", and the cycle continues.
Sounds like some loser that got taken for a ride by the chink marketing team that was stealing Skycoin funds. Marketers are notorious for being scammy as fuck, while developers are known for creating good shit and getting taken advantage of by publishing companies.
Lol, imagine being this mad about being made fun of on Telegram for bitching about buying at $30.
Sky is like that girlfriend that dumped you and you can't stop being mad about it. So you go cherrypick her messages.
Delusion won't make your bags any lighter, baka
>literally the opposite modus operandi of any known scam.
Same thing happened to other coins during their Binance competitions. It dumps coins half of the time.
The heist incident is real. Google it. Hell, Synth has even done interviews about it.
There isn't much point in trying to convince people who won't listen or think it's a coincidence. Please go all in on SKY so I can laugh at you the next time this happens.
>anything I don't like is proof of scam
You've gotten way too used to using fallacies. I don't think you realize how silly it looks anymore.
Delusion would be ignoring this and thinking its a scam
Well, slow down with those big boy thoughts in that big boy head you got there. We're talking about the binance competition dump, which happened, which is a separate idea from a contracted marketing team holding a person against their will in their own home for hours on end, which also happened.
Funny how the marketing team that you talk about was complaining now have all been offline since the incident, isn't it?
Been buying five SKY every single day since 3 months ago.
Mark my words, it will flip ETH within one maybe 2 years.
Never lost anyyhing in the dump. But that telegram group is the most toxic piece of shit. Kept me away from skycoin for ao long.
Mods should not speak that way. their job is to foster commubity and curate spammers
>user makes another thread on Jow Forums shilling a coin no one will bother to buy if they aren't already holding it
Such a sad, pathetic existence you have, OP.
Keeping it real is better than sucking the limp cock of anyone that wanders into a Telegram group whining about 'wen moon'.
Grow up.
>Every few months there are new gullible brainlets who don't know Skycoin's history
(Literally pages of FUD on Google but brainlets dont know the history) I dont think you know what you are saying. I think you are just saying words for the sake of feeling important. Stay poor fag.
found sky through threads like this, thank god
Skycoin needs a community and public support for a meshnet. Imagine the publicity if they get some miners up in africa and then the telegram chatlog is drawn up.
No serious investor will touch this. Which is sad. It hurts people such as yourself who hold skycoin
Kek, fudders gonna fud. Maybe you should go back to link with the rest of the sub-civilised.
Yeah, that's also why nobody uses or talks about Jow Forums.
Skycoin doesn't need "investors" it needs users. It needs antennas on thousands of roofs. Five Chinese guys with a few billion yuan between themselves don't matter.
Meshnets exist. Skycoin can only encourage adoption through ideology. One appealing to a fuckton of people so they will climb on top of their roof to install hardware.
Atm that ideology is greed but this will not sustain the project longterm.
Greed is not an ideology. It is a basic human trait. Many like to criticize greed but they are exercising hypocrisy and displaying ignorance of the human condition.
Skywire isn't for normies, they are always lagging behind at least a decade. But it has the potential to create new business opportunities. Human activity is driven by incentive, not ideology, and the Skycoin is providing incentive to actually build stuff that can be used for general purposes.
Inflationary coinhours are emitted by deflationary Skycoins, establishing a new paradigm for currency. Although coinhours are inflationary, they are always limited in supply by time. And as time passes, their value will decline if hoarded. This elegantly stimulates spending in order to increase the transfer of goods and services on the network. Just think about that.