Got blackout drunk two days ago

>got blackout drunk two days ago
>still feel nauseous, weak and have muscle cramps

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should have just continued once you woke up

I can't, I have to quit.

don't overexert yourself. lay in bed and watch shows and sip water.
every once in a while I go on like a five day bender and consume a few liters of vodka without eating. it puts me out of commission for about a week. all I can do it lie in bed and watch movies and occasionally eat. it's quite a fun experience, I always have incredible dreams once I can manage to fall asleep.

I was fucked for an entire week, hadnt gotten drunk in months. It was pretty epic. I passed out in my gym playing boomer music with my dad

hangover cured

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>I passed out in my gym playing boomer music with my dad
fucking based

Are you an alcoholic too?

life as a drunk in leafland must be suffering. your guys booze prices are cray.

>get magic pills

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When I was in university in my first year I would just buy the cheapest shit possible

Old English is like 6 dollars, 6 pac of Pabst regular sized cans are about 9.50 and a 6 pac of tall boys are around 12.50

Yeah, I'll have to give up the habit soon enough. My health is shittier by the day and I can't afford a car and booze at the same time.

>6 pac of Pabst regular sized cans are about 9.50
jesus. that's like five dollars here.

I think you were molested while you were passed out. Call the police.

Drink soup

well good luck.

>blackout drunk

I never understood this. I always have pretty good memories of when I drink. And I always get nauseous and would start vomiting before I could even reach the point of blackout. Do you guys just drink like it's a race and down as much as you can before you start to feel anything? I don't see the fun in that. Just right before or right at the point where you're going to vomit is perfect IMO.

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Eat a chicken soup for lunch with lots of lemon, eat a salad and some meat for dinner.

I'm sorry user and I hope you'll recover soon.
But also
Imagine drinking alcohol lmoa

For real??? How do poor people manage to buy alcohol?

>he doesn't keep drinking after puking

Nausea feels bad. Convince me otherwise.

Cramps = dehydration = drink some water

just kidding. i too get hard reactions after too much. have you had many days with just a few cozy beers before this? if i have a week with a few beers here and there and then end it with a blackout saturday then just quit on sunday i get ill for days with many of the symptoms of delirium. if im dry for a week, then binge, then dry again or ween off for a day or two im completely fine.