
Attached: remake-of-remake.jpg (1366x806, 73K)

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Attached: 48B57DF800000578-0-image-a-11_1517245030193.jpg (1908x1146, 206K)

Attached: the UK.webm (640x360, 2.98M)

All this proves is that diversity is our greatest strength and that xenophobia and racism is dumb

Wtf?? Brits are a mix of different races intermingling over thousands of years?? Why was this knowledge hidden

This should have been shown to every British army recruit in WW2

Britbongistan is a shithole country. This doesn't prove that diversity is good.

Irish people are not white

What should they have shown the British Indian army?

Fun fact, London is infact 60% white, 45% is ethnically British

It's almost like this is the same for every Western European, even the Irish themselves. Stop forcing a mutt meme
t. never been to the UK yet thinks he knows what he's talking about

Polish people aren't white

The British race is the most powerful, innovative and legendary to have ever walked the earth. Denmark is a flat flyover that nobody cares about.

You know London has the second largest French population compared to Paris? It's not just Poles that live there you know. There's a significant German community as well.

Anybody using the term "white" is basically American

>if you determine someone by their general ethnicity then you're geographically ignorant

irish people aren't white

Whiter than you, mohammed

Just leaving this here

Attached: 1566603293416.png (1748x2310, 340K)

Dios mío...

Attached: 1564078553006.gif (908x765, 941K)


Just like japan

blow it out your ass ahmed

Unironically whiter than you, "bongs"

Attached: 1565979144214.gif (435x331, 1.03M)


Alternatively you can both stop your spastic meming about muh demography as if either cases are actually true

and this is for someone with at least 30% mediterranean bull blood. If youre white Im nordic

Attached: 1564163047196.png (500x400, 234K)

Do you think I actually care? It's always funny watching how American anons react

I am actually a Chicano larping as a one of the White americans that used to post those things

literally 6d chess bro

nuf said

Attached: F3jtLRMUWao.jpg (677x438, 62K)

It bugs the shit out of me how these images use "British" to mean Anglo-Saxon (the link doesn't explain what this is supposed to mean either). Also call me a tinfoil sceptic but I seriously doubt the UK is 2% Greek.

This is an old outdated study that mistakenly isolated the germany/french cluster as a separate category when it is the same as the anglo saxon group

I couldn't have picked a more retarded post to accidently give a (you) to meant to give it to

kek this is british version 56%
t. 37%

Jow Forums is such a comfy refuge board from newtards and contained brainlets

seething 6d'd fag

Did you just assume my gender?