My german teacher (who also german in nationality) flips the fuck out whenever I pronounce an r while speaking in...

My german teacher (who also german in nationality) flips the fuck out whenever I pronounce an r while speaking in German.
Why the fuck would you add r to a word and not pronounce them and instead say “a”? Makes no god damn sense, literally autism: the language

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if you do not like it then why do you bother learning it?

>literally autism: the language
>German is the only language to have silent letters

>there are people that say "soder" instead of "soda"
this is a sign of low IQ in America

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I say pop.

My alternative is French and I ain’t fucking around with that gay shit
Other languages have more than 1 silent letter (aka retarded languages), while german mainly does this with the r (aka autistic, as it functions really well but it has that particular defect that is annoying)

>german mainly does this with the r
ei is pronounced as ai, for example Eimer, or Ei
the s in sp and st ist pronounced mostly like sch
Meer and mehr are pronounced the same way, despite different spelling
g is often pronounced like k for example gucken
ie is a long i instead of an i-e sound
v is sometimes like w for example Vase
are some other cases, so it's not only the er ending sounding like a

Those are exceptions while the r is essentially never pronounced

>while the r is essentially never pronounced
but that's wrong

Here's another way to look at it:
Why do meds autistically roll Rs?
Thank god I can not

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If you pronounce the r it will sound similair to dutch and they don't like that

Spanish has the H. "Hola" sounds like "Ola", but Hola = Hello, Ola = (oceanic) wave.

Is swiss german you do indeed pronounce the r, but in the real german, the one spoken in germany, the r is ignored.
Well the dutch are based then

R moscia subhuman detected

Doesn't this applies only when the 'r' is the final letter?
There is no 'r' sound in words like "sprechen"?

Depends, some Rs have to be rolled
Still a minority of them tho
>He doesn't even know more than 2 types of R
Just learn Spanish and fuck off

there is, but it's different from the way Italians pronounce r I guess

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>Why the fuck would you add r to a word and not pronounce them and instead say “a”?
Can you give an example? I can't think of a word where the r is actually completely silent

For example, lehrer would be pronounced “leaa” instead of “lerer”


It's "leara" at best/worst

lol no, maybe with an accent but in hochdeutsch the r would be normally pronounced. I'm too lazy to make a vocaroo but google translate has a vocalization option if you want to check.

Attached: laughing girls.jpg (600x536, 81K)

Lmao no only final Rs are dropped

Then why the fuck does this bitch make me pronounce it like that? What the fuck? Fucking german whore

It's pronounced "lera" you lazy spic

You probably roll your r. It's guttural in Standard German.

By how you wrote it, sounds like you were trying to pronounce it like an English word

According to my teacher, words like "Der" sound kind of like "de-a", adding a small 'a' sound at the end.

Where is your teacher from?


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Both "der" and "dea" are valid although "dea" sounds a bit more natural. With "Lehrer" it's the same but even if you pronounce it as "Lehra" there's definitely still an r in there.


Get to da choppa!

Fuck off your countrymen can’t even fucking teach a language you mohammed worshipping cuck
Northern germany in some random kraut meme town

He's right. Worst ending in R don't really pronounce the R, it's more like a closed A.

*gett tu da tschopper

No he's not right you alman

>Jow Forums

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He's right, you piece of shit.

>The German vocalic 'r' is so-called because it is pronounced as a vowel, not a consonant. Sometimes referred to as a 'dark schwa', vocalic 'r' is articulated with the tongue slightly lower and further back in the vowel area than the 'schwa' sound heard at the end of such German words as 'Liebe', 'Katze' and 'Ratte'.

Calm down alm*noid "Lehrer" does have an r it's just the second r which is silent

You don't pronounce the r at the end of words such as Lehrer or Schuler . It's the exact same in English but you don't see people crying about that

I want the wall back so bad.

Attached: titanic mauer.jpg (569x768, 127K)

Ubaldo strikes again

I'm not an Ossi you drunk alman
go outside and have sex before you post such nonsense

East German piece of SHIT.

Attached: titanic zonen-gaby.jpg (2448x3264, 1.37M)

now you've attracted the autists from /deutsch/. rip

keep seething harder you absolute autist

now you've attracted the east germans from /deutsch/. rip

Ok so it seems that it depends on the regional pronunciation, fucking hell what a mess

now you've attracted the almans from /deutsch/. rip

>mfw too lazy to distinct between the front ch and sch

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>too lazy to distinct between the front ch and sch

You piece of SHIT.

my german teacher (who was also german in nationality) wouldn't start the lecture until 12pm because she felt that nothing could be gained gained before noon. i thought it was just spaniards that were lazy but i guess it's all of them

12 pm is when your flag cuck service indoctrination ends.

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that's what 100% of arabs do when they speak german

that's what 100% of east germans do when they speak german

Oh my fucking god

Alman piece of crap

no it's not that's usually around 7:15am

Eimer is pronounced Eimer not Eima, your teacher is an idiot (or a Turk).

>but in the real german, the one spoken in germany, the r is ignored.

It isn't.

>lehrer would be pronounced “leaa” instead of


Again, if your teacher made you believe this he's incompetent.

>be americunt
>wake up at 4 in the morning
>drink coffee-infused high fructose cornsyrup
>gain another chin
>open door to leave
>dodge bullets from startled police officer
>thank him for his service
>get in pick-up truck
>wait in traffic for 5 hours, only poor people take public transport
>the clock strikes 11 past 9
>everyone gets out of their car and faces towards new york
>salute the twin towers. never forget.
>get to work
>see a job creator pass by
>prostrate before him and ask if you can work longer and for less
>he tells you that that you're going places
>the entire office begins clapping, thanking him for being so generous
>take lunch break (unpaid)
>eat a super size bowl of ranch sauce with a topping of salad
>gain a bra size
>finally head home from work after working unpaid overtime
>get pulled over by the cops
>they ask to see your results
>7% white
>cops feel threatened by how white you are
>get shot

she was probably bav*rian
bav*rians are known to be lazy swarthy meds

Seething pl*incuck

b@v*Rians roll the r though.

can you shitalians please annex bav*ria already we don't need those brown manlets

>can you shitalians please annex bav*ria already

Yes please

Attached: bavarian-empire.jpg (2000x1970, 869K)

Is bavaria the richest region in germany? Lmao

>Emilia (???)
Keep the plaincucks out of it, please

My decision is FINAL.

those med subhumans stole all the wealth from the white people in the north

Basically random trash then, too bad

and yet i still survived the shooting to get there on time to have to sit there and wait around for her to start lecturing

i'm not sure what region she was from but she pronounced her w's as v's which was different from all the other german teachers i had

aka northern and eastern germans are lazy fucks while the south carries all of you on their shoulders

Northern Germany is a flat wasteland similar to Denmark, I think you mean Western Germany.

>this is your brain on med propaganda


Attached: Download.png (219x230, 6K)

You forgot the pic

Attached: 1554977580954.jpg (680x490, 83K)

cool map. what about the east slavic countries though?
pretty sure all of them have the rolled r

Jesus Christ this is the most autistic thread I've seen since meds and Nords argued about what constitutes blonde

That's Hamburg
