What do you think about Xi Jinping's daughter?
What do you think about Xi Jinping's daughter?
Not very cute, but imo she needs a Dutch husband just like Putin's daughter.
Would seku hara
I'd put my tank into her tiananmen square.
Why doesn't she have a personal makeup artist?
6/10 but she's got mad political, wealth and education stats. so 8/10.
I'd militarise her south china sea
Would make kids with her and call said kids "half cubs" just to piss off her dad
I'd fíll her tank with my oil.
How about asking her father for a 99 year lease?
A QT Id like to hover my hand over and take a selfie with.
her face is sh-shinning...
Would smash but his father would cut my head for disgracing the glory of China.
That would do well with Xi's "man of the people" image.
Would impregnate
She looks like a generic Chinese girl. Nothing special at all.
Looks like the average girl at my college
She needs a white boyfriend
What would happen if you drop her in the middle of Hong Kong demonstration?
WHITED.com in 5 seconds
She looks like she fucks brown guys.
she cute
Pictures of her feet where?
sorry not enough social credit score
same girl according to google
what does she do for a living?
so fucking hot i want to rape
Id fuck her just to cuck Xi
Has that pudgy look that her dada has but not bad.
>so fucking hot
+500 social credits
>i want to rape
-5000000 social credits, police will come pick you up
I'll raise my cultivation level in order to beat her father and get her hand for marriage.
want to stick down her throat until reach her stomach
I've seen various pictures of her, she doesn't look like pic related in this one.
get off Jow Forums xi
(that was a joke please don't take m
Makes sense that Pooh would spawn Piglet
Yep, I'm thinking I'm learning Mandarin.
The most perfect angel to have blessed China and the CCP. I hope she finds a pure Han Chinese to marry and have children with to continue the legacy of the superior Chinese race.
There are also single and lonely ABCs if Xi wants to go that route
ABCs are meant for BACs now get that twink hole ready boi
awwwww look at xi and his lil girl
She will get KHAN'd
I want to whisper stories about Tiananmen Square in her ear while we cuddle.
Honestly haven't seen enough Asian people to tell you that. Some literally look the same for me.