What is the meaning of life? Is it materialism and following along, or philosophy, actual work, and exploring?

What is the meaning of life? Is it materialism and following along, or philosophy, actual work, and exploring?

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materialism is the answer, but not the materialism you're thinking of

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Passing on your genetic code and presenting your genetic superiority to others.

In (Shia) Islam we believe that God created us so that we can experience happiness

To become an ubermensch

Meaning of live is to live and survive

go away hizzballah

Elaborate plox

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Read Kierkegaard

Thermal energy dissipation literally. We're dissipating a lot of energy and the more we increase our technologic advancement the more we dissipate energy accumulated by earth. From the bacterias to the nuclear recators that's what we do, we dissipate energy.

Based and Marxpilled

There is an Iranian shieck on YouTube who explains it called panahian

Islam is a pile of shit.

Prophet Muhammad was jewish
Stop worshipping kike

Why are you so rude ?
Doesn't your religion teach you mannerisms ?Convince me not to

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>Man exists to labor
God what a fucking moron. Why do people look up to him as a philosopher?

Because they are too stupid and think that equality is a real thing

Do whatever you want, there's no purpose

Why should I be a nihilist?

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It's different for every person. Some people find their purpose, others don't. For some people it's getting rich and/or powerful. For other people it's attaining knowledge. Other people want to make the world a better place as doctors, therapists, firemen etc. Some seek only carnal pleasure. (Which I believe is like taking drugs, after a while it becomes stale and you never reach your initial pleasure again.) Some people look for a deeper understanding of life.

If you can find out what you are looking for, you're already halfway there. Because that in itself is not as easy as it might sound.

meaning of life is to live retard

There is no meaning because you gould have been dead at birth

Niggas be trippin

There is as much purpose as you think there is. It dosnt really matter

I get into nature and philosophy, as well as separatist maps, but nobody actually cares of what I truly think. I look average, but nobody wants an "anti-Semitic" nerd like me.

>Know Thyself

the more you explore the complexities of your own being, the more sense will life have to you, you'll have a clearer idea of who you really are and therefore what's your purpose here on Earth.

Stop asking if people want you , do you want them ?
You shouldn't base your entire life on fruitless opinions

Nothing meaning
Life is just a series of chemical reactions

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Values make your mind weak forcing you to care about something, but I didn't say you shouldn't make values, do whatever you want. For the most people it's easier to be non-nihilistic cause it's hard to accept meaningless of their existence

Well, I'm right-wing myself, but I don't tell anybody because I also like to be liked. I have a variety of quirky interests that I can't really share with most of the people. But I picked up how to start a conversation, how to do a bit of smalltalk, and I come off as a likeable fellow. If being liked by other people is important to you, you could too.

Can you formulate the chemical reaction for attaining self-awareness? If it's just a matter of science, we should be able to produce sentient robots by now.

nihilism is for literal losers too afraid to fight for what they really want. Instead they convince themselves they don't really want that and try to forget how miserable they are. It's the ultimate fox and the grapes example.

the what example

>ad hominem
Nihilists BTFO

It's a fable from antiquity. The fox sees some grapes, but they're growing too high for him to reach. So he walks off and says "they're not ripe enough for me".

I think user is trying to say nihilists can't get what they really want, so they claim they didn't want anything in the first place instead.

the meaning of life is a spook

Aesop's fable where a fox wants to eat grapes from a vine but they're out of reach and so she just pretends she didn't want them in the first place? try and learn some culture nigga.

I'm just stressing the fact that nihilism is just a big cope. The fact that nihilists had miserable lives is part of the argument. Sorry the truth hurts your feelings.

Biological purpose is to reproduce and ensure the survival of your genetic bloodline.
Above that, to minimize pain/suffering and maximize pleasure/happiness.
What causes pain/suffering and what brings pleasure/happiness to someone, aside from a few basic universal things, can be subjective and vary.

Life have no meaning that why you must find your own purpose this user said well Or maybe just kys idk

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there is no point to life

a Slovenian proverb goes 'the only must is to die'


>Can you formulate the chemical reaction for attaining self-awareness?
No. Because too complex
>If it's just a matter of science, we should be able to produce sentient robots by now.
Irrelevant logic

Any type of behavior is cope with life, nihilism included, it's just less delusional

>Doesn't your religion teach you mannerisms?
We don't need old beardy men to tell us how to act and behave because we're not insecure manbabies who can't handle women.
Islam is shite because it's extremely volatile to extremism, it's controlling of ones life and doesn't give a flying fuck about human rights.


People looking for a purpose in life have sometimes encountered Buddhism, and if you concentrate on it's central teachings and not the rituals around it, there's wisdom in that.
Buddhism teaches about the 4 Noble Truths, which are (simply put):
(1) life is painful
(2) the cause for the pain is longing for and being attached to things and pleasures
(3) it is possible to end the pain by fighting its cause
(4) to do this, follow the eightfold path of Buddhism

In essence we want stuff or persons that we like, and if we can't get them, we suffer. The negative is also possible: We have attached negativity to stuff or persons we want to get away from, and when we can't, we suffer.

The art now is not to become attached, but not to fall into nihilism either. It is not saying "I don't want a hot tea anyway", but instead "I know that the feeling of having a nice tea is fleeting. I enjoy it now but I know that it will be gone when the tea is finished."

Easier said than done.

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To be yourself

So Allah created us to do coke?

>I Don't Understand Marx: The Post

>Above that, to minimize pain/suffering and maximize pleasure/happiness.
this just rewords the question from "meaning of life" to "meaning of true happiness". hedonism will get you nowhere. pleasure and happiness are not directly correlated.
life is the eternal wheel of samsara: the endless cycle of birth, suffering, old age, and death. only by realizing the "empty", unfixed nature of all things can you escape to nirvana. This is the concept of "sunyata", that because all things have dependent origination, they cannot have an unchanging fixed essence that separates it absolutely from other things. Everything at the bottom is "empty" in that there is nothing other than its relation to other things that makes it "itself".
a common misconception is that nirvana is a different "place", "higher" or "more fundamental" truth, but in fact its just the state when you have conditioned yourself to be able to see the emptiness of all things and their codependence.
indeed, the Middle Path is to be steadfast in your studies and meditation on this evident fact, attain nirvana, and help others to walk the Middle Path.

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Try to be happy
If you can't get happy then kill yourself

it is delusional because you are denying that you actually have feelings and you do value some things instead of others (say, a happy life, however you picture it). But instead of admiting this as a human reality you just pretend not to have such values because they are "irrational" (which they are). And that is the reason why nihilists are inevitably miserable, because they deny the satisfaction of those values they pretend not to have, or pretend they're not really important when in fact they are.

The remedy to nihilism is moral pragmatism, the realization of subjective values as realities, even if just for that one person. When you admit there are things you like, and things you dislike, you'll then occupy your life in the definition and pursuit of such goals. Like pointed out.

Hush, devil

That's going to end up bad eventually, it's how you think, don't hide your self

Nihilism is about absence of intrinsic value in life
>you are denying that you actually have feelings and you do value some things instead of others
Nihilist don't deny feelings
>When you admit there are things you like, and things you dislike, you'll then occupy your life in the definition and pursuit of such goals
Nihilist like and dislike things and pursuing that they like
>Like pointed out
Nihilistic post

>Values make your mind weak forcing you to care about something

but hey, frankly now I don't think there's much difference how you call your personal philosophy, so long you don't use it to justify your personal failures. If that works for you, fine, just don't fool yourself.

>don't use it to justify your personal failures
Why not? As you said, If that works for you, fine.

Should I care for anything?

life is but a dream

When you fail at life your failure affects not only you but everyone else around you. If you're a failure please be kind enought to either get your shit together or kill yourself.

If you start paying attention to the needs of others and tend to them you'll see that your existencial void will vanish. Life hack.

Build a home, reproduce and make God proud.

But why commie? Nobody is worth my time, but there's no purpose in life either but some of my autistic philosophy and maps

I'm not saying that's good or bad, I'm just saying how it is. Give it a try sometime and see for yourself. Worst case scenario you just go back to your maps.

ps: i'm not a commie, they're as materialistic as it gets
pps: post maps

See the autism? I spend days doing this stuff

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And btw, sorry I called u commie, fren, but it sounded too collectivist. Now I understand

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>separating Brazilian territory

I'd slap you in the face for that, nigger.
But you're ok too man, don't forget everyone else is searching just like you, even if they don't show it. It's the human condition. And you're certainly not the worst.

The meaning of life is the embodiment of virtue in your thoughts, speech, and actions, in line with the divine nature of God.

The purpose of life is to establish the Imperium.

Join your local nexium now

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>united Brazil

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Marxism is metaphysical materialism, not greed materialism

>what is the meaning of life?
>what is the meaning of clouds?
>what is the meaning of plants?
>what is the meaning of cake?
Stupid questions for stupid people

Doing what you like. Or doing things that will allow you to do things that you like

So, even with my "autistic" hobbies as well as my Jow Forums beliefs, could I find someone that would like me? How would I do that?

whats metaphysical materialism?

We didn't kill hundreds of thousands of people to establish this huge territory so some cucks would just go and separate it. We've gone too far now.


Nihilism isn't about constant failing lol

Explain more

the meaning of life is to shitpost in real life and in internet and care zero fucks about npc-opinions

i dont use my bathroom anymore to pee,i just pee straight off my 12-floor balcony to the faces of peasants

Atleast there would be an injun and nigger territory, right? Or am I wrong?

You can keep your autistic hobbies, just do them because you like them and don't feel bad about it. No one likes a self-hating person. If you like yourself, others will like you too. But that's just my opinion, considering my own experiences.

either you fail, or you don't. If you do, you should try harder. If you don't, congratulations, you are improving life a bit for all of us.

they both can have their territories, so long it submits to brazilian sovereignty

Man is a creative being. Creative expression can only manifest through labouring the natural world. Literally what's wrong with that?

But what if they find out I am (((anti-Semitic)))? They wont like me as much anymore just because of my beliefs

i dont care anymore

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Have sex or shoot up a walmart

y fren

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stick with me kid
im about to blow your tiny mind

t. convicted sex offender

your mom dissipates a lot of energy cause shes so hot

meaning of life in this time would be to go to school and graduate, go to a college and get in debt optionally, get a good job, have a partner with/without kids, and then enjoy your last years when you retire, and then die peacefully. no one lives forever, so you should make the best of it, help others and support people n shit.

Life has no meaning.

It's doing God's work, brainlet

The stoics were probably the closest to the real meaning. That the entire universe is intertwined and you have to live life according to your nature. And fulfill your designated role in life to the best of your ability.

>We didn't kill hundreds of thousands of people to establish this huge territory so some cucks would just go and separate it.
We didn't really. When we got our independence Brazil was more or less the same size it is today

there's probably none
you can kill yourself, turn to religion, or simply live it how you see fit

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(((God's work)))

>What is the meaning of life?
Eat, shit, sleep, fuck and eventually die.

There is little purpose to life, but living a meaningful and enjoyable life would probably be one. It's up to everyone to decide for themselves what it is they find meaningful and enjoyable. Also fulfilling yourself should trespass on others ability to fulfill themselves, not without concord at least. Personally, I find enjoyment in art and discussions with people, I also like to avoid stress and trouble. Stoicism and epicureanism give a solid framework to build your world view onto.