Do Americans really pay hundreds of bucks for textbooks? Can’t you pirate them?

Do Americans really pay hundreds of bucks for textbooks? Can’t you pirate them?

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Not really, no. Basically what happens now is that each professor assigns the class a book and the only way you can access the homework is to buy a ubique class access code, that comes packaged with the book. so even if you dont read the book you need it to pass

Yes we do.

This is how it literally works here.

The """professor""" writes a book and then sells it exclusively through the school and you are required to buy the new version of the textbook each semester so that way the school can make money from you every semester so that you don't just buy old versions. The "new" versions aren't actually better they just move a few words around and are basically the same book.

The textbooks come with serial keys that must be validated online. The teacher has the obligation of verifying every student is using an original copy and report any pirates to the police and FBI

I’ve read some books can cost $300 and you are required to pay for them because they have unique homework codes.

>>>Not really, no. Basically what happens now is that each professor assigns the class a book and the only way you can access the homework is to buy a ubique class access code, that comes packaged with the book. so even if you dont read the book you need it to pass

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Normalfags are too cowardly to sail the seven seas

It's the same everywhere, isn't it? My Finnish friend told me he didn't have to pay tuition but still had to buy textbooks.

nope, textbooks are free here

Sounds like a government-run cartel desu

Here they are supplied by university libraries or you can simply download them.

Feels good to be a second worlder

I just paid around $700 worth of textbooks for 4 classes

I hate this capitalist education system.

What do you propose they do instead? Communism? I don't think so commie

Never bought a text book for uni. The profs usually upload the script online which is sufficient most of the time. And if you need the books are available in the library.

Lower the prices?

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Fucking hell man, we live in and age where personal computers are the size of books all the while you could fit all the textbook info from every book in the world and still have room for more.

And this is why China is replacing USA as a superplower.

lmao no

>"""""""LAND OF THE FREE"""""

Land of the fleeced and expoited goyim.

More like it.

Same here, the books are free to rent at the uni library.

Maybe in first world countries. My uni has a printing service for any textbook, photocopy or pirated
Freedom ain't free

I never touched a textbook in all of my uni years

Wow, some scary shit.

Who would have thunk USA would have turned into such a rotten shithole just 20 years ago?

Oh my fg, that's way worse than in r*ssia

Are there at least strikes about this?

more like school run scalping operation

Yes you can, I literally just type the name of the textbook into google and add pdf at the end of it and find the book 90% of the time. The only classes it doesnt work is the few classes with books written by the university, with a homework access code (usually only $30-50), or with small books that are only $10 anyways

Isn’t it illegal?

how fucking retarded are you mate, why would you buy them and not at least rent? Did you even try to find them for free online?

Oh, innocent, innocent boy

I dont know, probably. No one is going to know or care. Ive even had a few professors distribute the books for free on pdf or just tell us to search for them for free kek

Nigger, there are dozens of copycenters outside the uni, all in the same block, just go there and buy a copy of the chapter.

Or even better, just ask someone to for their homework. Higher education is a scam, anyone can pass.

This, nigger. In my uni a professor makes an agreement with certain photocopier and tells the class he leaves the homework at his stall.

anyone really.

Do americans really?
In unis here you just print it in the student center for one or two dollars or read it in pdf for free

the university bookstores usually pump up the price to try to jew you, usually it is cheaper on amazon by $20+
Pic related is the university price for the books i need this semester, although i found the pdf versions for free online so it was $0

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This actually begs the question
Why are American Universities run like Businesses? Why do they charge you too much to study? You have rich states anyways like California so why can't these rich states subsidize them?

NY made all their public universities free

I think community college in california is free, which makes like two out of four years free

I don't know
I've heard horror stories about how Universities that are established in the US are basically nothibg but money making schemes where they charge students an ungodly amount of money for each term while forcing them to buy textbooks at exhorbitant prices

What the fuck

What is wrong with Americans, how are they okay with this

God the US is such a cucked country

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My university forces you to use an access code you have to buy from them alone. And they ALWAYS upgrade to new editions each year

Everyone forgets the part where the government gives you free 2500$ to spend it on whatever you want. And yes, we can pirate books, in statistics class i used a computer to pull a pdf of the book i needed, he didn't care as long as i read what we were supposed to be reading. and yes, the uni/college forcing you to buy the newest book is some jew move.

how do yall come up with this shit kek

American high education is such a fucking hoax, holy shet

University students are gay

Several Americans posted exactly the same thing
Shut the fuck up

never experienced it myself or heard of friends in that situation, there are online homework codes but professor dont check if your textbooks are pirated kek
of course macaco said it on Jow Forums so it must be true

I rent them and return them at the end of the semester cause its cheaper

yes, that is correct. they make us pay an absurdly expensive tuition but then they still charge us individually for everything. Textbooks $100+ dollars. Printing anything out in the library is $1 per page. $1.25 if you print with color. Even if you pirate the textbook, they force you to turn in assignments using an online system which you can’t register for unless you pay $75-$95 for the key. And even then it doesn’t let you own the book or download the pdf, it is only for “temporary access” and it expires after a few months. If you retake a class a 2nd time you are forced to pay again for a new access code. If you want a copy of your transcript you have to pay $15. When we take final exams we have to buy our own scantrons.

massively insulting and also the infrastructure is horribly dysfunctional. School website is always down, tons of errors they have not fixed in 3+ years, registering for classes is a nightmare and full of glitches and crashes, if you call the school they will put you on hold for literally 2+ hours and if the call drops (which happens often) you have to wait again. If you go to the school they make you wait ridiculously long lines and have horrible and hostile attitude towards you.

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Nigga can you not fucking read

All American flags, it's not just le macaco
Stop defending your piece of shit """education"""

Really makes you consider that first-world countries are the real shitholes.

Does the book jewery happen at the elite institutions too?

For example MIT and Stanford have uploaded a lot of their school materials and lectures online.

the access code thing is true but the FBI thing is not, lel. they wont check to ensure you dont pirate books, they just make it impossible to pass the course if you dont buy access code.

School books weren't free here but often professors would write their own e books and would upload them to the official school repository for free.

All lecture slides were freely available online.

The maths department had little weekly booklets they would print and sell for cheap (like 5 dollars) that would cover the lectures and offer practice assignments.

Can you not fucking read? None of those posts have anything to do with the brazilian chimpman hybrid posted. A homework access code is not the same as a professor checking your textbooks serial number to see if it is pirated or not and calling the FBI or whatever made up bullshit. Go back to poland you greasy euronigger

i usually bought used textbooks. overall id say i spent around $300 in textbooks for all my years

What shithole university do you go to? Printing is like $0.09 for color here

I signed up for a online typing class at university because it was 1 credit and I needed 1 more credit for financial aid.

When the semester started I found out I was supposed to spend $100+ on a typing textbook that came with a typing program. I couldn't pirate it cause all the homework was done through the program.

fuck university week where all new students souls come to the rocks to crash and be swept away

Here we're encouraged to buy old copies from ex-students. But many times you don't even need a text book they just put pdf of the lecture online. We even use cracked copies of certain programs (Adobe package for example) that our professor gave us.

I'm proud to say that I have not bought a single textbook since enrolling in uni.

The library is a thing you know...