Why are wages so much higher and expenses so much lower in the US than here?
Why are wages so much higher and expenses so much lower in the US than here?
In the US, taxes are considered evil
Because sweden is communist
We aren't called yuropoors for nothing.
Because all your tax money goes to autists that get paid to exist
Economies of scale and power of the American dollar. All the Americans I know still think they're suffering in America and would rather prefer to live in a country like Italy.
because freedom
decades of economic hegemony
makes me laugh when americans complain about their lives when they have it so good
>expenses so much lower
LOL no. Maybe for gas.
>makes me laugh when americans complain about their lives when they have it so good
People living in oil houses shouldn't throw fireballs.
>makes me laugh when americans complain about their lives when they have it so good
are you retarded? only wealthy people have nice lives in America
Expenses are lower, you need to take into account all of the stuff that is provided
we get raped by taxes whille everything is so expensive it drives you to take up loans
we do well on meme indexes but we're second world in practice
maybe if you live a flyover town
From what I've heard from friends and family US cities are as expensive as dublin which would be similar to sweden in expenses
don't u get a free house tho? what more do u want?
>don't u get a free house tho?
this shitty state is obsessed about looking good internationally but everyone who has been here can testify that its shitty as hell
To put it in burger terms, a mcdonald's combo costs somewhere around 10 USD here.
That's 13%
>can testify that its shitty as hell
can't tell if meme or unironic
and how much does your living space cost?
how much does it cost you to cover a short emergency hospital stay?
how much for university?
You are not cute
Most of Western Europe has free healthcare, so nogs and tards just use it all while those that actually have jobs shoulder the tax burden.
In the UK the National Health Service is seen as God and calling for it to be a paid service (instead of being a black hole for taxes) gets you called a Tory snob even if you aren't a Tory nor rich.
I hate the UK so much, wish my country would just leave the UK desu.
Good, McDonald’s is shit.
Posh cunt hands wrote this post
Because Americans dont pay 40% income taxes.
>Posh cunt
I live in a backwater, marra. My area is literally Alabama but with Scottish people.
Posh cunt
>Why are wages so much higher
Capitalism if you got a shit tier job you'd be getting min wage at best, no vacations, fired if late or sick or even worse if you're a waiter
>Why are expenses so much lower in the US
Cardboard houses, lots of land, cheap illegals and low quality food
And that’s a bad thing.
And you also get free Healthcare.
They can live a whole life without Healthcare.
We aren't hardcore socialist.
They aren't. Americans are all poor as fuck compared to Swedes
that is the fault of the american people for not fighting back
They arent, but mainly because politicians get rich off corporate favors not taxes
Every us politician is multi millionaire
REMINDER: Any “european” whining about “muh taxes” and praising the American economic system is actually a paid corporate shill desperately trying to get Europeans to sell off their social democratic services to American executives. If you spot a European praising the American economic system, make sure to call them out for what they are: a treasonous cuckold.
>This 90 million net worth Democrat politician stands and represents peasant workers working minimum.wage
Kek cracks me.up
We have to pay for the zog military and get raped on healthcare so it evens out I'd bet
>Trust me my fellow working class Americans I too understand your struggles as mearly someone with 200 million dollars
because 90% of all their products are made with either high fructose corn syrup or cardboard
Why are you talking about Trump?
its not worth it user, the usa is a trap and the money is a bait
I don't understand.
You wouldn't.