Mexicanon from Oaxaca AMA

Mexicanon from Oaxaca AMA

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what differenciates oaxaca from other mexican states?

"usos y costumbres"
It's a constitutional law that the government must respect whatever we do ;_;
(that includes beating women, lynching thieves and marrying kids )

we also have nude beaches and gave Mexico guacamole, pipian and Mezcal.

How is AMLO doing

we love him.
He gave us some shekels to build our infrastructure.
vid related.
He wants us to work on keeping the roads and streets clean, safe and without baches. ( how do you say baches in English? ).

What region of Oaxaca are you from?

un hole guey


we also love him for building the Trans-Istmic train. A Panama Canal alternative.

I'm from la sierra de Chilpancingo. A place known as San Francisco de Aziz built by a Chilean culture... that's why we love Chilenas.

pothole or hole?. I never head of these in the U.S.A... but it might be true.

q pasa wey

hola mi ancestro... por ti las Armenias y Libaneses piensan que soy igual a ellas... kek. I love them as well.

fun fact: San Francisco, Oaxaca and San Francisco, California was built by the same people. They might be Chileans, but with Mezcal and other weird customs. kek.

if there's a rut on a paved road, it's a pothole

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Is it true that your food is the best in Mexico? What makes it different?

thank you dear gabacho.. I didn't know this word. so yeah, our president is giving us shekels to keep it without potholes.

The more you know...

What kind of climate do you have there?

it is, but it's an adquired taste like wasabi from Japan, like pickles from the U.S.A or Kimichi from Korea.
We are like 100 cultures over here, and thank God I have tastebuds for all of the cultures over.
Like starting from Chapulines all the way to chocolate mole. If your tastebuds are bland, you shouldn't try Oaxaqain food. Once you get used to it, you would eat a wasmole ( a mole made from huaje vines ).

Is it true that campechanos do everything upside down?

I can confirm. I'm from Yucatán and seen some over there

how much for a bottle of "oro de oxaca" over there? It is very expensive here, if you can find it

we have a dry hot climate... like a desert like with cactus and huaje vines. But it depends, if you go down south, everything is green and more humid. Down there we have the Laguna de Chacahua bioluminience beaches... yup, beaches that give light once you touch them at night... kind of weird. Like an Steven Spielberg movie known as Avatar.

Why do you get so butthurt when the rest of us call you oaxaquitas. Also, Jalisco has more culture than you.

hmmm... that's a saying over ther ein Yucatan. Even mayans are politically coreect when they say that to another foreigne, like they ask
>"are you Campechano"
>"nope", I say
>"well, you do that vice-versa", they say
Mayans are really a kind of their own and they don't hate us Oaxacans for some odd reason.

we actually don't drink bottled mezcal... like, why would you? every mezcal is done right at home and you could buy it from your neighbor with a worm inside or not. Like that's more like a supermarket thing. But I guess that's like $200 pesos depending on the state you live. But i don't think it's real mezcal, bro.

Why is mezcal so tasty?

Also, toughts on Porfirio Díaz? Benito Juárez? What city of Oaxaca are you from? What Pre-Columbian group if your favorite?

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Sounds interesting, What are some dishes I should try?

Based AMLOve

I don't.
In fact, people from all over the world think I'm Armenian or Lebanese or French. Even in Jalisco people thought I was Tapatio, kek. vLook at this post . They get really pissed when I tell them I'm from Oaxaca. Yeah, I know there many more natives over here, but other people can't grasp the feeling I'm actually a real Mexican from Oaxaca. They expect me to be brown ( which I would love to be ). I love to say i'm from Oaxaca because I love this culture even if my dad is Zapotec and my mom is from Chilean descent.

>I'm from Yucatán
>dutch flag

my Amerindian brother :)

>Why is mezcal so tasty?
it doesn't give you a headache, it goes straight to your belly and it has vitamins.
>Also, toughts on Porfirio Díaz? Benito Juárez? What city of Oaxaca are you from?
we have mixed feelings of both.
Porfirio Diaz gave us many culture.
Benito Juarez thaght us about religion and humanism... We love both.
>What Pre-Columbian group if your favorite?
what do you mean? we are mix of zapotecs, olmecs and other cultures... why would I choose a favorite group? can you explain further?


>why would I choose a favorite group?
One that catches your attention more. For example me personally I really like the Incas for their history, social organization, architecture, etc. In Oaxaca I only interacted with the Zapotecos whom I really like the architecture (Mitla and Monte Albán). I assumed you would know more about all the different groups living there before the Spaniards and their interactions, societies, etc. Don't you learn this at school?

>manitas de corazon de peña nieto
where are you from?

Are you a mixteco?
Chilpancingo is in guerrero not oaxaca

>Don't you learn this at school?
We learn the same stuff as other Mexicans.
What I learnt was due to my mom teaching me words which are really weird but explain alot of things.
dish ware or food that smells like rotten egg or rotten meat
the coffee and atole with pieces of maize and coffee
pregnant women that spoil your food
>Chilpancingo is in guerrero not oaxaca
technically yes,, we are the costa chica actually.
>Are you a mixteco?
a mix ( teco ) kek.
I said over there in a post that I'm a mix of a chilean mom and zapotec dad.

are people in México aware of Portugal's existence?

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>we are the costa chica actually.
What? Chilpancingo is not in the costa chica

not really, which part of Mexico?

chilpancingo it ain't... but San Francisco is.
fucking nigger, are you the pocho from Madera, California?


none in particular
I just wanted to know if non Brazilians remembered we exist, it seems they don't

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Soy huache de la region tierra caliente

¿por que estamos discutiendo estas pendejadas?
y no mames, ¿que tiene que ver tu rancho con el mio? tu rancho esta mas en Michoacan

sorry bros, we don't want to be mean, but we haven't seen you over here.... may be in Mexico city they have noticed you.

I go to uni here

Why dont you consider yourself part of guerrero when you are from the capital?
>tu rancho esta mas en Michoacan
I have family all over guererro tho, san luis la loma petatlan and chilpancingo

Why dont you consider yourself part of guerrero when you are from the capital?
it doesn't matter, our birth certificates get marked as Oaxacanos... I guess you haven't lived in la sierra. And I wouldn't mind being called a Guerrerense either. But we are not. Las Chilenas Oaxaqueñas are from Oaxaca, therefore, I represent Oaxaca.

>I have family all over guererro tho, san luis la loma petatlan and chilpancingo
chilpancingo is nice, when are you going to visit it?. We might meet there.

I do

How did your chilean mother ended in that place?

my great grandma got stuck there because the ship broke or some shit like that. Then my great grandma married an """hacendado"""" and had many children. Then the Mexican revolution came and we got fucked up. And that's how my mom ended up marrying a Zapotec. I still miss my dad. My mom is still alive and I love her but she lives in Veracruz.

Then you are chilean, you are not mexican

Hes part zapoteco tho

errrm, do you stand out like a sore thumb? Are you one of those mega rare yucatecos that are over 6'0 tall?

He is old chilean, proper, the zapoteco thing doesnt matter

hmmmm,,,, I don't know. I really love my mexican heritage because is like the only thing i learnt. i wish my mom knew about her culture but she doesn't. All that I know is Mexican. Pero gracias por las facciones que me dieron, he tenido pegue con las libaneses y las Armenias... pinches culotes bien ricos.

Whats your regional dish?

... y ademas, ustedes dejaron un monton de semilla en mi rancho y chilpancingo.
las nenas bien chaparritas pero blanquitas. Asu, hasta son bien borrachas tambien y cuando es la epoca de cargar a los santos son bien tremendas. Andan con sus shortsitos y sus sandalias. Son las mas hermosas. Pinche mezcla bien rara que nos dejaron pero nos queremos mucho aca.

since Oaxaca, is the Mole Oaxaqueño.. but for me is Wasmole my regional dish... a sauce made from huaje vines and pork.

Hubieras posteado en unsee

¿en que?

Interesting thx

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Las fotos que posteas en Jow Forums se quedan en los archivos

ah mira... no sabia
esta es mi ultima y gracias

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no entiendo bien los posts que intercambiaste con el chileno de arriba ¿que relacion hay entre oaxaca y chile?

que San Francisco de Azis y San Francisco California son la misma """clay"""... por que los Chilenos se quedaron barados en este rancho de Oaxaca. kek.

la musica de la costa chica de llama chilena por los chilenos que llegaron ahi?

si asi es..
mi favorita es la de Pepe Ramos... ¿te gusta?

no pareces tapatio libanes ni europeo, estas moreno y tienes los ojos pequeños de zapoteco

went to oaxaca recently had yellow mole, so good

ahi los estoy cerrando y ni hay luz en mi cuarto... kek... pero bueno...aunque no lo digas tu, las Libaneses, Tapatias y Armenias siempre me lo dicen

no escucho musica de la costa chica nomas se que en esa region escuchan ese genero

I love it as well.. this girl is also my neighbor.. but we don't talk because, stuff. I really love her, but she is too SJW for me...Like I said, there's alot of Chilean clay over here. I don't understand why Oaxaqueños browse alot of chans...

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no t habla por que le andabas chiflando cuando pasaba pinche puerco machista :^)

>I really love her, but she is too SJW for me
Her beliefs dont matter, women change what they believe in if they like a man.
Females are just followers

she browses hispachan shithole because Spanish, I browse this shithole because English.
I don't why I like my own paisanons so much... it gets me way too fucking hard. kek.

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jajaja... ah pero pues quien la manda a que se le vea bien rico el culo ;)

hot or not?

thank you user you are so sweet

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