Can someone who knows French translate these comics ?
Yasmina the Maghrebi girl comes in Paris
Other urls found in this thread:
First Panel
>Yasmina you should dump Samir, he doesn't deserve you. Why not marry my brother Boubacar and you'll make a nice couple and you'll have beautiful mixed babies like we see on instagram
>Really? But Samir will come on Friday to ask for my hand in marriage! On the other hand mixed babies are swag.
>Thanks Fataou. The Maghrebine is mine!
Second Panel
>Hihihi! What now Yasmina? How is it like having kids that don't look like you? And you used to laugh at my fake hair when were little. Well look at your twins how they look like two drops of water.
>I got duped like a sucker...
>Black is beautiful hehe!
Ok cool thanks. I got more btw
>Yasmina, leave Samir, he does not deserve you. Marry my brother Boubacar instead, you'll make beautiful mixed baby like the one on Instagram.
>Thanks Fatou, mine is the Maghrebi !
>Hihi! So Yasmina ? How does it feels to have kids that does not looks like you ? You used to laugh at me and my fake hair when we were kids ? Well look at your twins they completely looks like me.
>Shigh, i was tricked like a fool.
>Black is beautiful hehehe.
First panel
>I love you, I want to marry you!
>Ok but it won't be free! You need to pay the dowry, brother.
Contemptous with Maghrebins
Second Panel
>Common lets get hitched. But I'm broke and I used up all my benefits.
>Fuck the dowry as far as you are a Muslim. If not, give me a Quran and it will do.
Suckers with/for blacks
These are great for re-learning French. Who draws these? Where do I get more?
I'm black and pumped 4 arabettes so far
I don't understand it
wypipo be like
First panel
>mmm..your kisses are much better than those of my ex.
Second panel
>My dear mother I have come home, kiss/hug me!
>NO MOM DON'T TOUCH HER! I saw this whore, she kissed a black.
Seething moors even tho half of their dna is black
How much black dna do they have on average?
Thank you
>Thank you Omar. Ever since you brought Samba I can finally rest.
>You know I can't refuse you anything, my beautiful Safya.
>Look at Safya! Always showing her big ass on instagram. Samba I'm sure you can fuck her, she really likes black dudes.
>Don't worry I'll handle her. I love maghrebines.
>Maghrebi or black, we're all brothers.
NAFRIS deserve that honestly.
In the Levant we have a based way to deal with such women, we call it "honor killing".
Cool. Thanks.
Please not this thread again, i'm begging you...
It's funny because it's true
First panel
>Come on Mohamed! Move your ass or you won't get your break.
>Yes boss..
>I hate this job but I have no choice. With my next paycheck I'll buy a dress fit for a princess for my little Yasmina
Second Panel
>No Yasima I do not agree! I prefer you marry a man of your own comunity.
>You really are a heartless man
ç'arrête pas copain jusq chaque maghrebienne soit BLACKED
Honor killings not allowed in the civilized nation of France
Tunichad kek
We practice honor killings in the middle of Germany.
Explain "Tchiiiip"
On n'aime pas les beurettes, on préfère les Blanches ou métisses, ces comics sont faux
>We don't care about the Maghreb. The fact that he's Muslim is the most important.
>I told my dad I was sleeping at my girlfriend's place! Hihihi!
>When he'll grow up, my baby will be as handsome as Kanye West!
qui est "on"?
"Tchip" is the noise you make when you suck air through your teeth to express disagreement.
fuck cheating whores
Thanks Romania Bro
I got more images but I can't post them for some reason. I will be back tho
First panel
>Thank God I met a faithful and attentive man with whom I had this magnificent little girl
>Mixed babies are the most beautiful
In dreams
Second Panel
>You are disgusting. You are drivng me mad. I want to throw you in a trashcan!
>You don't have a father! Shut up and eat!
In reality
It's an habit typical of France's blacks too.
>second panel
Is this the origin of la creatura?
Thanks. Romania is a beautiful country.
>What horror. I've never seen this in 20 years of practice.
>What is this monster?! You promised me a swag mixed baby!!
>I'll fuck you all up tchiip/I'll slap all of you!
thanks again
First panel
>Don't listen to your parents come live with me
>I'm sorry Mamadou but my parents don't want anything to do with you and I don't want to get disowned by my family.
>Repeat after me: I am yours, I'll follow you wherever, you can even take my virginity. Go on, repeat!
Second panel
>Mamadou why are you running?
No problem. Why do you want them translated if I may ask?
Who the fuck make these? I can't even tell if they're ironic.
Last one. You are based.
That's the sound niggers do by aspiring air through their lips and teeth
>What did we do to the Good Lord to deserve girls like this?
>I love your boy's haircut, it's swag af!
>Your daughter makes me laugh so much! She dances like a grownup.
>Look mom I'm an airplane!
At a certain point it doesn't matter.
not much
Heh, "beurette levrette", now THAT'S a good search term on xHamster
Imagine watching Bassem's video, aka France's most Degenerate N*fri
This a long one. Take your time
Last one I swear
Thanks bro
Maghrebi girls with blacks
Who is he ? Why is he degenerate ?
First panel
Here you go brother! Take this weapon and liberate our country from the invaders!
>Thank you sister. Independence is ours!
>Long Live Algeria!
Algerians in 1958
Second panel
Here you go bro I bought you a hair drier. You can finish applying your hair products now.
>Cool! I want to be beautiful when I dance the Way-Way
Algerians in 2018
Thank you.
Love the A. Wyatt Mann style of this one.
no. la creatura is older
>not much
Perso on s'en ballec des beurettes, c'est elles qui viennent à nous. On les baise juste pour foutre la rage aux b*ugnoules, mais en vrai on préfère les blanches ou métisses. Les Renois qui kiffent les Beurettes sont soit Malien, Guinéens ou Sénégalais voire ivoriens , à savoir la sous-race des noirs ces suiveurs de Muslims de merde. Tout le reste de l'Afrique, notamment l'Afrique Subsaharienne déteste les B*ugnoules & les Muslims. C'est pas pour rien qu'il y'a par exemple 3% de Muslims en RD Congo.
t. Africain subsaharien qui connait sa communauté.
First panel left (white dude)
>Stop bothering me mister. Go smoke drugs in your ghetto.
>You are a mean racist
Fist panel right (mena dude)
>You'll never be my equal. Come to my country and you'll be my slave.
>Stop it I'm also a human being
>Second panel left (latino dude)
>What's up? Don't come here looking for friendship or you'll pay for it dearly like your brothers in California.
>Relax! Why so much hate.
Second panel left (Japanese dude)
>Never will you be Japanese! You'll always be a foreigner in my country!
>Snif snif.. that's not nice. And I love your culture too.
Third panel left (maghrebi dude)
>Sup buddy, wanna come play football with us we need one more man.
>I'm really your buddy? At last someone who accepts me!
>Third pannel right
>I really was naive. I should have never trusted them
>Don't be angry my brother, we're all Africans!
Alright this one is very funny.
Thanks man.
You are the real one
Is this that guy who says black girls are radioactive and that he'd rather go to Greece and dance with gays/sodomites instead of dating them? The man can rage.
>Syrian cuck kills his wife for fucking wypipo
maghrebis? more like maghrecucks
Notice that during "honnor killings" arabs only attack the girls but never the man
Here's a pic of our President wearing a Make Romania Great Again cap he received when he met with Trump.
it's both I think.
But it makes to sense to only kill the cheater
i had a tunisian gf, she received death letters but nobody ever threatened me
>Who is he ? Why is he degenerate ?
Some Varg tier Muslim scum criminal anti racemixing (which is good) but also act like he's a saint, insulting a threatening his own peers for Fucking muzzies girls before mariage, when he got in fact exposed by BASED French rapper BOOBA (whom he was in a Beef with somehow) in a video Fucking and sucking a beurette whore tiddies. Dude tried to remove it from all platforms but is still up there on xvideos, type "Bassem - Licking Big Tits" and you'll see the scum.
Not to mention, goes to Drama with fellow IG comedians or Rappers..
Tl;dr: He's a fraud, retard & Attention whore from Lyon. But most important, he's a N*fri.
A guy who slapped a guy because he was from another city
I've heard stories about men being buried up to their waist when stoned while women were buried up to their neck. If you can get out before you die it means you are forgiven. Who knows what is bullshit nowadays?
better link
How to get arab gf ?
What do they like in a man ?
the same thing white girls like
Mulhouse seems to be a very shady place if they tread people from there like that.
the same that all girls like
I've actually seen a more couples like this lately irl and it always reminds me of this meme.
Why is Yasmina so thicc?
As in ?
manly and confident men
why do they go for skinny dark black dudes ?
do they really...
too much kebabs
Because honor killings developed in a time when clan wars were a thing. It would be stupid to risk the life of your tribe men for a hoe.
>t. bougnoule malocul qui LARP en nègre
Maghrebi food : olive oil, semolina, sugar
To make instagram children
Should've known
For the gram !
We are living in the age of narcissism.
its the opposite i think and its because the death will come slower for the woman that is burried up to her waist
there is nothing complicated, different communities live with each others and sometimes a girl from X community likes a man from Y community and they form a group, i know some nafris men who are married to black girls
it's just that nafri girls x non-nafri men trigger their fragile masculinity (much like white incels triggered by white girls who date black men)
you should have know that if you weren't an incel, have sex dude
who /TCHIIIIIIIP/ here
Jeez man I was just asking a question.
The videos he posted were arabs girls were grinding with skinny armed average height dark black dudes don't look so manly. Also they dress like idiots.
J'ai jamais compris les noirs musulmans. Les Africains d'Afrique Centrale sont beaucoup plus basés, ou ceux de Madagascar et Haïti.