Why doesn't Welsh ppl chimp out about independence like the scots do?
Why doesn't Welsh ppl chimp out about independence like the scots do?
no oil
No celtic people left
too busy shagging sheep
They are too poor. Also Scotland is geographically close to Scandinavia
One is richer per capita than the rest of UK combined, the other is not
You are not cute
Welsh are cucked by the English. Scots are cucked by the EU.
This 100%. Scottish independence was a meme but UK government did a fact finding mission and found that an independent Scotland with its oil would have a super stable currency (essentially like Norway) and the Scottish national party got hold of this document in 2005 and ever since have used as their backbone for independence. Wales on the other hand doesn't have oil and the majority of its economy is England (I think more English people live in Wales than Welsh people). Furthermore Wales has never really existed as a country as it was annexed into England by Edward I (I think?). The last prince of Wales was killed and from then on the next heir to the English thrones was titled "the prince of Wales".Thus when the acts of union came around Wales was never included which is why they are not present on the union flag, they are just english who speaks a different language like Cornwall. Plus Wales is based and hates Scotland just as much as the English do. Thus Welsh nationalism is mainly linguistic and for home rule rather than out right independence.
Welsh Independence is pretty much just a joke at this point.
If you think about it all separatist movements in the British Isles are basically anti-English, but Wales has historically been with England for a much longer time, they haven't been particularly mistreated, and they tend to be aligned with England proper (see Brexit). They also have a lot of English immigrants afaik.
Maybe they are but no one can figure out what they're saying
wales is more celtic than scotland or ireland
>they haven't been particularly mistreated
The Welsh language was banned from the legal system until 1967 and Wales is by far the poorest part of Britain
too bad Scotland for the past 800 years has been a Germanic country.
Eh not that big of a deal considering they kept it in everyday life. The situation in Ireland was much worse
low landers are germanic bvlls
You're not cute
low landers are britons
welsh people worship british cock
lowlanders are like humans compared to English and gaels