Why is modern anime so soulless Japan?
Why is modern anime so soulless Japan?
Define ''soulless''
Look at the fucking dull style all Japanese anime has now compared to the past
I love those PC-98 graphics so much better too.
The lines have no willpower, the shades express nothing, the minor details are pre-made images
Look at this shit, its a crying shame
The angles are also extremelly shitty
I don't watch anime.
I don't know what do you mean.
1980s/1990s artsyle is much better than modern anime.
When mid 1990s graphics are better at expressing the mood, meaning and emotion than 2010s state of the art graphics, you know the industry is fucked
Sorry, I'm 30 yo boomer but I prefer modern moe anime
I think so too
Anime never had soul in the first place.
True, but it's more difficult to mass produce.
>what if x were cute teen girls
>what if teen girls do x
It's starting to get old
Agreed on everything else but hair. Modern hair is way better
>YU-NO remake
truly this is the end of times
No one cares about your opinion, amerimongrel.
Mass produced = soulless
Pic related
>Why is modern anime so soulless Japan?
>1980s/1990s artsyle is much better than modern anime.
>old = soul = good
>new = soulless = bad
you angry, zoomer?
>giving (You)s to zoomer shit
y por eso estamos como estamos
stop harassing soyjack!
City Hunter had the best women in any anime. Nowadays almost all anime girls are lolis with big tits. I'm not a pedo unlike most anime fans so I don't care about them.
That thing looks like an American.
wow they ruined it
they had a good original to work with
nowadays it's all ranobes
moe shit and anime is now outsourced outside of japan
sorry user.
I prefer modern artstyle.
what does OP think of my style?
so it's actually (north) Korea's fault huh
moe is not shit!!
Too much realism make animation lose the touch to our soul. Not a meme old = soul, new = souless as it's also applied to many kind of entertainment form. Especially, anime and video game as it's a way to escapism.
>Too much realism
you mean misusing rotoscope?
mainstream anime will never be realist
all anime is soulless. it is a despicable art form and should be destroyed
You're right it's soulless
incredibly low-effort/low-budget which sometimes can result in them looking too artificial and emotionless
Soul = thing I like
Soulless = thing I don't like -more specifically, thing some epin kid youtuber told me not to like
This feels more comfy
What's really incredible is that when you understand how primitive the tools were for creating digital art back then, not only were they able to create more technically impressive art, but how they utterly failed to even match it when they had not only vastly more powerful tools, but the original work to build off of.
Hatano Kana's new style is cute, but I still prefer the old style. That scene at the park though looks ugly.
This was a good one too Satoshi kon's movies are great
Bottom looks better
good bait Padraig
80s anime fans thinking 90s anime are shitter than 80s.
90s anime fans thinking 2000s anime are shitter than 90s.
I guess when japanese people had more free time back in the 90's and the middle class was fairly large companies felt more comfortable doing and polishing a single project because in the end there probalbly were a lot of people who had time and would be interested in the product. In contrary, today as the japanese are basically exploited either by themselves or their emplotyers from every bit of their free time studios tend to pump out a shit ton of smaller projects targeted to a variety of groups so they have any chance of return. Good luck with decrypting my autistic rambling above.
>japanese people had more free time
it's opposite.
current japanese have more freetime compare to 90-80s.
Is it really? This was videogame art from back when games had smaller budgets and were more expensive to distribute (since you couldn't just download them from the internet). It should be easier, imo, it's the work and art culture that degraded.
Debates about anything that isn't art and animation aside, that's just factually true. Budgets for anime have plummeted since the 80's, and it shows in every technical measure. 2d animation is largely a joke now, even with movie budgets compared to previous decades, and cutting corners with 3d is still ugly as hell. It makes final products look like animatics. No studio japanese studio seems able to actually integrate it for shit.
I really, genuinely don't see what makes the image on the top so superior to the bottom.
good bait Padraig
I was always told the opposite, y'know with all this retirement fund stuff going on
If that's the case, then I have really no Idea
1990s Tokyo was an inspiration for cyberpunk, together with NYC and Hong Kong.
The corporate hypercapitalist Caldari State from EVE Online is also inspired in 90s Japan.
not the same user, but it's the dithering effect.
If you didnt play those types of anime games while growing up you wont understand because it hold a lot of nostalgia factor.
Now instead of dithering you have blur effect.
I could give you a full technical breakdown, but if it's not immediately, instinctually apparent to you just from looking at them, it probably won't help. Instead, I'd put it on you as to why you like the bottom image more. Is it just the fact that it's higher resolution? That it isn't using a limited 32 bit color palette? That her face is drawn in a more contemporary style? Those are valid things to prefer, but they really have very little bearing on the artistic merits of the two pictures.
>Now instead of painstakingly hand drawn dithering you have lazy photoshop
is what you meant to type. ftfy
Its not.
Lack of detalisation kills the anime
good bait Jamal
The bottom has better shading and details that places the girl in the background and setting better, not so with the top.
>better shading
>the background
it's traced
enough trolling, you bore me
What's wrong with the shading on the bottom?
>they had a good original to work with
Pablo, you gotta be kidding. City Hunter's only advantage over modern anime is the original manga designs. The series were cheap as fuck, the story was shit, gags were even worse.
Original arts look wonderful, but that's it.
>original manga designs
congratulations on stating the obvious. i thought me posting the artwork was enough
Better shading is a total nonsequitur. What exactly are you referring to? The lighting and shadows being cast over her form? The blending of tones? The choice of colors and tones? What do you mean by details? The graphical resolution allowing finer detail in lines and shapes? The physical objects decorating the scene?