Do you want to find love in Swedistan?

Attached: 1567958527528.jpg (2452x2176, 1.27M)

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No I don't want retard children
I have never in a decade on Jow Forums seen a Swedish poster with over 90 IQ

*blows u a kiss*

Attached: 7111eeac864187afaca0002aa4e73b.jpg (1000x667, 103K)

Half of those Swedes look like Finngol reindeer herders though.

I have 140 IQ

Venezuelan education folks

one drop rule


Attached: 756375678.jpg (1233x1030, 189K)

haha yes

but how could you say no to these qts?

Attached: swedish women.png (799x449, 628K)

Attached: 1563871274426.jpg (629x711, 69K)

Attached: swedish milkers.png (1200x683, 1.15M)

finnish national anthem

I'll immigrate to and racemix in sweden.

Attached: 1461907709540.webm (640x852, 1.07M)

just fuck off already slavshit snownigger

swedish national anthem

Attached: 1563815197073.jpg (1080x1080, 116K)

I hate both finland and sweden

Attached: 31226050.jpg (190x240, 7K)

Attached: 5c440bb7.jpg (1080x1080, 112K)

Attached: 7dc020f4.jpg (1024x1280, 155K)

Homo Swedensis...
