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Your thoughts on Polish emigrants

Attached: kurwajapierdole.png (400x551, 259K)

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They are frens of Lithuanians

Death to all poles

used to get in fights with them all the time, now we greet each other when we see us in the streets or the store lmao

Could u translate pls

that's what i like about slavs, they never take things personally, you can fight, insult them, stab each others and then the next day you drink a beer with them

meanwhile if i say a mean thing to my fellow frenchs (or worst, arabs) they'll hate me with a passion for the rest of their life, fucking pussies

Good, because they are not in Poland.

Bad, because they are coming to Poland from time to time. I work on the airport and I immediately recognize the emigrant. When you look like criminal and when you pay with card DCC transaction announcement is appearing. I would say I guessed 90% correct.

This is so wrong it's beyond anything.

i'm talking from my personnal experience, maybe i met the good ones

or maybe you are one of these pussies who take mean things personnally ? how about you grow up and become a man you fucking bitch

unintelligible nigger gibberish but I'll try

Lying on ? in a container with 25 romanians, russian vodka is pouring, bongo is lit, the dog has dreadlocks fucking jamaican made them?! Fuck that. Some fucking ?? Hungarian is sucking on my toes??! You can go crazy. Take care in that England

There is very little of poles in france. France is poor country, non-germanic without germanic culture of hard work and efficiency (therefore so poor)

Did you work in Germany or somewhere. Poles migrated mostly to Germanic countries (if UK and Ireland also count as this)

if any could go here they'd be bullied

ive only interacted with chechens, russians, serbians and romanians

so you say poles take things personally, good to know

sounds fun

they're a bit dumb

luckily we have no reasons to go thee so it's russkies being bullied in Poland
there's still about 54k poles in France which is not an insignificant amount

>chechens, russians, serbians and romanians

And how it is anything connected to polish immigrants? There is virtually zero modern immigrants to France from Poland. You just can't make an opinion about them, because they are not there.

caring about little details, what a fucking children you are

all eastern Europeans take things personally, chip on their shoulder

Mostly descendants of 19th century and 20th century migrants.

I'm talking about the 2004 wave (aka nicknamed biggest catastrophy for Poland)

I'm just exposing your stupidity. And cope.
Please tell me Mamadou how Chechens have anything to do with Poles?

you are communists

And most are ok really, i worked construction with them and i served in the army with 3 guys from eastern europe, they are dumb but really hard guys

Med people are communists (by nature)

go surrender yourself, PIerre.
You're pathetic

>Hungarian is sucking on my toes
I always laugh at it


I mean first generation migrants



France is socialist and would easily become communist by itself if it wasn't for America.

Same with Spain Pooptugal and other med states, and obviously... their colonies like Argentina, Venezuela, Cuba, not even counting the French ones. All of them have turned into shithole by themselves, and that's partly due to Med way of "thinking"

that's your opinion
you sound gay, can you give me your phone number ?

My great grandfather was fresh off the boat from Rzeszow, Poland and my best friend is 80%+ mostly polish and some czech

We took your strongest and your brightest and turned them into goblins.

I'm just a realist. I am also asexual. Not interested in engagement

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please take them back

this is only the beginning, wh*te boi

Attached: pols.png (1001x565, 15K)

Thank u western europe for taking all our bydlo

Nope. Thank you for being a garbage bin. (and magnet for worst people of europe)

That language looks worse than finnish

incel cope

not a thing here

Where did you get this graph? It's interesting. Didn't know that Polacks are swarming Netherlands in recent years. I didn't really though of it as a good country tbqh.

You beat türks in language ugliness

Attached: doyou.jpg (207x253, 17K)

Low IQ macaco. Learn what incel is.

Only knew half-Polaks personally
one hipster manlet who was based tho and two hot blonde girls

>polish emigrants

from what I've seen poles just look for excuses to fight and start conflicts


nope. But I guess they will fit well to the local germanic and anglo cultures kind of.

Attached: anglo-superpooper.jpg (480x640, 76K)
migratieachtergrond - landen per wereldeel - europa - polen

also choose eerste generratie under "onderwerp" or it will also show you 2nd gen migrants

Attached: polaki.png (1772x68, 13K)

that is a very powerful image
too late bruv, we need to expand our colonial terroritories

holy based

>Lying on ? in a container
Lying in a squat in a container

this is real btw

Attached: real.jpg (928x600, 50K)

Why 'the' Poland ?

I'm glad they left in big numbers after 2004. I hope they never come back here. It's almost like we exported our worst bydlo for others to deal with.

Slavs do not understand the concept of articles so they usually drop it or place it randomly.

Kind of cute


If second holocaust ever comes it should be focused on Polish bydlo. Worst nation on the face of the planet.

There are a pack of them at my local super market, mostly drunk all the time. THey mostly stick to themselves, so yeah.

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I got the impression you hated each other, here at least (UK not Jow Forums)

They either have extremely large round heads or extremely tiny round heads, no inbetween.

Those were arabs though, not poles. One guy was palestinian



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