Why don't you settle for a 3/10 gf like pic related?

Why don't you settle for a 3/10 gf like pic related?

Attached: 1567668641073.jpg (1080x1080, 276K)

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Its a just a hash and coffee bean meme, I just don't because its to poor in society now and overpopulated.

Attached: 20294404_1715095592129259_3035409398614607439_n.jpg (960x954, 61K)

She is 1/10
I can't even eat while looking at your picture OP
and even then I can barely see her because the room is dark

its not a 1/10 youtube.com/watch?v=rbHIDVVTSNA

She's easily an 8 you troll

Definitely no
even with all the computer filters and make up that make her look robotic she looks terrible
plus, she has low IQ

>low IQ
Go to Jow Forums retard

13% commit 50% of the crime
It isn't racist, it's just statistics, I'm not even white or asian
you have to accept the truth bro
mayates deserve nothing but death

Attached: murders according to fox.png (2462x1352, 2.67M)

Its all exercise black or white...you could juice Khalid youtube.com/watch?v=xYtsL9znopI

She's way out of my league.

I'm really ugly and balding factory worker with a very small and deformed penis who graduated from a special needs school

Everyone knows the statistics but only retards analyze them in the way you're doing

83 IQ detected

You're not even white and you're falling for this shit

I went to a half black school, I've seen how they behave i'm not falling for anything

finncel hi

thats a 9

My thesis advisor is black and he's probably the smartest person I've ever met


Attached: stuff.jpg (211x239, 9K)

I've met a few smart black people, I am even still in contact with a weeb who I became friends with

What about it?

When post the IQ and crime statistics you're not taking into account the fallacies of IQ testing along with the so called Flynn effect. The crime thing is going to take another century or so cause its an assimilation problem after having been marginalized and degraded or centuries along with still being the most oppressed and hated people worldwide for their so called "primitiveness"

Then why do you say she has low IQ

>the most oppressed and hated people worldwide
white males

Africa and Haiti have all failed there is no "assimilation" infact the opposite has happened, American blacks speak Ebonics and not English

She likely has low IQ

>look ur statement is false i just had a personal encounter with someone who is smart & bitiful now your claim is invalid

After white males blacks are the most oppressed people followed by Jews then Latinos and the most privileged are Indian muslims since they're the most physically attractive specimens on the planet