Are they the most mutted up region in the world?

Are they the most mutted up region in the world?

Attached: 220px-Map-Romance_Latin_America.svg.png (220x275, 19K)

How are they mutts?
They are just black or amerindian

They are a mix of europeans, semites, blacks and amerindians who were already mutts

They have no or very little euro ancestors

considering no other place on Earth was ever such a big destination for immigrants, and that our immigrants actually had sex with eachother instead of confining themselves in segregated homogenic guettos then I'd guess yea, we are.



no place on Earth = the american continent as a whole, the "new world"

>Considering no other place on Earth was ever such a big destination for immigrants, and that our immigrants actually had sex with eachother instead of confining themselves in segregated homogenic guettos then I'd guess yea, we are.

Most Brazilians are 90-100% negroid

lol no we aren't. You can clearly spot a "pure afro" on the streets, like from Angola or Mozambique. Pretty much all the population here is mixed to some level, and not only by blacks, but indians and whites aswell. Basically the whites slavefucked everyone else in the old days and created generation after generation of bastardized pardos and making the genepool ever so mixed. *nglos, for some reason, did not fuck their slaves, and so didn't mix as much as we did.

I wish that was the case, if so we could at least have some sort of racial identity.

Each part of the country have it's own types of mutts with varying degrees muttness. You can give a median for the whole country or for a whole city but it will not represent the average person. The muttness works more like random builts from Skyrim.

am*ricans don't get tired of being so dumb?

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we can have national identity that isn't based on race, bro

Has anyone ever thanked you for your service (live experiment) ?
I do now.
Obrigado pero la servicado

>racial identity
American retardation in the body of a Brazilian
literally shaking in fear right now, how many of your kind are there?

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I don't like this poster
I like this poster

>Obrigado pero la servicado
Obrigado pelo serviço.*

We do not welcome anyone back. We curse you all

I'd say like 50% of population is native American (don't know why brs understate amerindians) another large sector predominate black and then sectors of amerindian blacks smallest number are European ancestry.

Are you talking about the USA? If you are, it sounds about right.

Mostly in the north and west are large amounts of predominant amerindian

literally one post below him

Attached: 2ee.png (641x729, 42K)

These are the mixed pops (not a substantial majority)

Attached: Screenshot_20190908-150838.png (1080x2160, 525K)

Imagine admitting to being a mongrelized shithole lmao
La creatura...

El goblino...

it's only mutt when you're a mix of anything other than europeen. Americans love to say they're better than europe but are quick to let the cum drip from their lips as long as they get to larp as being literal euro mutts.

I am not saying that it's impossible for us to have some sort of identity, it's just dumb to make it one based on race. If you go to your city centre you will not find pic related unrealistic.

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considering americans have dna from races and possibly animals that are already extinct, no

>research with hundreds of people
>show me one print
amerimutts IQ in a nutshell

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No! We are! Glory to Israel!

Attached: c11.jpg (2048x2048, 407K)


why do ppl still answer to burger posts

imagine living under such racial tension to the point of developing racial cuckold fetishes

no kys bolsonaro we are going to get ur corrupt son

Bolvia and Peru are less mutt than most of Europe.

We are not very busy people. I use shitposts to practice my english and entertain myself without having to use much brain power.

>being nationalist is supporting bolsonaro

bolsonaro is a retarded piece of shit, and so are you.

that explain why they are so shit lol

are you me?

only central/eastern russia is more mutt than bolivia and peru

tits or gtfo


Im surprised to see that Uruguay is that white.