Sunday night

>sunday night

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Anyone else feel they deserve to be punished?
So I must go to work to be punished.

i still feel the sunday night anxiety even after being NEET for two years. i can't imagine actually having to get up and go tomorrow.

I enjoy my work thanks :^)

I'm grateful for my job its better than nothing, but the only thing I hate is the morning commute.. you can just tell people are tired of wagecucking by the look on their faces.. I stand their watching everyone thinking.. fuck man this is slavery.... I want out. Anyways gotta get ready for tomorrow, have a good week anons.

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i know that feel bro
i get the same fleeting feeling of panic for a few seconds of realising its sunday, but then it fades and comfort floods back knowing i can sleep until midday if i want.

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so comfy

Does mommy's food taste good too

clearly not by the salt in this post

I'm a wagie but I pray that crypto can one day free me from this nightmare

You deserve to be punished

you'll get there, bro.

im taking vacation this week. waging has been quite exhausting.

NEETs are allied with the Jews. They're hoarding the resources, forcing us wagecucks to work.

Well at least you know your place...get in your Cage Wagie!

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fuck, this really does suck.

i don't wanna go back.

Nothing like waking up Monday mornings to a sea of pink wojaks

like clockwork

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Called in sick. Going to watch some porn

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i called in sick last tuesday and it was so much fun, just chilling my bed, shitposting and watching the charts,


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>mfw I realize I’ll get 5 hours of sleep tonight

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>Tfw work a courier job where I can set my own hours
>Work whenever I feel like it
>Comfy nights every night while making decent cash

Not a bad life.. certainly better than last year just neeting it up everyday