So Estonia IS Nordic
only subhumans are against it
Based Islam
We really need Allah in our lives.
proof that the wh*Te is cringe and deserves death. based BLACK BVLLS
I bet that in 10 years the far east will be mostly blue.
>faggot rights
miss me with that gay shit
Faggot French and German run EU forced us to legalize it in the late 90's fuck sake, I wish eurabia Muslim take over would happen but of course continental queers made em gay too fuck libtards I wish we could #irexit #irishfreedom to get rid of all the leftists, women, minorities and chads from this country without the cancerous EU interfering
Why do you think?
China is authoritarian and will support whatever their daddy government tells them too and Korea is seeing an evangelical christian revolution.
Japan maybe but even still they've had this weird liberal/traditional mixture of a culture ever since the 1960s.
Even most Taiwanese are against it but they legalised it just to say fuck you china.
Estonia is less nordic than Portugal according to this pic
>the far east will be mostly blue
It's only Taiwan and Korea
China strictly ban homosexuality, and Japanese LDP opposes to gay marriage.
>China strictly ban homosexuality
it's still legal
you can't just advertise and promote it
I changed it because the order was wrong.
I know it, Mr. autism.
the only reason it was made legal in India was because Chandrach*t and his gang of leftists took over the Supreme Court without any opposition, based Modi will btfo SC in his next move and it will be made illegal again (there's already a case being fought in the SC to reimpose anti-gay-sex law).
are Bollywood celebrities left wing faggots like Hollywood celebrities or do they like Modi?
How does Guyana stay so based when surrounded by such degeneracy?
Because Taiwan has inevitably started a change and pretty much invalidated the whole "SSM is incompatible with our values" narrative. In most Far Eastern countries the youth are mostly not homophobic, especially if you exclude the Muslim countries.
If I'm not wrong both Vietnam and Thailand had talks for the legalisation of civil unions, while in the Philippines SSM was discussed during the presidential election, albeit all candidates were opposed. As in the West it's mostly a matter of waiting for the elderly to die IMO, especially in Japan, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines. China is a special case, but if all the aforementioned countries and maybe Hong Kong legalise SSM they will probably follow suit.
>China strictly ban homosexuality, and Japanese LDP opposes to gay marriage.
Nobody would have thought that Italy would have ever legalised civil unions here in Italy because >muh pope, but here we are.
I'm gay and I don't support it because the intention behind it is rotten.
why is there so much grey? surly whoever made this map is capable of finding out the legal status of homosexuality in japan, s. korea, india, etc.
We don't give a shit to muh-minority's voice
We didn't either 10 years ago.
Probably means no legislation about gay stuff which also means no gay marriage. It's just not specifically illegal like in the red countries. We had a referendum on changing the constitutional definition of marriage from "union of two spouses" to "union between man and woman" even if spouses means man and woman in the dictionary. It failed since most people have bigger concerns than what gay people are up to.
Because your country belongs to Effeminate Union
you can't marry in Brazil
Japan belongs to America
A big reason why Africa is so homophobic is because of anti-gay colonial laws and the spread of Christianity, and I'm sure you know what group of people were responsible for that.
You'll be cucked by liberal Tokyo and Osaka too.
>illegal only for men
Grey just means it doesn't fit into the other 3 categories.
Thought it was obvious tbqh
>Korea is seeing an evangelical christian revolution
>Even most Taiwanese are against it
LOL, the only reason it was made ilegal was because you was cucked by the British centuries ago and they imposed their puritanism in your culture, and now you want to be cucked again?
What's the thrill in homosexuality if it's legal anyways? checkmate gays