How is Martin Luther seen in your kunt?
He's seen as based and redpilled
How is Martin Luther seen in your kunt?
He's seen as based and redpilled
nobody knows about him. The pope, on the other hand, is beloved by all.
Generally neutral but I like him
He is not seen as anything nowadays, stop being retarded
Most people don't know him at all.
They'd think about Martin Luther King first.
And if they know who Luther is, they usually don't care about him.
>LeT mE tElL yOu AbOuT yOuR cOuNtRy!
Whenever I mention to someone I'm protestant they literally want to burn me at the stake. That's pretty based, he makes cathokeks asshurt even hundred years after he died
unironically respected even by catholics.
we see him as some kind of liberator
Cauvin had superior ideas.
many people would get confused and think you're talking about martin luther king junior
>Cauvin had superior ideas.
calvinism is just a theological justification for being a cunt, and luther was a tard
Like the man who killed Europe
I like him, if were to pick a religion I would pick either protstantism or buhddism
Catholicuckoldry ruined Europe. Luther tried to fix this, but instead of relying on Orthodoxy, he rather used his own methods which was like embalming the corpse
Are Georgians even real Christians or Monomuslims like the Armos?
go sell some more icons orthodoxcuck.
Who ever this guy is, must've been bad. All the streets named after him are infested with crime
imagine being cathocuck in current year
Traditionally a based and redpilled guy. Still today in many parts.
Most however don't even know much about him outside of the vague thing they learned in their high school history class
Cont. however I as a catholic think he was cringe and bluepilled.
He started fapping and then became a Cumbrain subhuman who invented salvation through faith alone to justify being a Cumbrain. So that he wouldn't have to repent anymore from fapping.
Then he separated from the catholic church because he became demonically possessed and started spewing crazy stuff around 1521(even in his writings he wrote about seeing the devil and throwing poop at him)
fuck chr*stianity
Cucks like him and b&r people view him ambiguously.