keep on hoodledoodlin lads edition
Based EU will absolutely destroy britcucks
>Janitor applications are now closed. Thank you to everyone who applied!
Wow, look at this guy who thinks he's so smart. I bet you wake up and look in the mirror and think to yourself: damn, look at this intellectual stud, I'm about to kill this day. Childish narcissism. I bet the fact that you're a pathetic incel just makes you hate the world even more, and no matter how much you read the redpill and chase after them, each failure makes you slightly more misogynistic. Then you go to Jow Forums and your seething anger leads you to post about how the Jews and niggers are why you can't get laid. Meanwhile, every jew and so many niggers, and hell most people on the planet are most successful than you, even though you have a "genius" IQ according to a 5 question buzzfeed survey you took. Your anger builds but what are you gonna do? Complain to your parents? You're living rent free with them after they spent tens of thousands of dollars on a college they pushed you to get into, and you dropped out since clearly playing LoL and masturbating while resenting the success of your classmates was the superior option compared to doing your studies. And now your parents are paying back those loans, because you're above any job that would hire. Which would be a mistake even at McDonalds since because of your complexes you have absolutely no work ethic and would be a waste of minimum wage. And of course once you get fired before a week youd rationalize it because you think you're superior to them. Even Juan who has brain damage can work harder than you. Even Consuela who works three jobs and has 4 kids and sends most of her income to Guatemala is less "tired" than you since she doesn't stay up till 5am finding just that video to masturbate to to get your pathetic little injection of dopamine for the day. Your only joy in life, as evident by one of your arms being larger than the other and your severely bent, unwashed penis. A narcissistic manchild who has absolutely no future in life even worse than the reddifag. Pathetic.
Is Who Wants to be a Millionaire just a game of luck?
I mean, there's 33.34% chance of being right unless the person happen to know the answer, and lifelines can only get you so far into the game.
Let's say there are 15 questions with 4 choices each. Let's also say there are 3 lifelines: call-a-friend, 50-50, and ask-the-audience.
For each of the 15 questions, there is only 1 correct answer, and 3 incorrect answers, so immediately your chances are 1/3 = 33.34%. You can use each lifeline once. Using phone-a-friend, let's say gives you a 95% chance the person you call is correct. So 1 question is 95%. Similarly, we can say ask-the-audience gives you a 95% chance. Finally, 50-50 will remove 2 wrong answers, so you have 1 right answer and 1 wrong answer, so you basically know the answer. To recap:
Question 1: 33.34%
Question 2: 33.34%
Question 3: 33.34%
Question 4: 95%
Hi Ben
And you sound exactly like that Ed Sheeran / James Morrison wank.
post pic of your local corner shop
>video games past your teenage years
Oh dear, i'm afraid the prognosis is quite serious indeed
The disability options = awesome
The pride flags = ugh. Don’t get the point of broadcasting to the world what kinds of people you like to fuck or what your downstairs situation is like but I guess that’s just my C I S W H I T E M A L E P R I V I L E G E
XBox Live in 2009: “Hahah you’re gay”
XBox Live in 2019: “Hahah I’m gay”
i can't fucking quit porn or Jow Forums, no matter how hard i try
Ah yes, so I'm supposed to meet girls by playing Mordhau and Rising Storm 2. Makes perfect sense, I'm sure I'll get laid immediately! Thanks Chad!
im 31 lad.
This is me except I haven't even tried
imagine being insecure enough to care about this. grow up mate.
baste post
girls used to diss me, now they write letters cuz they miss me
he means the vidya is sapping you you fucking dolt
can't believe i got banned for this nonsense
porn is super easy to quit, Jow Forums is much harder since it can actually be amusing sometimes
You won't meet anyone with your negative attitude
Jow Forums is easy to quit. just find other things to occupy your time.
You alright pal how you doing
>grow up and play video games mate
I'd rather spend my time watching Love Island and going to Prysm.
probably got banned for being a fucking yank.
>there is only 1 correct answer, and 3 incorrect answers, so immediately your chances are 1/3 = 33.34%.
what sort of brainlet wrote this
sometimes get myself banned on purpose because i spend too much time here
grow up and stop being a little bitch frightened of what nobodies might think of you
gotta quit both at once or neither. too many porn triggers for a recovering addict on here. I've actually just come back to this place after not being on for 3 months and i can already feel it sucking me in so i'm gonna stop after tonight.
you got pwned lad
Had a dream that you tripped over and fell arsehole first onto my throbbing thick hard penis. Then you kept trying to get up but always fell down again.
The divine pairing... a white woman and a black man. We shall call the show Cloak and Dagger. Brilliant!
Imagine being 31 and never experiencing intimacy or affection in your entire life hahahahhaha
start posting the c word on tv
kek, sorry honestly do not understand porn addiction in the slightest, the drawn art is shite and the video pornos are so repulsive 99% of the time
gonna smoke a fat fucking doink in a bit when my gf goes to bed (she thinks ive quit)
former first monkey Michael 'nigger cotton' Obongo
used to use FocalFilter to block access to Jow Forums and a few other sites when I was a neet and was wasting far too much time here
im in the bando 1 up 2 pyrex's full of yay
Ah yes, Vidya is the reason I'm not getting laid. It has nothing to do with the fact that I'm a 5'9 manlet with no jawline and severe OCD, it's all because I play video games for less than an hour a night on average. I'll quit doing one of the few things that manages to hold my attention for more than 20 minutes and genuinely entertain me so I can keep going out to bars by myself to blankely stare at all the people with healthy social lives! Got it, thanks Chad!
>hiding substance abuse from your partner
very grim indeed
toilet bog fart
Wonder how many girls have wanked to me. Sort of a sick disgusting joke wank not like hes attractive etc.
deary me Diego, might as well use your name with these posts
if they kick this door then the kitchen windows my escape
1. dont care
2. shes only a gf lad can treat her like shit if i so wish, they’re replacable items you only buckle down and respect them when you’re married
me in 8 years
yeah fuck knows but porn addiction has certainly done a number on me over the years thats for sure
madam jemwell
>muh bogeyman
I've wanked to you. Put a tea canister up my rectum when I did so too
you guys are just joking with the whole virgin schtick, right?
you sound like such a bitter sperg. dude was just trying to find a cause on the limited info you're giving out. You do realise you can sort your mind out with a bit of effort or some drugs don't you?
I was on it, luck is certainly a factor.
business idea: gay marriage but between a man and a woman
stop trying to help incels, they're fucking losers who wallow in self pity and have no intention of changing their ways
>you can sort your mind out with a bit of effort
lol ye love it when you cure schizophrenia by a bit of effort
F5-ing peng chicks
why are the “creative” type liberal soi men who do tv adverts and media stuff so obsessed with putting white women with black men? is it unironically a fetish or something?
you can manage schizophrenia very well with a bit of effort.
Stop tryhard you will never fit in
just sort your mind out dude
ye stupid nash why didnt he just put a bit more effort in
Boris johnson's initials are BJ
it's literal propaganda, the people at the ad agencies are mostly jews
yeah what this guy said: You've got to be totally fucking gonezo not to be able to wrangle your own tardbrain with a bit of effort
business idea: gay marriage between me and you
sick of being in the virgin trap but simply can't find a way out
In Santa Pola lads
love properly red hair
>moan about your failings on /brit/
>people suggest potential remedies
>snarkily shoot them down
lmao, these self-defeating types are a bit tiresome, which they would head back to their containment zone
Let it rest rorke!
im a chad stuck in a virgins body
Why don't you use computer games TO meet women, ever considered that
my wow classic server is full of twitch people and now i want all zoomers to die
that was worth posting
sucking a bowling ball
the left can't meme
the left can't get elected
don't get angry with me leftoids just stating facts. simple as.
Mine are FU
I observe the world without really participating in it
grim, re-roll or pay for a transfer (not sure that's possible actually?)
I'd go RPPVP if I were to play again.
Need my knob busted.
quite literally dont care also turn flash off you daft cunt
hello melon head
I already take stupid faggot pills. I can't take focus pills every day because I also have Tourette's and the stimulants exacerbate it so I only take it when I have a lot of schoolwork to do. I take SSRIs for my depression and OCD and they make me feel slightly less terrible but at the same time suppress my sex drive so even if I had a girl to fuck I probably wouldn't be able to get it up. That happened last time I was lucky enough to get laid and my impotence was so bad that it fucked up my FWB relationship with the girl. My genetics fucked me from my adolescence onward. There's nothing that can be done to help me at this point. Fuck this faggot earth and fuck all normies.
>stop trying to help incels, they're fucking losers who wallow in self pity and have no intention of changing their ways
feel like a ghost when i go outside
You'll observe my bollocks slapping against your brow as I violently fuck your mouth hole.