Strongest typhoon hitting Chiba, Japan

Disneyland DESTROYED

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Other urls found in this thread:利尻島

Attached: 卍ゴッツ卍 on Twitter 台風こわい https t co gtgchRAXVd Twitter.png (598x541, 362K)

Oh man, I hope these Disney fags will make a huge fuss about this

Disneyland and Haneda Airport will die. Please donate your money to Japan.

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400000 houses in Chiba, 160000 houses in Kanagawa are suffering from power outage.

発生状況全域停電軒数 約675000軒

都県名 停電軒数
茨城県 約14300軒
栃木県 -
群馬県 -
埼玉県 約7900軒
千葉県 約434900軒
東京都 約12800軒
神奈川県 約161300軒
山梨県 約100軒
静岡県 約43700軒

I live in tokyo, and this typhoon isn't so strong.

how could some wind destroy an Airport and Disneyland?

Please donate your money.

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Went to disneysea last month, the prices there are fucking nuts. I hope the typhoon destroys that entire fucking jew tycoon. Shekelstein is making billions there.

I didnt even know Japan had a disneyworld


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How can I donate money to save Japanese QTies?

Where? I'm in Katsushika and my windows broke

i pray no one is dead.


The towels on my windows are soaked guys Trump send reliefs

imagine thousands of japanese women losing their husbands and boyfriends due to tornado and getting desperate for a boyfriend..... hnnnngggg

The country right next to us just had a cat 5 hurricane sit on it for two days.
Fuck off and deal with it yourself

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i live in machida and haven't had any damege around me, but Chiba and eastern of tokyo seem to have a lot of damege.

530000 households in Chiba are suffering now. Disneyland is over.


停電軒数: 約530900軒

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Her mistake is not to wear spats on a windy day.

Post flying Disney figures

lmao anime is real life

>build your house out of paper on a volcanic island constantly being raked by hurricanes
>wtf send gibs :( poor us

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Literally a strong wind blows away everything, like American tornado.

>so traditional that corporate anime studio office is made of balsa wood to preserve culture.

A Japan just flew over my house.


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must be Leopalace

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at least the most important part survived

Why is there so much fucking writing on the screen

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waitto piggu go hom

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-09 Strong typhoon Faxai analysis NHK WORLD-JAPAN News.png (728x444, 372K)

>Negro from Nigeria is now your weathercaster

What is that thing that fell over?

thank you Japan for blocking typhoons and earthquakes for korea.

should've shot at it

Shit Japan Kurils are not yours, Russia has a army there. Holly shit. Hokkaido will be drawn as russian clay on all maps then.
Assholes, die nips for russian annexed clay.

Shut up John sensei

Faxai sounds like a chinese name.

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Why is he taking about Japan/Korea?

weebs BTFO

What am I looking at.

Russian really wants Hokkaido?

Takeshima rightful Japanese clay
Senkaku rightful Japanese clay
Kurils rightful Russian clay
There, I've solved all Japanese border disputes fairly.


I will donate to Japan because I LOVE Japan!

Ruskie bastards have tried to invade Hokkaido for at least 200 years.

>1807年 - ロシア人による利尻島襲撃事件が起き、商船が焼き払われ島民が捕虜に捕られる。利尻島

Hokkaido is rightful Japanese clay

who could have done this

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