You are not cu-

>you are not cu-

Attached: 74CF3CB2-EBE2-426B-AD5A-3D81A99DB6E4.png (769x617, 721K)

you are ugly



Why are there no swedish ones of these? Are we really so irrelevant.

you are fat

WOAH, Turkey packing HEAT

You are Turk

Baste and rouxpilled

>Hahaha I put country flags on moeshit anime girls I'm so funny

Kill yourself you disgusting weeb Vatnik subhuman

You are not cute

>You are not cute

Attached: 1565100987777.png (626x778, 16K)


Attached: 1715B60F-8CF4-481C-BA0D-182C0A7FB86A.jpg (1187x795, 413K)


Attached: btfo.jpg (1280x720, 73K)

based satanichia poster

Attached: 1565106925648.gif (403x500, 142K)

Shut the fuck up N*sok


Attached: 1392173898474.png (1600x900, 938K)

Attached: tsundere.png (600x600, 231K)

I am cute

You're not cute

Attached: 198066CD-947D-4541-A0EF-B183E648159B.png (280x305, 32K)

You are cute

Yin and yang
the dualities of man


There are, but my whole home network is rangebanned and don’t have it on the phone

Attached: D46D132E-5465-417D-A576-EF407B085F66.jpg (811x800, 215K)

You are cute CUTE

Attached: 1565497622111.jpg (1901x1200, 188K)

Not a fan of this mene considering Satania is the sort of person that would be a Mac fanatic
based suigintou poster

Attached: 8auh6OV6rtc.jpg (811x809, 242K)

Attached: PLQhnZhTG6k.jpg (600x500, 65K)

Attached: laughing kot.jpg (627x654, 36K)

Why do you collect these britgirls?

Attached: EDrFCO9VAAABwfU.jpg (1296x1697, 153K)

I don’t

Attached: C7D6782F-537A-43AF-9A00-46E7F98F29D0.jpg (1200x800, 168K)

Hmmm, okay