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its true

I still want an asian gf

He should be wearing a thor's hammer pendant instead of a cross as this is more a weebcel Jow Forumstard thing?

I dont care you faggot
Because Im still gonna have a Asian gf and will have many children with her :)

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Fuck off incels. You cannot stop me from finding happiness.

all of three of those points are true though

he's absolutely right tho

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how strange that she would post such a thing and then marry a man not of her race

feels good not being white i can literally have sex with any type of woman and everything will be okay

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dating someone of a different race =/= self hate

B-but Red*dit told me so, so it must be true

1. Except most climate change activists and left wingers in general criticize the role of the Catholic Church and other traditional organizations in reducing the effectiveness of anticonceptive distribution in the "Third World", left wingers want to slash birth rates across all of the world, not just the most developed countries.
2. Keep a 2.0 fertility rate and stop relying on pensions so much for old age finances, problem fixed.
3. Except Europeans and North Americans consume a lot more goods and services than their counterparts from less developed countries, whether it's due to culture or just less purchasing power is unknown.

>that webm
Good god I need a Stockholm syndrome white gf I can abuse and treat like shit

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Well yeah obviously if a racist father has a mixed race child you’re gonna run into some issues, but this is a contingent problem not a feature of white/Asian marriage per se.

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(Insert pic)
>Real life

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Why does this motherfucker look so shiny

Is he wearing makeup

Ew. A ginger. Please, take them all China. We don't want them.


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1. those developing nations wont drop because some leftist in california wants them to, they will keep making babies and are projected to still be well above developed nations in average birthrate in 2050. Fearmongering about muh kids = unethical will only be effective against first world bitches
2. Better for the country to die off naturally than to be murdered by some greedy elites. If they wanted to be pro climate change anyways then they wouldnt ship in immigrants as their carbon footprint and resource usage would greatly increase going from their 3rd world country to a developed nation. Either way AI is supposedly just around the corner and that should deal with a lot of the shortage of cheap labor, but they will still want those thirdies anyways for future consumers
3. This is more about the native population of first world countries already being deep into the consumer market and being less likely to have to buy new products and whatnot vs a fresh consumer traveling to a new country that would not be exposed to those products in his home country and also needs to buy whatever products to fit in to the new environment. Also again they are just wanted for cheap labor. it is all just some greedy elites that want more and more and more and more

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Wow, it's almost like everything on this website is cherry picked and not at all reflective of real life
Have any of you ever stepped outside?
Have any of you ever had sex?

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Is he Jewish or something?

a literal soyface meme stereotype

I honestly really hate Andy Warski's face and anyone that looks like him. I wanna sucker punch that hairy gypsy in the face. Sorry, I can't control my emotions.

I always wondered who actually hates wmaf to waste their lives complaining about them

I think it has to be Asian incels who think their women is being taken ( every culture has these people), jealous white girls and white incels who were rejected in the past. There is no other reason people would actually waste their time on this

Where do you think you are? You think this a board for attractive people with hobbies, a social life, girlfriends to hang out and talk to other well adjusted individuals?

Really ?

What could have ever given you that idea that it might be them ?

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Jow Forums Is anti-racemixing

Nah. Asians and latinas don’t like niggers. You can only get white demented roasties

Lol. No. The reason Asian women date white men is for their light skin and hair, colored eyes, high nose bridge, etc. They're selecting for traits they want to see in their offspring.

>t. beta bugman that wastes his life defending wmaf

More like t. Normie. Have sex friend

Based ruskie dabbing on miscegenators.
The Great Replacement was created by self-hating whites who couldn't get an alabaster angel, so settled with a swarthoid.

You know what I hate about white girls? The goddamned double-speak.

White girl things to say:
>oh dick size doesn't matter
>>actually means she's had bigger
>>>pay attention to signals, she might be looking for bigger right now and your relationship is doomed
>you don't need to make money, just love me
>>actually she wants you to spend your paycheque on her
>>>actually she'll dump you as soon as the gifts stop
>I dunno about kids lol maybe someday
>>her mom wants to be a grandma
>>>her grandma wants to be a great grandma
>>>>you're not allowed to tell her that kids are a life goal because you're controlling her, so you have to wait for her to say so, so you can't plan your life because it's happening when she wants it to happen
>you don't need to drive a nice car
>>the biggest lie of them all
>>no girl wants to be picked up from work in a fucking toyota matrix

Asian girls:
>I don't date asian guys cuz their dicks are small
>>means what it says
>you're not rich today, but in five years we will be or we'll move back to (asia) where our savings utterly disrupt local economies
>>means what it says
>if I don't have kids then nainai will literally murder me, just so you know
>>means what it says, you'd better not be getting that vasectomy, soiboi, else nainai will finish the job
>you can't drive that ford focus forever, just don't buy something you can't afford
>>means what it says

They're so much more frank. It's a goddamn breath of fresh air.

please no racism on Jow Forums

>"and produces more pollution than all first world countries combined"
EU alone produces more pollution than the entire third world. USA even worse than them.
>Muhammad's taking over
You can count on it. Just like Juan is taking over the USA. Just like Zhang is taking over Australia.

This place is one of the most racist boards

White men can pick up the hottest SEA women easily. It's nothing to do with no Asian men wanting them.

Hello there, Ryan

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>lurking and see my name called out


And yet when yt girls say that they actually mean they get bombarded with hate messages / killed



But why yt?

>everything will be okay
do you think some incels balling their eyes out on r*ddit puts anyone off Asian women? those losers would never try anything IRL

lighting, they try really hard to make their skin look lighter so when someone with actually light skin steps in the frame it looks stupid

Mental illness is real