
>repetitive WMAF threads
>image dumps of instathots interspersed with mind-numbingly stupid comments
This place has gone from being one of the best boards to the undisputed worst on this entire godforsaken site. Even the Facebook tourists on Jow Forums show more signs of intelligence than the witless chucklefucks here, who in all likelihood would fail a Turing test.

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You'll get trashed by everyone in a little bit but you're right
This board has had a steady decline this past year

>This place has gone from being one of the best boards to the undisputed worst on this entire godforsaken site.
why don't you go head over to /v/ or /tv/ and see how well they're doing

I blame the europeans

frogposting isn't any better

Suggest a solution then

/tv/ still elicits a few laughs here and there with judicious use of filters. If you apply the same filters to this board, this place is fucking dead.

soyjack and gigachad posting is dying out retard

I blame the niggers
And the chinks
Aswell as the spics
Not to mention the poos
How could i forget the gooks
But most of all i blame janny for being such a pathetic faggot that not only is fat, but also doesn't get paid

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cut the balls off every cumbrain that makes a daily thread about women from x race/country

like pottery



this desu

Generals are one of the most awful parts about this board
>FOUR (4) english speaking generals!

Have any of you every actually read through /brit/? It's absolutely inane chatter, 90% of the posts aren't replied to, nor do they expect to get replied to. It's literally the equivalent of mumbling to yourself as you push your shopping cart full of shit down the street.

>AMWF shitposting
Yes this has gotten out of hand, its out equivalent of sne*dposting. I think discord has created legions of mentally ill NEET incels who feel the need to force their absolutely random memes on other NEET incels.

If I ever get rich I'm going to buy this site off Hiro and turn it around.

like pottery


Man if you don't like it literally just close it and leave. Who cares, it's an anime imageboard for joking around.

>>repetitive WMAF threads
>>image dumps of instathots interspersed with mind-numbingly stupid comments
>This place has gone from being one of the best boards to the undisputed worst on this entire godforsaken site. Even the Facebook tourists on Jow Forums show more signs of intelligence than the witless chucklefucks here, who in all likelihood would fail a Turing test.

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what do you mean

/tv/ is next to worthless
>literal who saying something provacative on twitter thread #489,189,014
>MCU thread
>faggy moralizing thread from Jow Forums as if we don't know where we are
>c*nny thread
How in the FUCK is sn*ed still not wordfiltered?

See what I mean? This is how bad it has gotten, when you can't even be sure whether you're replying to a three-line Python script or a real human bean.

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He doesnt care he is probably copying this thread to other boards now to get more (you)s

Can we post about men from other countries

Jow Forums was good when third world flags were uncommon

This board was never good for anything it's always been peak cringe tbqh

Swedish, Finnish, Swiss, Japanese flags etc. were all common from the very start though.


like pottery

Idk about OP but this site used to be pretty good, I could spend hours and lose track of time. I had a bunch of threads where I laughed until there were tears streaming down my face at shit I've read.
It's getting worse and worse, and take this for what its worth as a 31yo who has been here since 2006. The Jow Forums cancer has grown out of control and the moderation has become shit. Not absent, shit. They prune certain threads within seconds but allow sneed/cuck/blatantly offtopic threads to max out.
Idk man 2010 /sp/ was amazing. /tv/ during LOST was incredible. Jow Forums up until the last two years was fantastic.

Yeah, there are other sites out there. No I don't fucking want to go to the MMO that is R*ddit and LARP to get karma. I just want to sit back and laugh and see the good OC that this site and this board in particular used to shit out. Is that so much to ask?

and just when you want to leave an interesting/funny thread pops up

this board is literally at it's peak

I wonder why....

Do you love Japan?!

You aren't any better faglord. I mean I agree but also fuck you.


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i would unironically pay years of Jow Forums pass for this


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N suck

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Uh oh, I hope he didn't get to tell his best buddies on the Sneed discord about what thread to spam

nobody cares amerimutt

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