I feel like it's too late for me to ever be happy and satisfied with life.
I feel like it's too late for me to ever be happy and satisfied with life
Let me guess - you're under 25.
It's literally never too late though
Came here to say the same thing
You're wrong
You will never be satisfied. As soon as you get what you want it will pass and you will die. There is no abode in this world. It is
not an abode of residence, neither a place of meeting nor perfection. An
abode that if it makes you laugh today it makes you weep tomorrow, if it
makes you happy then succeeds it's happiness ruin, if you gather therein all
the luxuries, then Allah's wrath is quick to descend upon you. If it enriches
you, it impoverishes you, if it unites it separates, if it rejoins it disperses, if
it diminishes it congests, if it enriches it overburdens, if it increases it
eradicates, if it constructs, it destroys, if it produces it flees, if it elevates it
topples and if it becomes peaceful it oppresses. If it's graces prevail, it
causes grief with it's evil results, if it revitalizes with it's reunion then
weaning follows it, it's closeness is far, it's beloved one dejected, it's drink
a mirage and it's sweetness punishment. The abode of worries, sadness,
distress, anxiety, transition, separation, wretchedness, schism, disease,
fatigue, hardship and tire. It's plenty is little, it's noble one abased, it's rich
one poor, it's venerable one menial, plenty of defects, full of regrets, scarce
of serenity, devoid of fulfillment, no trust in it's pacts and never fulfilling it's promises.
did you fried your receptors already?
I'm older and feel the same
The one who loves it is wretched, the one who desires it is mad and the one
who trusts in it is shamed. It has covered its defects, hidden its disasters, it is treacherous with its falsehood, deceiving with its bribes, it has set its
meshes and placed its nets. It has made permissible its falsehoods and
unsheathed its sword. It has made permanent its traits, concealed its
ugliness and it calls; "Embrace me! Embrace me! Oh men!". For he who
seeks reunion with it falls into its plot, it manifests upon him its evil
condition, it intensifies its punishment and he falls into it's captivity
because of his ignorance of it's evil. He is afflicted by it's plotting, so much
so that he does not perceive it's affair, until he bites his hands in regret, he
cries blood after tears, it forsakes him to what he desired until he meets an
evil return. He struggles to flee but escape is impossible.
I don't think it is but it will be someday if you keep thinking that
Change your life yourself you lazy imbecile. Move to another country, change your job, go back to school, start a new hobby, learn a language, train, start cooking, gardening, reading, etc.
Then do something about it mate.
I'm 25
i'm 26 and i've never felt more hopeless than now
Just kill yourself. If you're unhappy, there is really no point to living desu
Same. I turned 18 years almost 3 months ago
>Let me guess - you're under 25.
I'm nearly 24, but my life is over.
Yup, you better kill yourself as soon as possible
this. im almost 30 and my life is in a rut. Im 3 years into a dead end job with plenty of money saved. I'm moving to asia. I asked myself 'whats he single best thing you ever did?' and my answer was travel to vietnam on a whim and not plan anything. Im making it a permanent move. No more 9-5, Ill teach english or go to school or whatever, I have enough to last at least 2-3 years without working. My friend had a stroke recently and he was 28, he's dead. Literally anyone can go any time. Forget waiting forget hoping things will get better, figure out what needs to happen and make it happen NOW. I've been working towards this for a year and a half, I leave in 3 weeks. See you on the other side.
27 here its getting worse
how much have you saved?
I'm beyond fucked desu.
>23 and already feel this way
My mental issues fucked me over in uni and I barely had any fun. Hearing about how much fun all my friends had when they were in uni is fucking soul-destroying. I wish I could go back and get another chance at my early 20. I feel like missing out on the uni experience will fuck me for life.
Why? If you dont have a criminal record and live in a first world country you are pretty free to do anything you want short of top flight academia or private sector work
Every fucking time
Not even 25 you lemon, 7 years until you are 30
Wire all your money to me and then kill yourself. I'm finally happy where I am in life but I'm pretty broke so this is obviously the most rational thing to do.
>utilitarians WILL defend this
>Didn't get into med school
>Parents fucking hate me, have told me what a disappointment I am
>They don't speak to me anymore, barely even acknowledge me
>Yet I am dependent on them because of all these student loans that I have
kill me desu
What's the point? I mostly missed out on all the partying and hookup culture in uni that everyone experiences. Now all I have left to look forward to is being a fucking boomer. I might as well be fucking 30 or even 40 for that matter.
Point? By 23 you have missed out on all the youthful things
I have a useless bachelor degree. And I can't afford another degree, because the government doesn't subsidize second degrees.
I'm past 30 and I have pretty much no work experience and I don't own anything. I also don't know anyone, so I have no relationship or anything.
I'm trying to start a business to save myself desu.
Unironically learn to code
>I mostly missed out on all the partying and hookup culture in uni that everyone experiences.
If you are so desperate for this, you don't have to be younger than 23 or at uni to experience this.
Lots of people party and have casual sex well into their 30s, just get a job in a decent bar, more often than not everyone goes out all the time after work and get fucked up, and you can make lifelong friends
I know some basic coding. So I'm also considering switching to IT. I also enjoy coding.
Are you south Asian?
Most of my friends all have serious gfs now and are considering marriage in the near future. They don't really want to go out much anymore. I go to bars and nobody ever talks to me or notices me. I'm a generic beta and don't stand out to women. I'm basically not Chad enough to have casual sex, I'm beta bux material if I'm lucky.
It’s okay user
Now that you don’t have the pressure to become a doctor, go do what you really want to do
I just don't know what to do with my life anymore, I'm about $52k in debt, have a mediocre job right now making $45k, and my family literally hates me. I have nothing to live for
Also, my website now makes like 200 euro a month. So I hope I can grow it. It was around 2 euro a month last year.
What do you really want to do with your life user? What makes you happy?
What site?
I really don't even know desu
Don't want to post it on Jow Forums because I've been doxxed here plenty of times. But it's a travel site. I underestimated the competition quite a bit.
>mfw some asshole competitors get millions of euros from the government for doing what I do for free
What did you build it with?
This sounds like Gibran's the Prophet
It started as a wordpress theme I made from scratch. But it doesn't resemble anything like it anymore, because I needed a lot of custom functionalities.
Interesting. I'm working on a site now because I don't want to be a wage cuck forever, and I want to generate some passive income. How are you monetizing it? Ads?
I'm trying out every way of monetizing it.
Google Ads are only profitable if you have a large anglo audience.
Affiliate links are hit and miss. They only work if people specifically come to your website for that exact product. Trying to promote a product at the side does not work.
Also, it helps if you make it very clear to people where that they can buy it there. There must not be any mistake about it.
I'm also trying to make my own products now. Because I want something with a profit margin that's big enough that I can advertise it and still make a profit.
Regarding design, you should take a close look at how the biggest commercial players sell products. Because they measure every design change. It's impossible to measure such things yourself, as you will have a low amount of traffic.
Also, passive income doesn't exist.
Right now I am working on getting the core functionality of the site going. But I'm worried about ad monetization. Since my site would primarily target video game audiences, most of those people probably use adblock so I'm kind of at a dilemma there. How much do you spend on hosting?
I'm 30. I never had sex, never dated, hugged or kissed a girl.
I havent had any friends for 11 years. I'm balding and have a small ugly penis.
>never kissed a girl
how can this be possible? I mean I could believe being a virgin not a big deal but even being kissless at that age???
Is it true that's it's very difficult to make friends in Scandi because everyone is antisocial?
Pretty easy if you don't do it at an early age
Is it really that hard to believe?
Never had a gf
Never talk to girls
No friends, so you're a complete loner/outcast
You're ugly, so girls obviously never approach you
Spend most of your time alone
Pick one dumb mutt
I never had any real friends or circle of friends. I never used hang out with anyone after schools and therefor never met girls.
I dont think so. I think its just a meme.
Why so hostile?
I imagine video games are a bad niche for several reasons. There is strong competition (just like in my niche). So you must focus on more niche games in the beginning.
A lot of people also get their information from YouTube, but you cannot properly search YouTube as it's not text based. The community seems very much based on personalities.
I imagine it will also be very hard to sell video games (or related products). As the platforms that sell that are very established.
So you will rely on ad revenue. Which is probably the hardest way to monetize your website.
When it comes to hosting. You can make it as cheap and expensive as you want.
I use relatively expensive hosting (12,5 euro a month) because it's Dutch, a managed vps and has automated backups. But you can also get an unmanaged vps on digital ocean for 5 dollars a month, which I use for other projects. Or shared hosting as you are just starting off.
Chances are you won't get more than 1 to 3 visitors per second for the coming years, so you don't need a good server for that as any computer can manage that.
In hindsight I think you can easily get away with a 30 dollar a year shared hosting from Namecheap.
Stop crying. Sex is overrated. Friends are pointless. Balding and dicksize is superficial and meaningless.
Hmm you make some very good points. I've also had ideas for a social community, like a penpal site.
I only have experienced with Heroku free tier, since I've never really needed anything more than it (Didn't even purchase my own domain for it), and AWS for content hosting. You sound pretty knowledgeable on this subject, are you all self taught?
Kill yourself
Yeah, before I started I knew nothing about it. So I had to research everything. And when I started Google hated my website, so then you start doing everything to make your website stand out. And get backlinks.
are all fins sociopaths?
I really think all northern euros are sociopaths
I hope we will make it fren
No. They just pretend to be on a chinese cartoon forums.
Hoop doet leven.
Having hope gives you lust for life. So better cling to it.
Wait, why?