Mulattos > Niggers

Mulattos > Niggers
Niggers are barely human.
Mulattos at least have some human dna in em.

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Mulattos to what extant ? I think 15% is the maximum someone can have before becoming a real negro

one drop rule, sorry bud

>mogs you and your third world racism

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t. Ubirajara

Why not reverse one drop rule


is he croatian/hungarian?

Quadroon types can be good looking. But most mulattos are uglier than pure niggers for some reason.

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Neymar changed races

>Eduard Badaluta is a Romanian model who served as a character model for Leon S. Kennedy in Resident Evil 2 (2019).[1]

waow... honestly surprised

he has that look, i look similar to him


i always thought foreigners would find that face shape ugly honestly
this face is common here

Attached: Eduard_Badaluta.jpg (1000x1333, 159K)

holy shit

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t. never saw a pure nigger

well it's honestly not reliable to tell a man's look by steady pictures. a lot of people look different and better in movement, and even in just pictures there's all sorts of angles that you look better etc
he's not the most handsome thing in the world but he's certainly someone that can inspire you/you can admire

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Inbred brazilian zambo niggers don't count. Here's a pure African.

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No he's not he as euro admixture

He's literally a Congolose basketball player, born in the Republic of Congo.

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I have a friend that is a mix between italian and nigger
Boy he looks good, he's lightly brown with wavy hair and green eyes

weak chin

25% trust me bro

He looks like snoop dogg

He's born in the Republic of Congo.