Only here for pictures of your dog

>Only here for pictures of your dog.

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Fuck off wh*te girl

>Edit: RIP my inbox

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>I swiped right for your dog, not for you

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My god what's the point of living if I can't fuck and spank that ass

I'm happy when I see this because I have a really cute dog.

with 200 reais you can have better asses.

Yesterday I fucked the asshole of a girl with better ass than them. It felt horrible

Why horrible?

I don't know, it felt dirty, and I could see that she was uncomfortable too. I don't like it at all.

I mean, it was nice with the oral and vaginal, but when the anal began it became weird

Oh okay first time getting some asshole? I like it just for psychological reasons. Physically it's no more special than vaginal and a lot more of a pain in the ass (couldn't help myself)

Yes, first time. I don't think there will be a second time though.

For that I would have to leave my home

Fuck it, you satisfied your curiosity.

Dunno what things are like in Brazil but here you can very easily get a hooker/escort to come to you.

But if she ever got broke she would blackmail me and send her drugdealer bf to kill me

Yes, but I still feel bad about it.
Don't fuck 20$ prostitutes then.

Generally hookers charging 150$ or more will be fine.

>What am I looking for on here? I don't know but whine doesn't sound bad.

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whine or wine?

What the other nigga said. Cheap street hookers here are shifty ass criminals too. A good one that you find online will cost significantly more but she can be counted on to be clean (which doesn't mean you should be retarded, of course - wear your raincoat) and generally honest. She probably makes good money and has a strong interest in keeping it that way by maintaining a good reputation. Just like any legal profession, really. I was very surprised at the first one of these I got. She was quite intelligent, educated, and articulate in addition to the above.

Oh and to add to that, ideally she should have a decent online footprint. An ad that's been up for a bit, social media with comments... The US tightened laws a couple of years ago that make it harder for sex workers to advertise in an effort to curtail trafficking. Tragically and ironically, driving that shit further underground just makes everyone less safe. But I digress. I'd be surprised if Brazil really cares about that sort of shit enough to enforce it.

Not saying that Brazilian macacos don't care about rape and exploitation btw. I'm not one of those. Just meant they probably have bigger fish to fry and less focus on online shit in general.