How’s it going lads, get in here
Fuck boomers and millennials
/zoomer/ thread
why are zoomer so incredibly edgy even by my millennial standards?
oh no no no no no ahahahahahahahahahahahah
need to one up the previous generation
I am a zoomer
>listening to my fellow students complain about debt when I have none, since my dad will pay for my college and grads school
>rights are gay
I hope you understand the value of human rights after you get the shit tortured out of you
where do you draw the line between zoomers boomers and millennials?
tfw zoomer
Love it when people say Zoomers are gonna be conservative even though they haven't yet had to deal with university costs, private healthcare costs, rent costs, student-debt that the system mandated you take out if you didn't want to die in a gutter for "not going to school", low-salary employment that demands 50-60 hours from you a week even after getting your degree in a STEM field, 1-2 financial collapses a decade (each one the perpetrators being financially rewarded for), and a climate crisis that will soon end human civilization if not dealt with.
This hasn't aged well.
Pew research's is pretty much spot on.
Interesting that Generation X never got a nickname, and I forget that Zoomer isn't really that widely known outside of this site
They aren't even conservative now.
If you are born after 90's you can choose the one you relate the most
Student debt crisis was caused by government interference.
Turns out when you pass laws that allow banks to loan out massive amounts of money to 18 year olds with no credit, colleges will realize that they can raise tuition since their freshmen will have access to more money.
dunno, it also probably varies from cunt to cunt, but as a zoomer neither me or my friends even tried to get a degree. most of them found jobs straight out of high school, most work in trades or with their families. I've being earning money online since I was kid and have no intention of losing my time inside a university (even if it's free here)
It's not that we are not aware of the troubles you speak of, we just have a different mentality towards them
That's not really from government interference, a two-second look at the problem would show basically the opposite.
Why are more students going to university? To get the job skills and resume building that companies have now made mandatory but don't want to spend money themselves training their workers from scratch.
Why has the government loaned money to students to go to college? Because companies would complain about the skills gap, that American youth were not educated and skilled enough to compete in the new high-tech global economy. So sending people to college would become necessary to reduce unemployment and to prevent the system from collapsing in on itself.
Why have colleges skyrocketed their tuition? Because there's no real regulation preventing them from doing so. So they can raise whatever they want and cut professor tenure in order to raise the salaries of their administrative staff and pay their university presidents 2 million a year.
I mean you're right it's basically a scam. It's just that colleges don't want the massive valve from the tax-payers shut off. And keep in mind this is not the professors doing this, this is mostly a division of professional "higher education" administrators whose job it is to ensure that universities are run "like a business" (meaning take in money however they can, ignore externalities, cut spending, etc.)
This is what happens when universities are run like businesses, and not like universities.
He's just seething.
You can get an associates degree or a trade reasonably cheaply here
You're right that it does vary by country, but probably not that much. You can get jobs right after high school here without a degree in either the service sector or trades, just that here you'll be living a pretty lean existence and will probably have to live with your parents for a while. It's a little easier to move out without a degree in less expensive, less urbanized areas, but you'll still be living lean throughout your 20s.
And hireability in a high-turnover economy goes down with age. The reason why so many students go to college and take on so much debt to get high-skilled degrees is both to make more and make their careers go a little longer. It gets harder and harder to live on less than 100k a year as you enter your 30s in most areas, and having a in demand degree with in demand skills is a strong way to overcome age-discrimination workers start facing in their 40s.
So yes you can skip college here, just that each year without a degree gets harder as you get older.
Weird way of saying "I don't know what I'm talking about and will exit this thread now"
Zoomers are going to be the biggest generation of NEETs in history.
They've all grown up in the comfort of video games and the internet and think youtube and twitch are the most worthwhile career choices.
I don't see 23 year olds having anything on common with 38s.
what the fuck is a zoomer im not american but anyway you are probably underage so MOOOOOOOOOOOOOODS
That's why you just place a cap on tuition fees like any normal country does
does "interfering with the free market" just mean doing anything you don't like?
living with mommy and going to CC makes me want to KMS. i havent done any work all day because im just too sad and anxious.
>tfw 1995 millenial
>tfw you will never be a 1985 millenial and spend your early years without the iphone
1985 is literally the worst year to be born in.
you think so?
>starting senior year tomorrow
the whole about them being conservative was a meme based on a study that said we preferred to hold on to our money (as in saving it), an that we didn't want tattoos
born with edgy e-celebs (i.e. filthy frank and I'm gay guy) on the age where white knighting became prevalent, add a Jow Forums that was at it's chanology era with anonymity, echo chambers and then add the 2k16 elections to the mix it's hard for a kid to not get a little fucked up afterwards.
Brazil is the country with largest disparity of salaries between people that have or don't have a college degree. Even so, in the most recent years, I see people opting to not getting one. My older brother that have a diploma in Chemical Engineering went 3 years after graduating without finding a single job, and when he did it, it barely paid more than what he would get with a simple trade. We reached the point where we have more people with diplomas than job offers.
Here, you'll only be putting out the numbers you posted if you have your own company by the time you reach your 40s, which is not a unreasonable thing if you dedicated your whole life to a single to a single industry (making contacts and expanding your skills), and you don't even need a diploma for that. The few talented people that can put that kind of numbers during their 30s get out of the country as fast as they can. Luckily, for most people, especially if you live in the countryside like me, there's no need to have that kind of success to have a decent life. You can live reasonable well with the average wages people get with their unsuccessful careers.
I think that the vast majority of Millennials and Gen X would also prefer to hold onto their income instead of spending it, its just that their income (already low as it is) is being eaten up by predatory financial mechanisms. It's not really even spending, it's more a wealth drain. And even when they do spend on themselves (like ballgame tickets or a cigar), they're criticized day and night for such financial irresponsibility when the Chinese or Indians would supposedly never act in such an undisciplined manner.
Not saying that you're arguing that previous generations are spend-thrifts or even defending the study.
zoomers are subhuman and need to be roped.
t.doomer that will steal your women
you will get drunk/drugged and cum on your own stomach
your lies do not get me, you generate
march 2001 here
is 95 a millennial or zoomer year
>and a climate crisis that will soon end human civilization if not dealt with.
imagine typing this
IMAGINE typing this and believing it
it's the coin flip year, half millenial, half zoomer. nobody cares
I mean I wouldn't blame Brazilians for not getting a degree in that situation. I mean even in the US IIRC something like 50% of American workers are overqualified for their jobs (they have more education and training than the jobs requires). So I don't think someone is stupid for not going to college. Getting a trade with a steady (but lean) income is always better than unemployment. People generally choose college for better income and security of employment, but that's not always guaranteed.
But there's no path that will always remain safe in the shaky global economy of today. And you'll be blamed for making "bad personal choices" if you can't find employment or see your area of expertise mostly outsourced no matter what you do.
I'd also move away from rhetoric of successful/unsuccessful paths. They want you to internalize your suffering, as if your brother did something wrong getting a degree in chemical engineering and not finding employment. It's probably not your brother's fault for not finding employment; and you're not unsuccessful or stupid for not going to college, sometimes it may be the reasonable choice in the face of economic downturn in an economy that extracts wealth upwards.
Imagine disagreeing with the entire global scientific consensus that doesn't have financial ties to the fossil fuel industry. Imagine being some guy on the internet with no academic credentials saying that climate change will be "just some coastal flooding at most".
Imagine that.
How do zoomers do any of this? Do they think shitposting on anime image boards will save the world or some shit?
i'm a zoomer too dog but that image is fucking cringe
I just assume any image that uses violent language or implicitly makes calls to arms was made in Langley.
funny how except for the poltard ancestors bit and the contradictory "will save the future and this world is not worth saving" this shit fits with pretty much everything greta thunberg memes about
pretty interesting imho
This. Zoomers are too detached to really care about anything.
They've been deluded by online echo chambers into thinking they know what's wrong with the world and how to fix it despite having zero life experience
That fucking pic lmao
based pic
Save it, it's all yours my friend :)
thank you dear friend
If you're the "too much government interference in universities" guy you should've left like after the 2nd or 3rd time you embarrassed yourself.
If you're not, you should leave anyway.
>If you're not, you should leave anyway.
Did I strike a nerve there zoomer?
>this world is not worth saving
>will save the future
Do they really?
>when people say Zoomers are gonna be conservative
Jow Forumsturds are not people sweatie
Zoomers are the most hopeless generation in modern times
how about the lost generation
the people who are against it with evidence are ostracized/censored and probably threatened
>with evidence
what's the evidence? any examples?
generation zyklon babey
I said modern times, not the 20th century
when do you think modernity begins?
>*acts like a retard*
>Have you been owned enough yet zoomer?!
I mean we can keep going. But there are times to save face, chief.
In the now
It's interesting that you mentioned the stuff about "successful/unsuccessful paths". Even after everything we said, it's something that I also have internalized. It's not something I care much about but it's something I might have unconsciously accepted as true. Having a degree will give people a better social status here, even if doesn't help you so much financially.
In family gatherings people still give me a look of disdain when I say I have no intention of going to college, although I earn more money than my brother and have good future prospects, people still sees me like the kid that failed. It's OK though. If you have confidence in your way of living, it doesn't matter what other people thinks of you. Most of my family should be considered failures by their own standards. They all have their own backs filled with shame. It's really is stupid to care much about it.
All I've said ITT before you replied to me was:
>They've been deluded by online echo chambers into thinking they know what's wrong with the world and how to fix it despite having zero life experience
and you cry. Feel free to point out what's wrong with this statement if not stop kvetching
>people against climate change have evidence
>people against climate change are censured and threatened instead of being richly rewarded by the private sector and allowed to write in conservative editorials
>Some furfag jew made grands out of selling cringe Jow Forums art
Fixing the world is the stuff millennials try to do. I don't see that kind of ambition from zoomers. Zoomers seems more likely to accept the world in it's ugly crude form and laugh about how ugly and crude it is.
conservashits FEAR this post
Zoomed are not conservative. Their biggest idols are Sanders, Corbyn, AMLO and, in Canada, Jack Layton.
I have nothing to avenge because my anscetors won ww2
>I don't see that kind of ambition from zoomers
look at the pic in the OP I see a lot of "save the future" larper autism from zoomers.
I think they're just worried. They're just ordinary people trying to survive. I think you have a correct way to look at it, just don't be too hard on your family even when they're hard on you since it's not personal. They're going by the standards of success they've been taught.
But granted, things may eventually shift around
That wasn't my post.
pic just look very cringe to me. don't really get what it is trying to say
It doesn't help that they drown too deep in their own "irony" to even care about anything, always assuming things without careful thought
Man is Jow Forums so desperate they have to cargo cult on disney of all things.
>right wing
Also as someone with zoomers cousins I'll let you in on a little secret. Zoomers associate right wing + young with school shooter.
it's just cringe shit from larping zoomers that infest this website. Generation Zyklon, fashwave, all that shit is created by these zoomers who think they're righteous and know how to fix the world. you know the same fags that unironically cry about degeneracy on here.
>Rights are gay
I hope people seriously don't believe this nonsense. It doesn't take a genius to understand why having proper rights in society is a good thing.
>these young kids and their lack of careful thought
Pretty sure Socrates was saying the same stuff in his time
Embrace Islam its better than Fascism
Maybe they don't want to live in a society.
Op's pic probably refers to as rights being an obstacle to indiscriminately killing brown people
A thread dedicated to zoomers and its filled with endgy incels. Who would had fucking thought.
>Embrace pre-modern fascism, it's better than modern fascism
Rude. I think you are the only edgy kid here
Still pretty fucking nonsense if you ask me, I don't think getting my head caved in on the streets by police for not acting in the state mandated fashion is worth seeing minorities getting the same treatment too
based, i'm a convert and it's way more spiritually fulfilling than the mindless hedonistic nihilism i used to subscribe to
die teens
Yea modern fascism is state worship not worship of Allah
Zoomers were too young for chanology (2008/09)
I'm 22 and I started browsing Jow Forums in 2008
they might act funked in their heads online but they are all pretty tame IRL. the representation we have of them as white kids with glasses and the same haircut is pretty spot on, they are the generation that spent most of their youth inside their own houses shitposting online
Only the 1997 and 1998 outcast zoomers are the pioneers of chanology experience. The rest of the zoomer faggots caught up after Pepe became mainstream in 2015.
It reminds me of that verse from Genesis - Land of Confusion
>My generation will put it right!
Fucking baby boomers LOL
>tfw 1996 border boomer-zoomer