>your country
>your leg
pic related
Your country
Low quality pic
Do you eat food?
>eating food
real twinks only drink food
show tits
Is that what a lanklet looks like
I can't believe you didn't notice the bulge.
Why do you whore yourself out for attention desu
Two reasons mainly.
First: Im bored,
second: he told me to show tits.
tell me your secrets
fucking tranny stop shaving ur legs
chances are that he's also a manlet
Well I mean there is also nothing wrong with enjoying the attention
What kind of secrets? The embarrassing kind or?
Okay you got me. I love it, and I also like to see if my legs are that good that dummies don't pay attention to my bulge.
smooth skin
My skin isn't that smooth. But I use moisturising body lotion, I make sugar scrub and use a pumice stone to exfoliate, and use good soaps.
>posting current legs
>not posting childhood legs
thanks qt, i'm going to work hard
nigga you a gay faget
>Okay you got me. I love it
It's okay. Are you the same crossdressing dane?
Oh wow how did you come to that conclusion?
Mhm thats me!
Thought it was amputated in the thumbnail referring to diabetes/military service
just a sexy american leg attached to a sexy american
nice legs looks like you've got big feet :P
oh wait this is gay thread nevermind
stay in canada gay
>all these twinks itt
But control your cocklust
how much do you squat?
260lb is my 1rm
not good but I'm working on it desu
>zero definition
>tiny legs with no muscle
cringe but expected
that's good if your weight is about 175 lbs
better than all those faggots in da thread though
mine is 220 3*3
why is so hard not to be slutty?
Do y’all like my legs?
>too scared to @ me
post leg faggot leaf
only 165lb atm but I'm bulking up to 180 and hope to hit 3pl8 by then
your lower legs are probably tiny though
Its not that its hard. Its just that its more boring.
Why would I actively not have fun?
hairy boys unite
Nah I meant all in the thread. And I can't be bothered as I'm laptop posting but my quads are 24.5 inches.
pic related
good point
thanks yours are good too
Your room is nice and tidy. 10/10
not hairy enough to be manly and not hairless to be cute
big toes look weird
looking like a hairy ape is cringe
thaats good result then
whatever you say ladylegs
too hard to take a calf pic
they're not huge but I don't have machines so all I can do for them is raises
spasiba friend
calf muscle is the hardest to train
try to jump on one leg with with raising legs to the torso
Were you saying anything, twink?
your thighs are bretty small desu senpai
Are all brazilians trannies?
how do you shave your legs? with razor?
Sounds like a good way to tear your achilles.
>caring about lower legs
can i cum in your legs?
you need to be semi-pro to do this
Despite being 10% of the population, trannies commit 40% suicides.
i recognize thos legs
can we have butts of Jow Forums?
average iberian leftist
never fucking post in my threads again
semi-pro at what?
at lifting weights
you need to warm up good, stretch your muscles and so on
Kill homos
Brazil user I am not against this but at least give your telegram/discord so I can see more of you :)
cute feet burgeranon!
WTF is wrong with our men?
i don't trust strangers
brazillians are not real men
the race mixing has made them weak and effeminate
i want bf
come to canada and give me cuddles
feels bad man, you have a very nice ass
maybe if i know you better
thanks man, good night
ass plz
Brazil confirmed gayer than Canada, that's saying a lot.