Literally me

Literally me

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Human language was a mistake
We need to go back to pointing and grunting


why do parents warn about people like that, he's just making a fool of himself

they'll give anyone a checkmark these days huh


This is why Im completely fine with accelerating climate change and humanity being wiped out or greatly diminshed. Either all trannies are killed through the climate or bashed in the head with a rock because grugs wont have time to waste on some dumbass tranny

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Worse than that.

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Why are Western leftists so fucking pathetic and cringe compared to historical communists? Soviet and Asian communists were tough and masculine and fucking hated degeneracy. Half of modern Western leftists would be gulaged for being decadent faggots if Stalin were in charge today. This freak must be an anarcho-retard or a social Democrat.

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>Why are Western leftists so fucking pathetic and cringe compared to historical communists?

Because they abandoned the core tenant of leftism which is dialectical materialism and replaced it with liberal meritocracy and identity politics.

i guess modern leftists would call communists fascist

Mother was probably on the muscato during pregnancy heh

You know how the world likes to call us edgy and stuff. The truth is that these kinda of people are the actual edgy ones. These people are so far from normal people as they can possibly put themselves. They are really on the edge of society. The only solution is to ignore that these people exist since they form a nearly insignificant proportion of society

They already do

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True. Literally every form of communism put into practice was anti-degeneracy and modern retards want to turn every political event into a fucking drag show.
Many do. A lot of anarcucks and social Democrats call people like Stalin "red fascists" even though Stalin was the man who defeated the only significant historical incarnation of fascism.


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Cringe and based


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I think it has to do with the idea of the left in the US being the "progressive" party, in some ways progress is good of course but in this way it seems more like progress for the sake of progress and not for a greater good. It could also be a decadence sort of thing as people have so much time on their hands and life is pretty good so they can do this shit where as back then there were much greater issues at hand. It also seems to be partially a fad as many people just jump into the shit, a girl I knew from high school was an absolute normie and was completely fine but later started acting like she is autistic and complains when doctors dont diagnose her as such kek, disabled people is another one of these new exalted/fad classes by the left. Maybe she just wanted neetbux or something.

Also I think the problem plagues the right as too due to some carry over but not nearly as much because more of us tend to lean more towards traditional things than wanting progress in every way of life. You can see it in the fat fucks dressed in pepe gear being obnoxious and gluttonous

Fair assessments. I think it definitely has something to do with first worldies prioritizing stupid idpol shit over actual working class issues. Most people in first world leftist movements are college kids and sexual minorities rather than legit working class people. That's why I kind of lean towards Unruhe-style Third Worldism. There isn't really any revolutionary potential in the first world and it'll be quite some time before there will be.

how do you live?

quality thread

i lean right wing and libertarian but honestly i agree, soviet and asian socialists and communists are much more respectable than the shit there is today

>i lean right wing and libertarian

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you arent cute tranny

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