Last night I met a beautiful girl

Literally my fetish in person, she was a little taller than me, was stylish, black hair, nice breasts, slender.

But she didn’t really give me any attention. Just looking st me like why do I have to suffer your presence.

By contrast I was out with my Russian friend who is taller than me, pretty buff and stylish. She was ALL Over shim, I mean she was making excuses to fall into his chest and laughing at every word he said... he was explaining the Russian short form of his name... and this girl was cracking up like it’s the funniest most interesting thing she’s ever heard.

Anyway. They went home together while I went home by myself.

How can I fix this? What can I change to improve my odds with a gir like this?

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Is it because she could sense I am circumcised and my friend isn’t?

Some people are like that. Probably good to fuck but not for anything serious

Or is it because I’ve been chronically masturbating for the week leading up?

I didn’t get to fuck her. I’m just wondering why. I was the one to approach her group and I did well with everyone in it. Then my friend (who is from abroad literally thick accent and foreign) came to join me... and this girl who was showing admittedly middling attention before just JUMPED on him... I mean this was like pure desire at work.

Maybe you didn't masturbate enough

Maybe I shouldn’t go out with this friend again. Lol. He’s a cool guy tho and I don’t blame him. He didn’t do much. She was just eyes glazed over in lust.

But I want a girl to look at me that way. I never managed to get this. Even if I do somehow get a gir to sleep with me... she never seems to be obsessed with it ...

If I don’t masturbate, my penis feels more substantial. Like it has gravitas. I think that helps when talking to girls. There is a smell in the air probably some pheromones business. If I’m wacking it, I don’t that penis presence-gravitas.

No wonder we Anglo Americans don’t like Russians lmao.

I’m too chill to have a grudge over this but I really just want that power for myself.

If you're confident enough to go solo then do it. Or go with somebody you feel makes you look better.
Do a week nofap next time and go out big dick swinging.

I’ll call my friend later today to ask him about it but I think he will just say he didn’t do much of anything.

Is this something you either have or you don’t?

I’ve always worked a lot to attract girls. A lot of talking. A lot of method. But some guys just do it.

Russian Chad vs. Amerivirgin

Seriously though be more talkative, faggot.
>Is this something you either have or you don’t?
No, the difference I sense is that you're a quiet guy who doesn't talk much. You gotta get out there and have some personality.
Also maybe he was just her type and there's not much to it. Sometimes it just doesnt work and you gotta move on to the next girl. It's all about practice and seeing what works. Maybe it was him being foreign as well. I found it really easy scoring girls in America as a Russian.

How old are you faggot

Just be yourself bro


Be buff and stylish

Thanks bro. I think the foreign thing did work in his favor but he barely talked he was just trying to say basic things about himself ... i tried talking to her about her shirt and she was like ok by... and even kind of set her other friend on me... damn I should have just stayed with that friend and then we could chill as two couples. I fugged up. Maybe we will meet up again.

And tall, right?
I’m going shopping today I was out last night in an old t shirt that didn’t help.

>I should have just stayed with that friend and then we could chill as two couples.
Yeah you should have I think. Your friend sounds nice and could have helped you score with the other girl by proxy if you didnt mess it up

>i tried talking to her about her shirt
>I was out last night in an old t shirt that didn’t help

No wonder a literal foreigner with a thick accent that doesn't talk much is still more interesting of a person than you.

May be you shouldn't give so much attention to material things. May be you shouldn't trat girls like material things. "Oh yeah, she has short black hair and small perky tits - just my type! Have to add here to my collection of holes I screwed."

You’re not wrong. I guess I should meditate and stuff.

He took like 30 minutes to explain to her that his name was shortened to Sasha and she thought this was hilarious ...

I mean ...I guess it’s the way you talk not so much the subject of the discussion.


He was like “my name Alexandr ... you can call me Sasha”... and she was like giggling and trying to pronounce it like he did... and he is laughing and correcting her... I think the foreign factor really worked in his favor here. That was an inexhaustible source of amusement and discussion.

It's just something to talk about. She was clearly into him.
What do YOU have to talk about?

I have nothing to talk about. I just want to lift her up and slid into her on a field at night. What am I supposed to talk to her about? Work? My interest in classical art house cinema? My enthusiasm for ocean sports?