1. your cunt
2. your cunts president or whatever approval rating
>72% approval
1. your cunt
2. your cunts president or whatever approval rating
>72% approval
El Salvador
Like 90%
what has he done so far?
Recently he installed the CICIES, which is an international organization who investigates corruption in a country. This is a big deal since it has the capacity to prosecute any corrupted politician without the approval of the legislative assembly.
Sounds pretty based
41.5%. Slightly down from the 42.5% it's been hovering at for years.
Probably below 20% but he doesn't care
Truly based tbqh
So what's with this AMLO guy and why do right wing cringey Mexicans on this site hate him? He seems pretty based from what I heard.
He does more politics than administration, the markets and elites are not very happy with him because he cancelled the construction of an airport in Mexico City that, he said, would've been too expensive to mantain and also just a real state juicy business.
He wants to separate the economic power from the political power and this is enough for their rivals to call him "a dangerous populist"
People like him because he spends way less money than previous administrations, corruption is being prosecuted more than usual (this causes some chaos because the whole system runs with corruption) and because inflation has been not only controled but reduced.
The worst aspect of his current administration is security, homicides and violence between crimminals is not reducing.
30% lmao
hes like a mexican bernie sanders. Right wingers here are brainwashed to think hes a communist and a dictator lmao. The media publishes a lot of fake news with chicago boy wannabe "academics". He is mostly concerned about fighting corruption, which was a huge problem with previous governments from PAN and PRI. Tha braindead fascist ones that post here are from PAN
You think that's bad? Our current president has an approval rating of 16%
It's going to be a massive clusterfuck.
>Tha braindead fascist ones that post here are from PAN
Eww, I'd never waste my vote for those spineless SocDems faggots. We are libertarians and we don't like to waste the working class taxpayer money.
You're just a braindead oaxacan commie trap.
>We are libertarians
even worse
>in Mexico
even worse lmao, kys retard
now say it without seething
>now say it without seething
seethe hard fachito
Bukele looks like a cousin of mine who has a salvadorian father