Why did "urbano" take over 100% of Latin American pop music? It's basically 99% reggaeton, which just copies black American and Jamaican music.
The popular songs are basically throwaway caliber now, but the masses eat it up.
How are you guys not tired of the same old dembow beat after all these years?
Why did "urbano" take over 100% of Latin American pop music? It's basically 99% reggaeton...
Huayno is still n° 1 here. Also urbano is a top tier party music.
And why is it called "urbano" if it's just as popular in rural areas, if not more than in urban areas?
It can be good for party music depending on the song, but as far as listening for the sake of listening, it gets boring.
You must be fun at parties
Our party music doesn't revolve around the same dembow beat
Perulad is right... Its just used at social settings, not one in a party is analyzing the repetition of the music like its a school report
Our music > your music
My tastes > your tastes
Post the best huayno songs
that's not 100% true. It seems to dominate all facets of Latin American music listening, which is why it occupies 100% of the top spotify songs.
Latin pop was a lot more varied before reggaeton completely took over
Anuel AA is objectively trash. He's still saying "BRRRRR" in 2019, that's corny
>It's basically 99% reggaeton
Is it? I remember actual reggaeton being much less radio-friendly
It's more "polished" now, and it's not just Brayans who listen to it anymore.
This is one of the biggest songs of the year in Latin America and I actually like it, but most reggaeton songs are boring
But yeah, look at the spotify charts from any Spanish speaking country. It's 99% reggaeton and maybe 1 or 2 American pop songs
Latin pop has always generally been very uniform in its motifs. But I agree, Latin pop can be quite good. Its just a bit rarer for me since 100% all deal with love, dancing, pussy, or some combination of the three.
This reggaeton song is pretty good
Hispanic urban is pretty much mainstream in Italy too.
Shakira was doing all sorts of sounds. Now everyone has to do reggaeton just to get a lot of streams
I want Latin jazz and Funk back lads
I notice that you guys seem to like reggaeton a lot for a non-Spanish speaking country. Why is that?
Here in the US, only CHIs listen to it, with the occasional exception of a crossover hit like Despacito.
will never happen as long as the suits only want to promote ghetto Brayan music
>100% all deal with love, dancing, pussy
You know there's more to music than just the lyrical content right, nigga? Classic Latin pop music is way more varied in sound and has more melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic complexity than American pop music.
Classic maybe, but now Latin pop is mostly ghetto shit like this
This melody is not even original, it is lifted from a dancehall song from 2000
>I notice that you guys seem to like reggaeton a lot for a non-Spanish speaking country. Why is that?
It probably has to do with the language. The average Mario is isolated by English-speaking culture, so hip-hop doesn't appeal as much as elsewhere. Hispanic music is easily to sing along and can be more or less understood. Italy has also always had this idealised image of Latin America, especially the lower classes. I'm also pretty sure that the average trashy girl speaks better Spanish than English.
American music is mostly ghetto shit now also, with simple repetitive progressions and boring productions. All music is mostly shit now, regardless of country/region. And literally every nigger rap songs plagiarizes an existing melodic motif.
yeah, the whole world of pop music is niggerized now.
The worst part is that the production is consistently boring
I just started listening to new releases on spotify every week, I might find a song I like per week.
This one I think is decent even though it's not really doing anything new. Though, my brain isn't fried out on house music like it is with hip hop and reggaeton.
Most of latin america are poor people who identify with the lyrics, the rhythm is danceable and it's an excuse to fuck random thots.
It's fucking garbage but people are happy with it. Sometimes i wish as much of a shithead who fucks whoever without caring if their dick is falling off from syphilis. Sadly i'm the polar opposite.
I'm surprised that there are Italians who speak better Spanish than English. Not counting children of Latinos.
Do you ever bang any Latina qts in Italy?
i still find it ridiculous my fellow CHIs listen to this garbage
i fucking hate puerto ricans for cursing an entire continent they're not even physically connected to
Urbano makes you think of dirty streets full of grafitti, cokeheads and niggers staring at you for no reason. Exactly what they try to sell.
Rural music is 100% banda and mexican polka trash about drug dealers or cucks.
Reggaeton is mostly about sex and love, though. At least the shit I've heard
I don't get it. Why is the entirety of Latin America sonically cucked by Puerto Rico?
But it's not like the 00s anymore with mostly Brayans listening to it. It's super mainstream now
>I'm surprised that there are Italians who speak better Spanish than English.
What's surprising? Spanish is arguably the easiest language for an Italian-speaker to learn. French has a more similar lexicon and grammar but its phonetics are a mess. I barely put any effort in studying Spanish but I still reached a C1 by just learning it at school.
>Do you ever bang any Latina qts in Italy?
Soy maricón, chaval.
Have you ever sucked a big Latino dick?
It's been 20 years now, a whole generation was raised with it. That generation still wants to fuck random people at parties, that's why it just won't go away.
Face it, this is not about music, sounds our melody, it's about feeling up girls and socially acceptable promiscuity.
Yeah but its popularity has ebbed and flowed. Until recently, there was plenty of non-reggaeton to listen to. It seems like that ended once Bad Bunny came on the scene
I had a thing once with a Chilean guy but it was quite disgusting 2bh. Short pencil dick, weird teeth. Met a lot of actual Spaniards, but they're not really my type.
BTW forgot to add that Spanish is so easy for Italian-speakers that quite often universities in Spain literally ask for an A1 in Spanish to accept Italian Erasmus students.
>actual reggaeton being much less radio-friendly
>Them bus rides listening to the driver's reggaeton playlist with songs of some woman moaning thru all the song.
are you referring to 00s reggaeton? Where it was less mainstream and made more so for Brayans
>tfw pencil dick
It's otherwise pretty nice though. I wonder if it's big enough for an Italian qt
It has always been mainstream in latin america. It may not have been in the US.
Other Latin American people told me that outside of Puerto Rico, it went through 2 phases of massive popularity. The mid 00s with shit like Gasolina, then more recently with the whole "urbano" phenomenon
in the US it's only popular among CHIs, with some occasional big crossover hits like Despacito, Mi Gente, and Taki Taki.
Nothing surprising about it.
People don't care about music, the care about what's "in".
K-Pop is just J-Pop with a 90s boy-band concept taken to its utmost extremes. Very competent production, not so much musical composition.
We live in such dark times, I wish at least censorship worked both ways in order to make lyrics for these latino songs not indecent.
But even if that was the case, they wouldn't try and invest on thoughtful lyrics, and would instead try to win the meme race for the most retarded and catch lyric.
That's what happens with Brazilian Funk: either sex or baboon banging on the boogie content.
I'm not a classist scum but I think you could call brayans to some of our lovely bus drivers. There are others that are more into 80s songs tho, the 'boomer' kind I guess.
This, the last time that the general masses cared about the actual quality of music was in the early 90s, after that the whole industry became subsumed by corporate-driven pop. There were obviously some holdouts after that but they were just that, holdouts, and didn't represent the general trend. The fact that the biggest bands in America whiplashed from REM and Nirvana to the Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears in just 5 years shows how catastrophically that era ended.
true. Even rock took a nosedive in quality after say, 1995. There was still good stuff into the mid 00s, but like you said, it was the exception.
they're trash
just list to your thing
Idk but rn I'm addicted to this one:
what other genres do you listen to?
Generally I listen to post-punk or emo rock but desu sometimes I enjoy reggaetón/urbano or how do you want to label the genre. It's unavoidable, I'm not that social but when I hang out or I listen to the radio I always listen a plethora of reggaetón songs,so you develope easily a tolerance to the genre and finally a weird desire or going out in the night and getting wasted while you dance reggaeton at the same time. Weird to explain but I can assure you that some fiends who also really have good taste on music sometimes just want to listen the recent hit.
I mean, if there are girls around shaking their ass on you then sure. But I wouldn't listen to reggaeton sitting in a group of dudes