Which one of these countries hate the most?

Which one of these countries hate the most?

Attached: latin america2.jpg (450x529, 94K)

Tie between Brazil and Mexico

>an American cant fucking write English
hate the most what?

Do you hate the most*

Los Estados Unidos de América

Of that's ez, US of A

Tie between Brazil and this user

Oh, where's it pictured?

>clever american removes his country from map knowing USA is the most hated by far

you win this time amerilard...

but the USA isn't Latin America

Self-hating Brazilians are the worst.

Neither is Brazil, Guyana or Suriname


Most Latin Americans are based

I hate Brazil but I also love it more than any other country. You have to blind to not see the defects we have, I acknowledge them and hate Brazil for having it. I also love Brazil and Brazilians with all defects we have. It's a samba that comes naturally to us.

Ok retard
What do you love?

kiss me in the mouth, you magnificent bastard

Mexico, I guess.


Attached: brasil.png (1535x308, 142K)

I love our music, our nature, our religious practices, my family, the casual way we take things, I like the adventurous aspect/ the incalculable possibilities that comes with living a developing nation. I like futebol, playing video-games with my younger cousins during the family reunions we have the on the ranch. I like churrasco, feijoada, caipirinha. I could go all day long

maybe he refers to what country is more hateful

Attached: baseado.jpg (220x220, 6K)

keep dreaming you nigger faggots