Huuurrr duuurrr 0xButtcoin is the real BCH

Why do these stupid fucking relayers keep spamming these low quality no effort 0xBTC posts? Like seriously shut the fuck up. Where did they come from Jow Forumsbros? Can we get them banned from this damn board please? Who else finds it so fucking annoying. It’s literally a SHA256 Bitcoin clone on Ethereum. God damn pajeet poo eating spammers. Fuck you all and shut the fuck up. No one is gonna buy your premined scam.

Attached: 2F515F07-A713-424D-9CEB-B960034E098B.jpg (898x676, 61K)

Other urls found in this thread:

that image was posted in the discord like 15 minutes ago

It's a solid project with a real chance for growth. I wish I had been shilled this hard on BTC back in the day.

yep thats how we felt when bcash shitheads and stinkies started spamming this forum

But why OxBogcoin? Why not something actually useful?

This shit is going to make me so fucking rich

shut up, shill, kek

I’m beginning to think that 0xBtc is a scam.. guys I’ve read through the contract and although I only know js, I’m certain I see something very very wrong. There seems be an exception in sending address formatting, allowing a certain address to drain the supply not yet mined.
Init: (supplyTotalAddress: “0x1******”
1 > 2: a = b -c
returnSender supply.amountTotal(intUserSend)
minerNonce = success

I see something fishy there, some pajeet shit. This thing stinks and if you’re not fluent in code it might look okay, but let me analyze this in English for you. That total supply address holds all tokens in the smart contract to be minted through successful nonces (solutions [miner]). When that address is the one listed in the contract the total remaining supply is returned to sender. This shit reeks stay FAR FAR AWAY. I’ve warned you. My team is going to figure this exploit out and fuck 0xshitcoin. Be warned.

Does your dad happen to work at Nintendo?

pretty low-quality fud, I mean really, "1>2"? None of this shit is in the code, anyone can verify that.

Your post's "magic address" is not in the contract, as anyone can see. In fact, none of your code is there. Yawwwwn

sure looking that way :)

based "going to make me so fucking rich" poster

>It’s literally a SHA256 Bitcoin clone
No it literally isnt. It shares the same difficulty adjustment for token distribution but thats it.

>real chance for growth
What growth? Is this shit gonna get segwit or lightning? How about 10mb blocks?
Oh wait, there are no blocks, not even a blockchain kek

yup different algo as anyone knowledgeable on the token and erc918 in general will tell you. Old debunked fud with 0 research put in

This shit is gonna get casper, plasma and sharding, which will scale it way beyond BTC or BCH.

Not fud, Im just correcting the retarded OP.

Yeah, pretty sure the other user was talking about OP's FUD.

brainlet here
but doesnt it use SHA3?

Taking them one by one:

"Init" - only present as part of "Initial" in a comment.
"supplyTotalAddress" - not present at all.
"0x1" - not present at all.
"1 > 2" - not present at all, whitespace-insensitive search.
"a = b -c" - not present at all, whitespace-insensitive search, any permutation/fragment.
"returnSender" - not present at all.
"supply" - only present as part of a name.
"amountTotal" - not present at all.
"intUserSend" - not present at all.
"minerNonce" - not present at all.
"success" - only present as UNUSED function args.

Correction: "success" is a RETURN value, not an arg.

That's what I get for reading code on too little sleep.

Oh snap I realized OP is an anti 0xbtc post. I thought it was a shill.

Olala. Another 0xBTC post.