God I need this to happen so bad I could almost taste the pure bliss of waking up to this
God I need this to happen so bad I could almost taste the pure bliss of waking up to this
All of them but Outer Mongolia are mostly Han Chinese now, not gonna happen.
>Han Chinese
>Han mutt
pick one
>No Manchuria
>Not Balkanizing South China along linguistic lines
>No independent Guangzhou
Han means Chinese mutt at this point anyway.
Same except this instead
Balkanizations are always cool but nucelar apocolypse maps are overdone
Sadly everything you made independent of is mainly Han mutt and Han mutts are absolutely loyal to CCP and will kill Americans for their home cunt
Maybe hk and Taiwan if USA tried really hard but you can't stop the original ethnicity melting pot in China called Han Chinese
The part east of Mongolia and north of North Korea should be Manchuria.
I'd prefer this
>I'd *faaaaaaaaaaart* prefer... *slsphhhghaaaaaaaaaaarpf* heh... I'd prefer *fart fart fart splooooooooooooooooooooooop* this
hell yeah
It's also possible to assume that only Americans are nuked, which is indeed a good world
STFU jap we'll do it again
It's really depressing to me that nearly all the muslim states in the world supported China's concentration camps
>It's really depressing to me that nearly all the muslim states in the world supported China's concentration camps
Why are you marking Manchuria, North Maynmar and North Vietnam as China lad?
Fuck off you gypsy.
fun fact is that mudslimes of China helped chinese nazis and commies to keep the China together between WW1 and WW2.. without them the China would be much much smaller than now.
Your own fault for allying with them vs Japan. It was like this before you idiots intervened on chinks' behalf.
It was more like Japan bombed our island
Mongolia is like 80% Chinese with those borders lol
Just like how Japan's now supporting the exact cunt that nuked Japan, as long as a cunt have power, absolutely nothing will stop other cunts to support them
Doesn't it have more to do with the puppet government we installed and the fact that we're you're military
Why Mongolia didn't try to expand its territories when we were bullying China?
On the contrary, this retarded country took sides with Russia on the war with Japan.
>no greenland
>no carribean
>no new zealand
>no australia
shit map
>No caribbean
and that's a good thing!
the american EMPIRE grows ever larger. statehood for both of us soon, brother.